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Cllr Louise Minihan resigns from Sinn Féin
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Friday July 17, 2009 22:10 by cllr. Louise Minihan - None

Press Release 17th July 2009
“Councillor Louise Minihan Resigns from Sinn Féin”
Press Release 17th July 2009.
Councillor Louise Minihan, who resigned from Sinn Féin today (July 17th), has confirmed that she will continue to represent the people of Ballyfermot, Drimnagh, Bluebell, Chapelizod & Inchicore as a socialist republican councillor within Dublin City Council. Louise is a former member of the Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle and a founding member of Sinn Féin’s James Connolly Cumann in Ballyfermot, which was established in 1999. Councillor Louise Minihan, who resigned from Sinn Féin today (July 17th), has confirmed that she will continue to represent the people of Ballyfermot, Drimnagh, Bluebell, Chapelizod & Inchicore as a socialist republican councillor within Dublin City Council. Louise is a former member of the Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle and a founding member of Sinn Féin’s James Connolly Cumann in Ballyfermot, which was established in 1999.
Explaining why she has left Sinn Féin Councillor Minihan said,
“I joined Sinn Féin in 1998, when I was sixteen years of age. At that time I believed that party to be committed to its stated objectives of ending British rule in Ireland and the establishment of an Irish Democratic Socialist Republic. It is clear to me today that this is no longer the case.
Sinn Féin has, over the course of the last twelve years, moved steadily away from the core values of Irish socialist republicanism and is no longer willing, or able, to challenge the British occupation of the Six Counties or the rotten capitalist system which is causing so much hardship to working families across Ireland today.
Sinn Féin is taking the wrong position on a whole range of national, social and economic issues, resulting in that party becoming largely irrelevant to working people.
For years I voiced my disquiet within Sinn Féin about the direction that party was headed, in the vain hope that radical politics might triumph over reformism. Like thousands of other republicans before me, I have come to the conclusion that the battle for the heart of Sinn Féin is lost. While wishing those many genuine activists who remain within Sinn Féin well in the future, I believe that many of them will sooner or later come to the same conclusion that I now have.
Louise went on to explain her decision to retain her council seat,
“It would be hypocritical of me to hand over my seat to a party I no longer support or believe in. I know from speaking to people in my constituency that many of them voted for me on the basis of the politics I promote and my track record of community activism and not because I stood under a Sinn Féin banner. I intend to honour the commitment I made to the people of my area, by working with them for a better Dublin and a better Ireland.
On the issues that matter, such as employment, education, housing and healthcare I will be doing my utmost to help the people who elected me as their councillor. Over the next couple of weeks I will be explaining to people on the ground the decisions I have taken. Theirs is the only opinion that matters to me.
Louise concluded by saying,
“While I look forward to continuing my work with the people of Ballyfermot, Drimnagh, Bluebell, Chapelizod & Inchicore I understand the very real limits of what any one individual can achieve on their own. I have always believed that the struggle for justice and freedom in Ireland will only be won by the coming together of like-minded people within a socialist republican political party. For this reason I will be examining how I can best work with other progressive individuals and parties in the future
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37Second sinn fein councillor to stand down in 48 hours. Looks like the Sinn Fein meltdown is far from over. Fair play to ye louise - not an easy thing to do. Hope things work out for you in the future.
well done louise. not before time. youve done a lot of good work for the area, hope you keep it up best of luck for the future. hope you inspire more shinners to do the same and we can get on with rebuilding the republican movement
Agree with pretty much everything in Louise's statement - particularly the bit about sinn fein being irrelevant to working class people. In dublin in particular people have seen through sinn fein and are now looking for an alternative - hence the growth in support for the SP and SWP. Good to see that there will now be someone in city council who will speak for those of us who are both republican and socialist.
Well done Louise on this brave move. I wish you all the best in the future and know of all the hard work you have done on the ground and am glad you have not changed away from the core values of Irish socialist republicanism unlike other members of SF. I am looking forward to see where you go next but Im sure it will be the right choice for you and the people in your constituency.
Mhaith thú Louise
Louise is a dedicated Republican and one of the hardest working community activists ive come across. Making this decision always takes great courage and by doing so Louise has stayed true to her Republican Ideals and stood by the Community she represents by moving away from a party who has now abandoned both the Working class and the Irish Republic. Well done Louise ive nothing but respect for this decision and I wish you all the best.
good luck to you. don't remember you getting involved in any argument on SF 's drift away from socialism or our inability to challagne brit occupation so a bit surprised but you were a worker so would have respect for you, you know your own mind so good luck to you.
