We, the National Animal Rights Association (N.A.R.A. - ) will be having protests outside both Charles River Laboratories in Co. Mayo, on Tuesday 24th November. We want to make them the biggest protests the vivisection industry in Ireland has ever seen - but we need your help!
We are calling on everyone to make this day a success, so we would like to invite not only activists in Ireland, but campaigners from around the world to attend!
So we can start planning how many cars/mini-buses we'll need on the day, it is vital that you let us know - as soon as possible - if you can make it, or if you can offer transport!
International Activists: Please get in touch so we can sort out accommodation for you!
Local Activists: Please let us know how many activists you can accommodate in your home!
Here's the plan for the day:
MEET AT: 8am sharp, Tues. 24th November, outside the Hugh Lane Art Gallery (Parnell Square, Dublin 1) for pick-up.
Our first protest will be outside the Charles River Lab. in Carrentrila, Ballina, Co. Mayo. We should be set up there by about 11.30am.
After a few hours there, we'll be heading to the second Charles River Lab., in Glenamoy, Co. Mayo - which is about an hour's drive from Ballina.
We should be back in Dublin by about 12midnight. Vegan food will be provided throughout the day, and please feel free to bring your own megaphones, posters and banners!
Charles River Laboratories, which is one of the biggest animal testing companies in the world, has two research facilities in Ireland. They are located in: Carrentrila, Ballina, Co. Mayo and Glenamoy, Co. Mayo.
They conduct painful, live experiments on animals for the Pharmaceutical, Animal Health, Medical Device, Biotechnology and Food Industries in this country.
They are a contract testing business, which means they will test anything, on any animal, for a price. Thousands of animals are experimented on in these labs every year.
Their torturous lives are full of pain, fear, suffering and misery. Any animal that manages to survive an experiment, is killed shortly afterwards.
Animals are bred on site, both for their own use and to sell to universities and other commercial laboratories, and we have been informed by sympathisers that the species used include mice, rats, dogs, cats and horses. Over the years we have also received claims of animal bodies and toxic waste being dumped in the nearby lake, as well as reports of dogs being heard barking and howling for hours on end in breeding sheds.
How could anyone do that to an animal? These people are barbaric animal abusers, and are an absolute disgrace to humanity. Hidden behind closed doors, they have gotten away with this for far to long. But we will not stop until we expose this disgusting industry, and finally put a stop to it.
Animals are sentient beings who deserve the freedom to live a full life in their natural environment. There is absolutely no moral or ethical justification whatsoever for using any animal in this way.
The animals need you - please be there!
For the animals,
Laura Broxson
National Animal Rights Association