Fundraiser for Keeping Mum, Community Art Project, Ennis. Co. Clare
Project will be exhibited at the Home Birth Conference on October 3rd in Dublin and will travel to York University, Toronto, Canada later in October to be exhibited at ARM (Association for Research on Mothering) Annual conference. (
This fundraiser will help finance these exhibitions, and it will go towards a series of workshops on mothering and motherhood currently being planned and scheduled to run in January 2010.
Keeping Mum, Community Art Project invites you to an evening of poetry, singing and visual art at Glor, Thursday, 1st October, 6.30-9.30p.m.
October 1st is ‘All-Ireland Poetry Day’, it is particularly fortuitous that renowned poet and author, Ruth Marshall will be with us to read from a selection of her work.
You can also read a poem of your choosing during our open floor session. So if you have a favourite poem you would like to recite please come along and share it with us.
The Clare Women’s Network Community Singing Group will perform a range of songs from around the world.
There will also be an opportunity to see the exquisite artwork created by members of Keeping Mum. This work is an exploration of personal journeys to motherhood.
Keeping Mum has already been exhibited in Dublin and Ennis in March of this year. Firstly, at the invitation of Banulacht and the National Women’s Council of Ireland at their conference held in Croke Park, and secondly, in Ennis at the International Women’s Day Celebrations, hosted by the Clare Women’s Network.
It will also be displayed at the Home Birth Conference, Saturday 3rd October, in Dublin.
Later in October this work will travel to Toronto, Canada where it will be exhibited as part of the international annual conference of the Association for Research on Mothering (ARM), York University. (
Ennis-based artist, Martina Hynan will curate this exhibition and will speak about the project at the conference.
Martina will also exhibit a selection of her own work in Toronto. This new work explores representations of women’s bodies during pregnancy and birth, and also re-engages with the enigmatic Sheela-na-Gig figure.
A selection of Martina Hynan’s works will be on show at Glor on October 1st, and Martina will be on hand to chat about the work.
Join us and find out more about Keeping Mum and its plans for future workshops and events.
Keeping Mum offers women in the community a supportive and creative environment where they can explore their personal experiences of mothering and motherhood.
Keeping Mum welcomes the ongoing support of Clare Women’s Network and Clare Birth Choice.
This is a fundraising event. All money raised will go to Keeping Mum, Community Art Project.
Admission: 5.00 cover charge, donations only for unwaged.
Venue: Glor
Date: 1st October 2009
Time: 6.30 – 9.30
For further details contact: Martina, [email protected] or 087 9224986.