I know Louise, she is a nice girl, and a hard worker, but I have not known her to articulate her discomfort internally, infact she voted at the Ard Comhairle plus in favour of the Ard Comhairle's motion to the Special Ard Fheis on Policing.
Her partner is a member of Éirigi, whether that would have affected her or not.
I wish her well, but hope that she returns the seat to Sinn Féin, if she had these serious concerns she could have contested at the previous election as an Independent.
This wait and see, then jump approach, exposes a high degree of opportunism, and is wrong.
And before anyone starts I have previously said that Billy Leonard should have given up his seat when he left the SDLP, that would have been the right thing to do, and I think that Sinn Féin should ensure that if we gain any elected activists from other parties in future, we should ask them to give up their seat until the next election.
Otherwise we are hypocritical, it was wrong with Billy, and it is wrong with Louise and any other councillor who retains a seat won on a political party platform.
thats good coming from you fionn /bk i see you must of got a call from bobby s. seems have youve been on all the websites at this late hour prob getting over time.
i remember when you chaired dublin ogra you were very critical of the leadership indeed. amazing what the right amount of money can do.
all my best to Louise who as far as i know is a full time councilor and will continue to be so. she is well respected in dublin sf cause she is a hard worker.
the dogs in the street know our party is finished, accepting partition the occupation of the 6 ccountiesand the capitialist system have ruined it.
louise is dead right to keep the seat. myself and many in my cumann are currently considering our postitions and many of us will also resign.
its taken a long time but many in the party are waking up to the fact that dispite all the talk their is no strategy for a united ireland and the leadership have accepted the brit presence, the grass roots have been conned.
let it all out there james. the man only gave an opinion that differed from yours. let him have it. louise should give back the seat. the members of the ballyfermot cumman and the drimnagh cumman have as much claim on it as louise, slap in the face in fairness. is she taking the bills with her or can the cummans have that. fionn was being polite, it was a fair critisism, be polite back, you don't have a monopoly on trowning your rattle out of the pram.
It makes a welcome change for a SF rep to leave the party over politics and not personal gain. Christy Burke last week voted with Fine Gael and Labour against the other local independents. Shown his true colours.
Louise Minihan states "For years I voiced my disquiet within Sinn Féin about the direction that party was headed, "
Perhaps we could have some examples of this?
Four SF councillors have resigned from that party in the last six weeks. All have kept their seats.
Is this a record?
Christy Burke (Dublin June 9)
John Dwyer (Wexford June 16)
Gerard Foley (Strabane July 16)
Louise Minihan (Dublin July17)
Interesting to note the spread of resigning councillors cuts across age, gender, geography and urban/rural divide. These resignations come on the back of literally hundreds of sinn fein members resigning over the course of the last three years or so - most notably in places like Dublin, East Tyrone and Belfast.
Can anybody now claim that SF is not in really serious trouble?
How long before the main stream media realise that SF is in the process of total collapse?
I'd also love, absolutly love to hear about this years of her "voicing her disquite", because I can't think of a single example of even one. This is just nonsense, portraying herself as some sort of principled dissent.
Sorry Louise but you'll have to do better than that.
First of all fair play to all the eirigi lads who posted the first few silly comments. I think Louise's actions and her statement are appaling and discgraceful. She should resign her seat immediately. She is not fit to represent the people of Ballyfermot & Drimnagh and is certainly not fit to represent the Sinn Féin party.
Louise has not put together a coherent arguement as to where the struggle has been going. If she did have serious concerns then why did she run for election for the party less than 6 weeks ago. Her talk of Republicanism and Socialism runs particularly hollow. She is nothing but a traitor to the Republican cause and I and thousands of SF voters in Dublin feel betrayed by her actions.
The only reason she is holding onto her seat I presume is financial as she has done little enough to represent the people of Ballyfermot & Drimnagh in the last few years. I could no bring myself to vote for her in the last local election and hopefully SF will put up someone worth voting for next time round so we can vote her out.
