The 21st Desmond Greaves Summer School will address issues concerning Ireland's place in the wider world in the twenty-first century. Of particular concern will be the uses and limits of national sovereignty and whether the nation state is any longer relevant. With the second referendum on Lisbon imminent, the role of the EU and Ireland's position within it will be examined. There will also be a session on the events of 1969 in Ireland, particularly the North, in 1969, a year that was crucial in the development of the crisis there.
The Desmond Greaves School 2009
Friday 11, Saturday 12, and Sunday 13 September 2009
The Pearse Centre, the Ireland Institute, 27 Pearse St., Dublin 2
Friday, 11 September at 7:30pm:
The Race to the Bottom in an EU Context
David Begg: General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) which supported the Lisbon Treaty in the last referendum.
Eamon Devoy: Gen Sec Designate of the Technical, Engineering and Electrical Union (TEEU) which opposes the Lisbon Treaty
Chair: Jack O’Connor: General President of the Services, Industrial and Technical Union (SIPTU) which did not take a position on Lisbon at the last referendum
Saturday, 12 September at 11:00am:
The Neo-liberal agenda in Ireland
Eoin O’Broin: former Belfast city councillor and editor of Left Republican Review who has served as the party’s director of European Affairs in Brussels. He is author of the recently published 'Sinn Féin and the Politics of Left Republicanism'
Maire O’Connor: an award – winning journalist and broadcaster and recently author of 'Emergency – Irish Hospitals in Chaos'
Andy Storey: lecturer in the School of Politics & International Relations at UCD. He is Chairperson of Afri, an organisation committed to the promotion of global justice and peace
Chair: Michael Quinn: Chairperson, North Kildare branch of the Peoples Movement
Saturday, 12 September at 2:30pm:
Remembering 1969: memory and history
Brian Hanley: He has written extensively on Republicanism. He lectures in the department of history, Queens University Belfast and is the author of a forthcoming book on the Official IRA.
Chair: Mick Ryan was formerly a prominent member of the Official Republican Movement.
Sunday, 13 September at 11:00am:
Women and the EU
Ursula Barry: Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Justice, Women’s Studies Centre, UCD. She represents Ireland on the EU Gender and Employment Research Network.
Evelyn Mahon: a senior lecturer in sociology and social policy at Trinity College Dublin and Director of the M.Sc. in Applied Social Research.
Deirdre Uí Bhrógáin: member of the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland.
Chair: Patricia McKenna: Served for ten years as an MEP and is Chairperson of the People’s Movement
Sunday, 13 September at 2:30pm:
The International Financial Crisis: What can Governments do?
Kieran Allen: Senior lecturer in the School of Sociology at UCD. He is the author of, among other works, 'The Corporate Takeover of Ireland' (2007) and 'The Celtic Tiger: The Myth of Social Partnership' (2000).
John Foster: Headed the No2EU list in Scotland in the recent EU elections. He lectures in economics and recently published ‘The Politics of Britain’s Economic Crisis’.
Ray Kinsella: Director of the Centre for Insurance Studies at the Smurfit Business School, UCD. He is widely published in the areas of financial institutions, insurance and corporate governance. He was previously an economist at the Central Bank of Ireland and Economic Advisor to the Minister for Trade.
Chair: Colm Rapple: An economist by training and a journalist by profession. He is a former business editor of the 'Irish Independent', the 'Sunday Independent' and of the Irish Press Group. He also writes and broadcasts on personal finance issues.
For further information, contact: [email protected] or 087-2308330