No(Bottom) Line On The Horizon.....
U2 hypocriticritical Money Making Machine, the omissive lies, and the adoring fans.
Wether or not Bonos tax affairs are legal or not is irrelevent, completely irrelevent. The morality he preaches lies in direct opposition to his own actions. The €28 million taken at Croke Park this weekend is a tiny drop in the U2 offshore ocean of money. Obviously the only thing that matters to Bono is his bottom line and he hasnt found that either.
Bono and U2 are part of a $160 Billion tax avoidance scheme which deprives Sub-Saharan Africans of what is rightfully their money. If half this money was paid it would virtually eradicate starvation in Africa. If Bono was 'a good guy', he would gladly pay this and he would also encourage his fellow tax dodging friends to do likewise.....or expose them.
In his Sweatshops in Lesotho, where the 'ethical line of clothing' is made, he pays kids $4/ day, as they each produce about $4,000/day in 'Edun' clothing..... this $4/day is about 80% of what is concidered miminum wage for the reigion.
Bono mentions that every three seconds a kid needlessly dies of starvation, he never mentions that every three minutes an Oil tanker, a Coal ship, a high pressure Gas tanker, leaves Africas shores. Diamonds, Gold, Pearls, Platinum, Silver..... leaves by the truck load.
At least Larry Mullen attacked him for hanging arround with what Larry called 'War Criminals', and he clearly dosent like to be reminded of that when in public. He followed official lines when asked about his friends invading soverign countries... citing 'Mistakes were made', or 'anyone can make mistakes'.
This is the word of a self professed humanitarian regarding Genocide.
Bono calls 2.3 million people murdered, 500,000 orphaned, 7 million homeless, a country destroyed,. He calls this 'a mistake'...........
If Bono stands any chance of giving a damn about anythung other than himself, it will only come when his fans wake up and tell him.
When the 250 tonnes of stage is flown out to the next venue, and the clash of the ash returns to Croker, and all your hard earned money is safe in Bono's bank account in Holland, and all the hubbub is gone, will anyone be the wiser or will a life be Could something lasting and important have hapened....yes.....its just a pity that someone with an informed concience dosent lead the worlds greatest pop band.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3paul otoole says:
Bono and U2 are part of a $160 Billion tax avoidance scheme which deprives Sub-Saharan Africans of what is rightfully their money. If half this money was paid it would virtually eradicate starvation in Africa. If Bono was 'a good guy', he would gladly pay this and he would also encourage his fellow tax dodging friends to do likewise.....or expose them.
maverick replies :
firstly where did you get the figure of 160$ billion? what part of that apparent figure do U2 owe? who would U2 pay the money to? would it be well spent? who really gets money that is given to the third world? African dictators? warlords in Sudan?
African does not need "big whitey" nor Trendy O'Lefty sorting out their problems. Africa has been getting aid for decades. what difference apart from a dependency culture has it made? ask an African.
why not have a read of:
Dead Aid Why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa
by Dambisa Moyo,,9781846....html
Aid, and money diverted form reaching Africa through elaborate tax avoidance schemes are two completely seperate issues.
Africa is not poor, and dosent need help or aid.
4 of every 5 dollars 'given' to Africa as aid, goes back to the World Bank and the IMF who loan it in the first place.
Anglo American Gold announced a bounty of 16 billion mined in the Congo in the three months prior to Geldoffs request for 14 billion over 4 years at Gleneagles. Africa is deliberately is not poor.
Bono and Geldoff are the chief beneficiaries of the whole LIve Aid/8 show, and some of their hasbeen friends in the music industry.
Africas problems will not be solved by those whos interests lie in keeping Africa impoverished so they can asset-strip, and Bono/Geldoff do nothing to help either. They exascerbate the problems by towing the official line of Aid, charity and ignoring the fact that All western countries have a stake in the ripoff of the Dark Continnent. If they did speak out then there could be change....but they wont. They are cowards whos carreers depend on their silence of the facts, kissing powers arse, and singing endless drivel meaningless muck for the masses.
The 160 billion figure came from Christian Aid, who actually tried to recant on the report this was included in because Bono found out and threatned to pull his donations....