If as you say Cllr Minihan did so little to represent the people of Ballyfermot over the last number of years why did the Sinn Féin organisation select her as a candidate? Is it generally in the business of selecting lazy candidates and is that why the party had such a poor showing in the elections? Or was it that fact that Sinn Féin had a number of hard working Councillors which saved it from an even worse fate? Regarding the comments about the thousands of SF voters who will feel betrayed - I'm sure many people will, suggesting that there are thousands of angry voters out there in Ballyer is probably stretching it a little. If Cllr Minihan is as lazy as you suggest I'm sure a much larger portion won't even notice. Thousands will be far more concerned about losing their jobs and entitlements and will be wondering what local councillors and parties are going to do about it.
Hmm, to the poster above is it really just sinn fein voter or would that be sinn fein member.
And how may i ask do you know that "thousands of SF voters in Dublin feel betrayed by her actions",
have you gone out and personally knocked on all their doors and asked in the last few days. Or have you the power of reading thousands of minds at the one time.
At any rate fair play louise it was a very brave decision to make and your reasons for leaving echoed my own and countless more like me. Your not alone and do not let the backbiters get to you I only presume you were expecting this treatment anyway. Good luck in the future.
If Louise, or any of her supporters, cannot give clear examples of her alleged efforts to alter party policy,or, decrying party policy and direction, then her stated reasons for leaving must be viewed as bogus. Let's face facts, if she was a consistent critic of direction the leadership would not have chosen her to stand as a candidate. And let's face another fact, the PSF leadership has and does act in this fashion. Now that would be a genuine reason for leaving but I doubt anyone will be able to offer any examples of Louise decrying that.
Sounds good to me - especially if it resulted in what I think of as "genuine democracy", of the kind described by the phrase:
"government of the people, by the people, for the people".
Like many others I suspect, I feel I've had more than enough -- plenty to last me for at least two lifetimes I'd say -- of the bogus, greed-ridden, deceit-ridden, tyrannous, and totally obnoxious variety of "democracy" (so called) I feel we're all at present saddled with, as in:
"government of the corrupt, by the corrupt, for the corrupt."
How good and useful it might be if the "like minded people" really could join forces in respectful and peaceful ways, for the purpose of trying to complete the "unfinished work" that former US President Abraham Lincoln apparently came pretty close to achieving (before being assassinated)?
Related link:
I voted for Minihan on the basis that she was a Sinn Fein candidate. I might have voted for her if she'd run as an independent socialist republican candidate but only after I'd seen what she should for in terms of policies. As it stands, I feel like she's stolen my vote - I did NOT vote for an independent, I voted for Sinn Fein! (I'm not a member of SF by the way and have no connection with anybody in that party).
My personal belief is that if somebody is elected for a party, they should hand over the seat to the party if they resign. Who knows whether Minihan could have been elected as an independent - I rather doubt it myself - but, whatever about that, she just plain and simple WASN'T.
I feel like my vote has been stolen and it would take a lot to persuade me to vote for her again if she runs in the next election.
Im sickened to read this press statement this is a girl who was co-opted on to this seat by Sinn Fein not less than 2 years ago then has a cheek to use party money to get re-elected. Eirigi are welcome to a two faced traitor like you!!! I never heard you vocal on the Ard Comhairle about the direction SF were taken in fact i never heard you vocal at any given opportunity in the party. If there was any creditability left in you GIVE BACK THE SEAT!!!!!
Louise was only co-opted two years ago, she said in her press release at the time that she "looked forward to working with the other Dublin Sinn Féin Councillors on implementing Sinn Féin’s vision for Dublin." Was it before or after this press release she claims to have for years voiced her "disquiet within Sinn Féin about the direction that party was headed, in the vain hope that radical politics might triumph over reformism." If she had been feeling 'disquiet' for years, why accept the co-option for Sinn Féin? Why accept the nomination for the Local Election, only to give up the seat six weeks later?
She said in her statement of last Friday "On the issues that matter, such as employment, education, housing and healthcare I will be doing my utmost to help the people who elected me as their councillor. Over the next couple of weeks I will be explaining to people on the ground the decisions I have taken. Theirs is the only opinion that matters to me." Her arrogance and callousness know no bounds. What about the opinions of the election workers who went out in all weathers and canvassed for her? What about the opinions of supporters who attended fund raisers to raise money to ensure that Sinn Féin in Ballyfermot would return a councillor to Dublin City Council? What about the opinions of comrades, she herself in text messages she sent last weekend claims to have 'valued'? What has she done since her re-election 7 weeks ago on any local issues? Has she campaigned over the Respite Care unit at Cherryorchard being closed down? One of the biggest issues facing her constituents at the present. Has she been standing on picket lines protesting the closure? No she hasn't. Has she answered calls in the last three or four days from constituents that have rang her? No she hasn't.
