Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Global Trade Course 2009
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event notice
Wednesday September 16, 2009 11:25
by Comhlamh - Comhlamh

Learn more about global trade and development justice issues!
Five Tuesday nights 7.00-9.15pm, starting October 20th 2009
International trade rules have a huge impact on people in developing countries. Farmers, workers and families are trying to make a living in the context of globalisation. A fair trading system could lift millions of people out of poverty, and reduce many countries’ dependence on aid. Yet trade justice activists believe in many cases the rules of the global economy have been set up to serve the interests of big business, not people.
This five evening course organised by Comhlámhs Trade Justice Group will introduce you to, and demystify the world of global trade. In the current global crisis we all feel the impact of international trade on our lives, but its effect on the economies of developing countries is even bigger. This course aims to get you up to speed on some of the key issues, perspectives and debates around trade and the developing world, and reassure you that you don’t need a degree in economics to have an opinion on these issues!
We will discuss and debate questions such as the following:
How does global trade work? What role do Ireland, the EU, and the WTO play? What impacts are they having? What is the difference between Free Trade and Fair Trade? What alternatives can we propose? What is the link between trade and climate change? How can we work towards global trade justice?
The course will use a range of methods, will include policy inputs on key issues, and will be lively, interactive and participatory. Speakers on the course are leading activists and campaigners for trade justice.
Venue: Irish Aid Volunteer Centre, 27-31 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
Cost: €55 for Comhlamh members; €75 for non-members
Asylum Seekers: €2
Concession places (a limited number) are also available for the unemployed and students: €30
Contact Fleachta for more information: [email protected] , 01-4783490
Registration: To book a place, please fill out an application form and send to [email protected] or post to Fleachta Phelan, Comhlámh, 2nd Floor, Ballast House, Aston Quay, Dublin 2. Application deadline is Monday the 12th of October. Please note that places are limited, so book your place early to avoid disappointment!