Below is a copy of an email I recieved from Stevo...
I've just been texted that the Solitaire is currently anchored off Donegal. This steps the need for people present on camp even higher. Subsequently anybody that can make it up there should try to do so. As I have been saying people are needed both to help run the camp and perform the actual actions. But they are needed NOW.
Anybody with access to spare boats, could they please donate them now too.
On a more mundane level there are 2 fundraising events due in the next couple of weeks
Friday 26th sees a gig in Monroe's where funds raised will be sent to the camp. I haven't seen exactly what's happening at this one.It has been suggested that a game of telly bingo as outlined in a recent Indymedia (
story be played with the mockumentary.
the next day Saturday the 27th sees a public meeting being organised by Margaretta D'arcy and featuring appearances (hopefully at least, current activity in Erris may prevent this) by Maura Harrington, The Chief, and various related individuals both from the camp and locals. Proceeds from this will go to locals from the area. The Chief is seriously out of pocket thanks to the sinking of his boat among other things(various legal costs etc), and various other locals seem to be putting more into the campaign than they have coming in financially