I don't know how she'll have the neck to sit in the Council chambers across from Críona, Dessie, Killian, Larry and Séamus after the way she's stabbed them and all of Dublin Sinn Féin in the back. I don't know how she'll ever be able to canvass in Ballyfermot again after her behaviour. I don't know how she'll ever be able to meet Aengus and look him in the face again. I know I never want to see her again. I know if I do meet her, what I'll say to her. She has betrayed people who for years she considered friends and comrades. If she had an ounce of self respect or dignity she'd hand the seat back to Ballyfermot Sinn Féin. I suppose she's shown us she won't do that. But failing that she should pay all of the election bills out of her own pocket, and pay Ballyfermot Sinn Féin back the money she owes them.
And before you guys go of on a tangent about 'The Treatment' I think if one of your councillors did the same you'd feel as disappointed and angry as the members of Sinn Féin Dublin are at present. As far as I'm concerned there is no treatment being meted out, but I know Louise is reading this. So Louise, can you offer any proof of your voicing your 'disquiet' over the years? Can you tell us why you feel so justified in keeping OUR seat? Can you tell us when we can expect a cheque for your election expenses? How do you sleep at night? Have you gone to the anti-republican Evening Herald with your story yet? I'd bet it's only a matter of time. Have you joined éirígí yet? Again I'd bet it's only a matter of time, reading what you said last Friday "I understand the very real limits of what any one individual can achieve on their own. I have always believed that the struggle for justice and freedom in Ireland will only be won by the coming together of like-minded people within a socialist republican political party. For this reason I will be examining how I can best work with other progressive individuals and parties in the future." I believe that if you do stay Independent, that éirígí will be pulling your strings, and sadly, I believe that éirígí have been pulling your strings for some time now. Well, as another poster said, they're welcome to you, but not to our seat. Please return to: Dublin Sinn Féin, 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Or give any of your old comrades a shout, and we'll come collect it!
louise remember when we where as self asured as pb4p a few short years ago.
are you going with eirigi or staying independent. it would tye alot of eirigi resources down if they had to commit themselves to working that seat. don't think they'll do it. any change of another post on indymedia for clarification.
I joined Sf many years ago,and have had the great pleasure of working with hundreds of very committed republican activists,many who i would call close friends,in pursuit of a 32 county socialist republic.
But over the last few years iv become increasingly alarmed at our current strategy. Alarmed i may be but iv stuck it out as i believe a change in leadership has to be less than 5 years away with our current leadership ageing.I believe there are a number of true socialist republicans left in Dublin who have the ability to steer us away from the path currently being taken.
At times like these i have to ask myself though can i wait that long.I know Louise,maybe not as well as some seem to be letting on on this site,but to me she was always and always will be a genuine socialist republican.
Louise keep the head up,it was only 2 weeks ago that members of my party were attacking Christy,not sure when the next elected rep. will resign,but i dont think you'll have to wait to long before they've moved on to someone else. Sad isnt how comrades can turn so quick. Its a pity you dont have a large family like Christy,clear that some of those engaged in christie's personal assasination 2 weeks ago have moved on to attack yourself as I believe they got wind the Burkes were not to pleased.
the reason the sfers have come out so harshly against this girl is because they are deeply hurt at her actions. without her they havent much chance of holding aengus seat as she was the driving force in there local organisation. calling her lazy now is just petty and seeking todiscredit her. but i think the people will judge louise on the work she does for the next 5 years not what sinn fein say.
if she was all the things sf say was was she unamiously supported by the local area to take over from mr. smithers?
why was she chosen by aengus himself to be his doe for the 2007 election?
and way was not one question raised at her selection conventiion for the 2009 vote?
the truth is louise was there best local worker, and aswell as being the local councillor she was also essentially there local organiser.
aos presence in ballyer is very thin on the ground these days, not like when he first started out here at the begining of this decade. the truth is his seat is in danger and without louise to drive the local area they cant win the seat.
