Dublin City North branch of the Irish National Teachers Organisation expresses support for striking MTL dockers
The Dublin City North Branch of the Irish National Teachers Organisation expressed its support for the striking Marine Terminals Ltd. dockers at a meeting of the branch committee on Wednesday 9th September. This expression of support was particularly relevant because many of the strike supporters in the local community of North Wall are parents in local schools where Dublin City North INTO members teach. The motion also expressed congratulations to the community on their support for the strikers.
As a gesture of solidarity, the branch also made a financial donation to the strike fund and invited a representative of the strikers to address a meeting for principals, deputy principals and staff representatives next week which is being held to discuss the INTO's campaign against continuing attacks on the education system.
All workers should take courage from the tremendous fighting spirit shown by the striking dockers and their community, and as unions and communities gear up to fight attacks on our wages and conditions and on our public services, we will all draw inspiration from this group of workers as they take on their union-busting bosses.