Bolivia, Mexico, Information Feudalism, Italian Hacklabs, Situationist International, Hakim Bey, Mike Rupert and Indymedia
Here are some introductions and links to recent interesting articles at slash.autonomedia/interactivist.
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Interview with Evo Morales by Yvonne Zimmermanm, La Paz 7.7.02
Evo Morales Ayma, 43 years old, is president of the coca farmers' federation in Chapare and he's a symbol of the struggle against neoliberal politics in Bolivia. In the past four years he was president of the political party MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) in parliament, and in the most recent elections on the 30th June, according to the last counting he received more than 21 percent of the votes. As the second political force he might become the new president in Bolivia, seen as the final election is between the two strongest candidates, in this case Evo Morales and Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada of MNR (Nationalist Revolutionary Movement) who's slightly ahead of him.
These elections will mark a profound change in Bolivia. For the first time ever indigenous peoples and anti-neoliberal movements will be represented in parliament as a significant force. Until now, in that country split between the modern and rich Bolivia of whites and the poor Bolivia of indigenous people, the latter have basically been excluded from politics. According to Morales, they're now not only going to stop, but reverse neoliberal politics that have ruled the country for 17 years.
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Rebellion in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico by Ramor Ryan
One, Two, Many Chiapases (campesino direct action getting the goods…)
When the Mexican government announced the expropriation of 5000 hectares of farmland around San Salvador Atenco, 20 miles outside Mexico City, they presumed everyone was on board for their big airport plans. Addressing the campesinos who were about to lose their land, their communities and their way of life, President Fox gushed how they had in effect "won the lottery…" and there would be jobs a plenty at the airport.
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Information Feudalism in the Information Society by Peter Drahos
"Information revolution", "information society", "information age" and "information explosion" are popular terms to describe social transformations that are linked to technologies which have changed the way that we work, live, and communicate with others. Increasingly the shape of these social transformations is affected by the work of global regulatory institutions like, for example, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (1), the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This paper tells the story of how these institutions propelled information societies into a global feudal order.
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Hacklabs - A Space of Construction and Deconstruction - translated by Hydrarchist
Interview with blicero about the experience of the LOA Hacklab in Milan
Q.What is a hacklab? And more specifically, what is the LOA Hacklab in Milan?
A Hacklab is a place where we try to combine the hacker attitude, that is to say the act of understanding the functioning of complex machines in order to deconstruct them and reconstruct them in a non conventional manner, with the ambition of analysing the real. A place of relations where people, brought by a marked interest in the new forms of electronic communication, by the digital and the telematic, can meet to construct a different way of understanding things and intervene in the processes that determine reality. A Hacklab is in some way a meeting place for the various entities and determinations of digital antagonism.
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Quantum Mechanics & Chaos Theory: Anarchist Meditations on N. Herbert's Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics By Hakim Bey
1. Scientific worldviews or "paradigms" can influence -- or be influenced by -- social reality. Clearly the Ptolemaic universe mirrors theocentric & monarchic structures. The Newtonian/Cartesian/mechanical universe mirrors rationalistic social assumptions, which in turn underlie nationalism, capitalism, communism, etc. As for Relativity Theory, it has only recently begun to reflect -- or be reflected by -- certain social realities. But these relations are still obscure, embedded in multinational conspiracies, the metaphysics of modern banking, international terrorism, & various newly emergent telecommunications-based technologies.
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Manifesto Against Labour - Gruppe Krisis
1. The rule of dead labour
A corpse rules society - the corpse of labour. All powers around the globe formed an alliance to defend its rule: the Pope and the World Bank, Tony Blair and Jörg Haider, trade unions and entrepreneurs, German ecologists and French socialists. They don't know but one slogan: jobs, jobs, jobs!
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IndyMedia 'Darling' Embraced by Holocaust Revisionists - Anonymous
Over the past nine months the ostensibly leftist global network of Independent Media Centers has provided a prominent forum for the views of conspiracy theorist Mike Ruppert.
Sneering invective and scornful insults were hurled at the few dissenting 'voices in the wilderness' that questioned Ruppert's dubious evidence and that noted the prominence awarded Ruppert's views within extreme-right circles.
Ruppert has recently accepted an invitation to speak at the Fourth Annual Real History, USA Conference, organized by British holocaust revisionist David Irving . (Conference brochure as a PDF )
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"Why Art Can't Kill the Situationist International
T.J. Clark and Donald Nicholson-Smith October 79, Winter 1997
"What does it matter to us what judgments may later be passed upon our obscure personalities? If we have seen fit to record the political differences that exist between the majority of the Commune and ourselves, this is not in order to apportion blame to the former and praise the latter. It is simply to ensure that, should the Commune be defeated, people will know that it was not what it has appeared to be up to now." -- Gustave Lefrancais addressing constituents, 20 May 1871, cited in Internationale Situationniste 12 (September 1969).
No sooner were Guy Debord's ashes safely cast from the Pointe du Vert-Galant into the Seine, no sooner had death quelled his remorseless tendency to respond to everyone who made the least mention of him, than an emboldened pack of commentators bounded from their kennels, all desperately eager to position themselves, pro, con, or otherwise with respect to Debord's person, writings, and faits et gestes.
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