i am also a member of sf locally and just want to say i am dissapointed at her decsion not to fight it out internally but am even more disgusted at how our members are now treating louise who was a hard worker and i guess still will be. while i will stay in sf cause i dont see an alternative i reluctantly wish her the best
an finnerie. your info is out dated there. but your right it won't do anything for the leinster house campaign.
theres alot of exageration here from pro's and anti's louise wasn't the worst worker and she wasn't the best. didn't know louise to be a champion of socialism maybe the recent economic climate brought her around and thats good.
the biggest hurt here around SF in personal. six weeks after an election being let down by someone you put your trust in. but shit happens. individals don't win elections teams do and not one person in the local organisation has gone with louise. in that scence i wouldn't write aengus of yet.
who in the party has been purged out. people are resigning but no ones been kicked out for being to socialist or what ever. in fact eoin o brion wrote a book about it got it published plus the critical articles he's been writing in aprn plus constantly bringing it up at forums in the party and with all that no jack boot no glasses on the groud beside burning rubber tyre tracks pointing in the direction of the dublin mountins. he got elected chair of dublin last week. was elected by the members of dublin to the ard choirle last year. he has an issue and he is going through the proper mechanisms to voice his concerns and try and implement his ideas.
now iam not expecting every one to go to the lengths of eoin when they have an issue with the party but even a quarter of the effort before someone resigned would be nice.
if you can't do it in SF where on an issue of left wing politics an extreamly high presentage of the membership would be smpatetic, then how are you going to do it in wider society that in the face of the worst economic crisic this island has seen in about a century and with that in mind the people of this state choose FG as an alternative "?" showing the majority of people are at best indifferent to left wing politics.
member of the party since i was a kid. have been on the winning side of arguments and the looseing side. never got a problem for it other than usual awkwardness that happens when you have a heated argument with someone in any walk of life, but that fades quickly.
think you should have tried harder or thoughened up a bit.
Good on you and the elected representatives leaving Sinn Fein. Reading comments here of betrayal and letting comrades down is hypocrisy. Which party is implementing British rule in occupied Ireland? Which party betrayed their comrades and reneged on every principle that republicans defended? Which party has become the new arrogant SDLP/FF ? I dont care why elected reps are leaving SF, I just welcome their decisions to do so. If I may quote Bobby Sands-"our revenge will be the laughter of our chrildren"
As a complete outsider in terms of political parties but living in Ballyfermot I have to say I am shocked at the response from shinners and supporters in relation to Louise's decision. I voted for Louise because on numerous occassions I witnessed Louise organising , supporting and helping local groups, people and organisations. I worked for a time in the property market and came across numerous people who louise had went to the ends of the earth to sort out problems and also helped housing people. How many Dublin city councillors are full time can anyone tell me? Well my god honest opinion the best person won that seat. Before i read this i would have felt very disapointed as a voter if Louise hands back that seat, I voted for her on the basis that i saw with my own eyes how dedicated she was and what she told me during her canvassing what she was willing to do. After reading this I would be point blank disguisted to see the seat going to a party too busy back stabbing and bitching about former colleagues. If the Sinn Fein party is accuratley represented by the above posters I think it would be dangerous to give them any power with the childish mentality you's have chosen to show. Louise can count on my continued support regardless of what party she becomes attached to, it's the commitment to her constituency that makes all the difference to me. This thread leaves me with a very negative view of Sinn Feinn, I hope Louise is not put off by your vicous and callous personal attacks and has the dtermination to continue her work. If more people were like Louise in politics you never know, the country might be run properly!!! If you are reading this Louise thank you for all your help in the past and you can always count on my help and support. fp.
The collapse is primarily focused in Dublin and Belfast, it is "Socialist republicans" that are leaving. It is not a total collapse but rather the broader trends within Irish republicanism reasserting itself. Dublin SF would have the strongest socialist wing in the 26. This wing was comprehensively rejected by the electorate, and in membership recruitment by the working class as well. If you cannot connect with the people that you say that you represent, then you need to sit back and look at yourself.
It has become obvious that the objective of Sinn Fein personnell is to promote the party. Every action is a publicity stunt. A photograph and press release then move on to exploit the next issue. Since the war was lost , Sinn Fein members and their elected representatives have to me lacked genuine credibility. I believe their only concern is to grow the Sinn Fein name. Ms. Ferris in her recent statement was accurate in her veiw that as an organisation Sinn Fein members were not politicans. She has realised that SF politicans have now become what we as republicans detested in politicans.
