Shell Energy Scenarios to 2050
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news report
Thursday June 18, 2009 11:57
by Michael Gallagher - Photographer
libertypics at yahoo dot ie
International Code .00353 - 0 86 4048249

Photo Essay on Eirigí Action at Shell PR *Blip.
Eirigí members had a very successful action at a $hell PR briefing in Buswell's Hotel, Dublin.
Seven Eirigí members turned up with their banner and excellent arguments and many questions for the four gurus? = apocolyptic horse soldiers of the giant multinational oil company, that is ($)hell.
As an observer, it was very interesting to see and hear what some of the visitors from across the road (the Dáil -Irish Parliament) had to say to the blippers of spin.
This was a hastily convened and 'played down' (their words) PR attempt by $hell and in my opinion, a disaster.
*Blip = An unexpected, minor and usually temporary deviation from a trend.

Shell's PR team? L-R: Peleiz Colleen, John Conroy, Colm Gormley (any relation to the green John?) and Hugh Hardiman <> 087 97274
Not only was there a poor response (numbers wise) from across the road (the Dáil), but the work Eirigí did in talking to the politicians was effective in getting at least two, (after some naive and silly observations by the two) Mulcahy (FF) and Jim O'Keefe (FG) to 'look into it more', after a question about the incidents of Pat O'Donnel's boat being sunk.
Apart from that, it was refreshing to see the effect a small group of people can have (very peacefully too) when they put their minds to it, AND -I hasten to add-, how much stuff they could carry! :-) Now just think what could be done with more numbers.
For instance, contact Hugh Hardiman (the guy in the white shirt), he was the facillatator (ya wha' gay?) for the small change (to $hell that is) that was spent on this, at least €5,000. Hugh Hardiman 087 7927447.
Contact George Lee and the other politicians that turned up.
Thank you Eirigí for a brilliant day at the beach!!
If anybody has any questions about the visitors and the event, don't hesitate to ask. If anyone can put names to the suits from across the road, don't hesitate to add phone numbers and emails are very useful also.
All photos are copyleft to supporters of the $hellto Sea campaign etc, ie. Political partIes/groups, politicians, community groups/reps, indymedia etc.
Any commercial publications, companies or websites, contact me at my email or phone number provided here.
Thanks for looking.

Very Interesting. Anyone know who the suit is?

Eireigí informing and educating the main $hell blipper....the acting dumb $hell blipper is on the right.

More reassurance. Is this Tom Hayes? (FF) Tippera

Liz McManus (Lab) Wicklow 2760583 - (Dáil) 01-6183131 email: liz.mcmanus@oireachtas
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Looks like Shane Ross, a man that asks great questions
Between a rock and a hard place. Anyone know the guy in the middle
George Lee ponders the billions.
The guy in the middle for the second last picture, mustardy kind of suit, is Peter Kelly, a Fianna Fáil TD for Longford-Westmeath.
More details here:
The number for the $hell PR guy above in the white shirt should be: 087 792 7447
Shane Ross @ (Home and Office) 012116692 (Dáil) 01 6183014 email: [email protected]
George Lee: (Dáil) 01 6184278 [email protected]
Solidarity to The Chief O'Donnell and All the Courageous Fighters for Justice.
Would you look at that eejit Colm Gormless (top photo) subtlety holding a copy of National Geographic! I'm sure the only reason he works with Shell is to have a better chance to save the environment.
Let's hope it was a copy of the February 2007 National Geographic with a special report on Nigeria
Was this an Eirigi action or a Shell to Sea action?
Labour Youth put forward a Shell to Sea motion at their annual conference before last. Liz McManus strangled it at birth.
tiny tokens of solidarity on the Galway streets, more to come
was an Eirigí action, and a brilliant one. I'm not a member of Eirigí.
Nice work all - the Chief & Martin posters are terrific, showing just who's getting the rough end of Shell's dirty deal. Get hundreds of 'em out on city walls!