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Sunday June 14, 2009 22:08
by Contaminated Crow

A landfill, a quarry and two concrete plants
Greenstar Holdings Ltd. has withdrawn its appeal against conviction and fines of 3500 Euro for breaching licence conditions at its dump at Kilcollen, Co. Galway in January, saying while it had grounds for appeal it would drop it ‘in the spirit of co-operation and to avoid inconveniencing the site’s neighbours further’. (Connacht Tribune 12/6/09, p.2).
An Bord Pleanala has deferred its decision on an appeal against planning permission granted last December 23rd by Roscommon County Council for a controversial quarry at Lisnagree, Athleague, Co. Roscommon. Local residents organized a campaign against the quarry, including a protest march last year. (Roscommon Herald 9/6/09, p. 3).
Local residents have appealed against Galway County Council’s permission for retention of Cashla Quarries’ concrete manufacturing plant at Cashla, Co. Galway to An Bord Pleanala, complaining of ‘out of hours’ operations, dust and vibrations when blasting takes place. (Connacht Tribune 12/6/09, p.9).
Clare County Council’s refusal of planning permission for a dry batching concrete plant at Gillogue, Co. Clare, following objections from the Gillogue Residents’ Association, has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala. (Clare Champion 12/6/09, p.18).