"The collapse is primarily focused in Dublin and Belfast, it is "Socialist republicans" that are leaving. It is not a total collapse but rather the broader trends within Irish republicanism reasserting itself. Dublin SF would have the strongest socialist wing in the 26. This wing was comprehensively rejected by the electorate, and in membership recruitment by the working class as well. If you cannot connect with the people that you say that you represent, then you need to sit back and look at yourself."
This is an interesting claim to make - Sinn Fein in Dublin lost out because it was too socialist and too left-wing. Is this the way the Adams leadership are trying to spin things now? Dublin SF did very well in the early part of this decade when they presented themselves as a radical alternative to the establishment parties. Their decline in support has coincided with the attempt by the Northern leadership to guide Sinn Fein south of the border into mainstream politics - their first setback came in 2007, after Adams and co had forced through the abandonment of the policy on corporation tax so that there would be no barriers to coalition with the right-wing parties (and also after Adams had performed very poorly in the TV debate); further setbacks in the recent local elections came after SF supported the bank bailout and praised ICTU for calling off its national strike.
So the facts don't support the claim that Dublin SF has lost support by being too radical and too left-wing - the opposite seems to be true in fact, especially since SF is losing ground at the time other left forces (Socialist Party and People Before Profit) are making gains. You may have noticed Joe Higgins taking the Dublin Euro seat - hardly proof that Mary Lou McDonald lost out because she was too far to the left.
If this is actually the way the northern leadership are determined to interpret the recent setbacks for SF in the south, they are going to manage the feat of transforming SF into a six county party with some support in the border counties and maybe Kerry. There was a political niche open to SF in the South as a party standing to the left of Labour, and that was where they made progress in the late 90s and early 00s. They were never going to be able to repeat the strategy north of the border, where the only competition was the SDLP and SF just had to be hungrier, younger and better organised to overtake them. If people want to vote for a middle-of-the-road party in the south, they're spoilt for choice. SF's only way of winning support is to be different from the other parties. Otherwise the fate of the Green Party awaits.
I was told she was holding an eirigi banner at the shell to sea protest outside Mountjoy.
Bobby Sands, according to Richard 0’Rawe’s book “Blanketmen”, said that “he would not be interested in a united Ireland that wasn’t socialist and that a capitalist Ireland wasn’t worth the life of one Irishman.”
True, the Sinn Fein leadership dispute some of the claims of that book although none have contradicted that particular quote. In any case the more “favoured” biography of Sands written by Denis O’Hearn is similarly peppered with direct quotes from Sands emphasising that his was a socialist as opposed to a purely nationalist outlook.
sf moves to the right have not gone unnoticed by grass root republicans in the 6 counties
tiochaidh ar la
A report in today's Irish News states that Cllr. Louise Minihan and Dungannon Cllr.Barry Monteith have joined eirigi. Both recently resigned from SF. Also, eirigi have organised a protest at the British Embassey in Dublin next Saturday 8th , perhaps Cllr. Minihan will be present to support this republican campaign.
Clearly her reasons for leaving PSF are dubious. What are her reasons for joining eirigi?
It was her time to go. Why would any republican want to be associated with or to be a member of Sinn Fein. This is not rocket science, SF do not represent republican or socialist ideals. A split in SF is on the way, the movement will divide between the 6 and 26 counties. The 6 county group will be content to implement British rule and the Brits in return will protect the informers that delivered the surrender of militant republicanism. The 26 county group will work successfully on the ground as community activists,they will continue to mark the easter rising and republican activities. They will in time realise how they have being used and deceived by the northern leadership. It is possible that Ms. Ferris in her recent statement laid down a marker that she may be the leader of the 26 county group. And why not.
woh a movement whose aim is to end partition spliting on partitionist lines interesting. either way if it happens as a member in the south i still wouldn't join eirigi. there on the same trajectory as SF traveling at a faster speed. end up with the same paradoxes. they've gone from campaigns group to structureing them selves for electoral politics in 3 years, disowning there own members if they get caught up in anything, say what you want about mcguinness but during our 'radical phaze' he'd jump through hoops to avoid denying our own.
when you catch up with us lads and your getting there very fast. work through your problems, don't storm out of the room when it dosn't go your way or we'll be at this for ever.