- McCarthy V Equality
The campaign to save Community Development Projects from cuts has gone from 0-60mph in the space of a week.
There has been a big reaction to the protest by 1200 people on behalf of Community Development Projects (CDPs) last Tuesday. It’s been followed up by television talkshow coverage and Dail questions, more protests are in the pipeline and community workers and volunteers have been energised.
The protest was over the McCarthy report and its tsunami-like threat to rob the poorest communities of resources. We’ve posted a 3-minute 'Changing Ireland' video of the march at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwrJ7chaga8
The CDP campaign has gone from 0-60mph in the space of a week:
- By Friday, CDPs were the main focus of TV3’s Morning Show: http://www.tv3.ie/shows.php?request=themorningshow&tv3_...13578
- The mainstream press sat up and took notice, particularly the Examiner and Mirror.
- The CDP cuts will be raised in the Dail– possibly this week.
- More regional/local protests are now on the way.
- Many projects are starting to engage regionally in lobbying their politicians.
- The CDPs national body - the National Community Development Forum - held a meeting prior to the march last week and discussed the pressure on volunteers, the latest (CES) review of the Programme and related issues. More details shortly. More info: http://www.nationalcdf.blogspot.com
The next big march on Dublin will be on Sept 30th for everyone involved in Community work. Many community projects are closing that day to take part.
You can keep up to date on: http://www.changingireland.blogspot.com and at: http://www.siptu.ie/community
There is an indymedia photo report by Paula Geraghty on the Tuesday (Sept 8) march at: http://www.indymedia.ie/article/93996
Cuts threatened through McCarthyism
There are significant implications for Community should the recommendations of An Bord Snip Nua be fully implemented.
These include:
• Abolishing the Department of Community, Rural, and Gaeltacht affairs,
• Cutting €10M from the Community Services Programme,
• A €44m (meaning a 60%) cut to the budget for the Local Development and Social Inclusion Programme and the Community Development Programme and possibly an end to these programmes.*
• Abolishing the Dormants Accounts Board,
• Merging of the enterprise support function of LEADER into Enterprise Ireland,
• Cut €3.2m per annum by ending the RAPID programme.
• Phase out the CLÁR programme.
• Cuts to Community Employment and Jobs Initiative schemes, including to payments to participants..
• Cut €30m by closing down the Family Support Agency and “most of” its programmes,
• Phase out second welfare payments, eg to carers.
• Cut €60m by reducing the number of Special Needs Assistants in schools by up to 2000 (20%).
• Close down the Taskforce on Active Citizenship and halt all spending earmarked for implementing the Taskforce’s recommendations.
Irrespective of whether all of Bord Snip’s recommendations relating to the Community Sector are implemented, the Department (CRGA) is currently reviewing costs and planning for further cuts by the end of September to CDPs. This is expected to result in a reduced number of CDPs.
Source: www.changingireland.ie
Cuts already made in 2009
Social inclusion work, community development work and equality work is being slashed disproportionately by the Government.
The following are some of the cuts to date hitting communities:
• National Drugs Strategy cut by 17% in funding for projects.
• Community Employment training budget cut by 40%, materials budget cut by 25%. (Note: This cut was later reversed, following a campaign by SIPTU’s Community section and others).
• Capital Funding for Childcare Facilities has stopped.
• Community creches are struggling under the controversial Subvention Scheme.
• Community Development Programme funding cut by nearly 15% this year (the cuts to individual projects is on average 12%) on top of 10% cut last year.
• Supports for older people down to €727,000 from €4.3 million.
• Supports for the Community and Voluntary Sector cut by 32%.
• National Women’s Strategy cut by €9 million.
• 12.5 % cut for suicide prevention.
• €4 million cut from Youth Projects.
In addition, there are the following:
• Severely poor communities overseas also hit as Irish Aid budget cut by €255 million.
• Harsh social welfare cuts imposed and more threatened.
Source: www.changingireland.ie
Caption: Video Id: dwrJ7chaga8 Type: Youtube Video
3-minute video of the march on Sept 8th for CDPs by 'Changing Ireland'