Independent Media Centre Ireland

Zionism/EU eviscereted in Trinity College Dublin by Prof. Ilan Pappe

category galway | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Monday February 16, 2009 17:44author by TD - Free Palestine Campaign

"Rogue racist States cannot be tolerated" (Prof. Ilan Pappe)

"It's a living organism that has a very nasty, evil side to its ideology, but it ends there, it begins there and it ends there and we shouldn't, again, exaggerate our analysis of Zionism beyond the fact that from a Palestine perspective, it is a destructive ideology, it's bad enough, it has nothing else to it and nothing else should be added to this."

"They (EU politicians) don't want to talk about Zionism as colonialism, as racism, they don't want to talk about genocidal policies, ethnic cleansing policies, crimes against humanity, war crimes"

"It is the only prison in the world that children are being born in it that have no chance of getting out of it"
Prof. Ilan Pappe
Prof. Ilan Pappe

Last Wednesday, Feb 11th, in a Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign organised talk in Trinity College Dublin, professional historian and human rights’activist, Ilan Pappe in a packed lecture theatre, savaged Zionism, its EU aiders and abbetors and the corrupt section of academia that provides Zionism with spurious credibility, that weaves the intellectual clothes of a destructive ideology that's threadbare, primitive, racist, colonialist and genocidal. it was a tour de force of conscience and outrage that had me levitating, albeit in a coach, all the way back to Galway that night, all the more sadly so, when contrasted with Archbishop Desmond Tutu's bullshit, pro forma speech in Galway University last night.

Pappe, the Israeli "son of German-Jewish emigrants found himself in the eye of a storm that would lead him to leave the country of his birth and seek sanctuary in the English west country. He has been chair in the history department at Exeter University for the last 18 months. By the time he left the University of Haifa, he had been condemned in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset; the minister of education had publicly called for him to be sacked; and his pictures had appeared in the country's biggest-selling newspaper at the centre of a target. Next to it, a popular columnist addressed his readers thus: "I'm not telling you to kill this person, but I shouldn't be surprised if someone did."

His; The Bureaucracy of Evil: The History of the Israeli Occupation is about to be published of which Oneworld Publications says: Following his critically acclaimed investigation of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in the 1940’s, renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe turns his attention to the annexation and occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, to bring us the first comprehensive critique of the Occupied Territories. Based on groundbreaking archival research, NGO records and eyewitness accounts, Pappe’s investigation of the ‘bureaucracy of evil’ explores the brutalizing effects of occupation, from the systematic abuse of human and civic rights, the IDF roadblocks, mass arrests, and house searches, to the forced population transfer, the settlers, and the infamous wall that is rapidly turning the West Bank into an open prison. Providing a sharp contrast with life in Israel, this is a brilliantly incisive and moving portrait of daily life in the Occupied Territories
Ilan Pappe is Chair of History at Exeter University. He is Chair of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian Studies, and is also the author of the bestselling The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oneworld), A History of Modern Palestine (Cambridge), and The Israel/Palestine Question (Routledge).

For the fourth Saturday in a row, activists with the Free Palestine Campaign manned a Boycott Israeli Goods information stall in Shop Street for eight hours whilst another section did a flying picket of five establishments selling Israeli goods and foodstuffs, Woodies DIY, Tesco, Marks and Spencer, Debenham's and Dunnes stores, down from the nine we picketed on our first picket due to the delay caused by the malevolent calling of the Guards by the manager of Woodie's: last Saturday, we "were blocking the entrance," the previous Saturday, the police were called through our "aggressive and abusive behaviour to the customers" and before that they were called as we were on "private property," next Saturday's vindictive "reason" is anyone's guess.?

Related Link:

Ilan clearly pleased with his gift from Martin (IPSC).
Ilan clearly pleased with his gift from Martin (IPSC).



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author by TD - FPCpublication date Mon Feb 16, 2009 17:51author address author phone

Part 2, the Q and A session of Ilan Pappe's Trinity talk will be available for viewing tomorrow morning.

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author by TD - FPCpublication date Tue Feb 17, 2009 13:08author address author phone

Prof. Ilan Pappe, Trinity College Dublin, 11-02-2009.

(Questions and Answers).

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author by gazasympathiserpublication date Tue Feb 17, 2009 13:29author address author phone

Unfortunately the Q&A are unintelligible.

Has anybody who was there transcribed them?

author by Mpublication date Tue Feb 17, 2009 14:51author address author phone

Dr.Pappe during his presentation voiced the opinion that the attack on Gaza presaged a far worse Israeli genocidal attack in the future and working towards this is the EU, unanimous, as evidenced in a recent UN resolution in Geneva, in its contemptible unwillingness to even condemn Israel's "massive violation of human rights" in Gaza but obscenely eager to further disarm an already largely defenceless people: "Six key European leaders on Sunday pledged to work to prevent Hamas from rearming. The commitments were offered both at the Sharm al-Sheikh summit in Egypt and at a meeting in Jerusalem with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The six leaders were British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, who currently holds the European Union's rotating presidency. They offered to provide troops and technological assistance to prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons and terrorists into the Gaza Strip, in cooperation with Egypt and the United States"

author by gazasympathiserpublication date Tue Feb 17, 2009 15:22author address author phone

It appears that Hamas are not going to wait around for others to defend them and have gotten hold of 7 tonnes of Israeli munitions.

No doubt they will adopt the Viet Cong model where they used American munitions against their occupiers!

No doubt the Israelis will soon get some of their phosphorous munitions back via airmail from Gaza.

Serves them right!

author by Benpublication date Tue Feb 17, 2009 20:49author address author phone

Hundreads of Gazans civilians will die in "work accidents", since reusing unexploded bomb is quite dangerous. Even touching it could lead it to explode.

author by gazasympathiserpublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 09:03author address author phone

You are obviously very confused Ben. The work accidents to which you refer were caused by Israeli genocidal attacks and not by self defence.

author by Gazanpublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:21author address author phone

Apparently Zion Evrony gave a lecture in TCD a couple of weeks ago. This was a "suprise" visit, students had no idea who the "important guest" they were being urged to go see until he arrived with heavy security into the lecture hall. Who invited this war propagandist?
He spoke without protest to a captivated audience.

Would be interested in finding out who hosted this? Can anyone fill in the details how, when, where and why?

Expel Israeli Ambassador

author by Benpublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:46author address author phone

I do think you didn't understand me, gazasympathiser. "Self defence" or not - recycling bombs is very dangerous. I refer to the process. An unexploded bomb could explode any moment. It should not be touched. There are bombs there that weigh 1 ton. Think of what will happen if there is an accident, if it explodes while trying to recycle it. I guess the Hamas won't try to work on it in a deserted place, so the outcome will be death of many civilians.

author by gazasympathiserpublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:02author address author phone

Contrary to what you claim the Palestinians have managed to make thousands of rockets over the past years without blowing up their own people.

They could give lessons to the Israeli so-called military who seem to be able to hit anything as long as it's a civilian facility.

author by Benpublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:25author address author phone

They didn't make it from unexploded bombs, but from scratch. That's different (and, BTW, they did manage to blowing up their own people, sometimes. Only mostly the ones to get injured were the workers, and not civilians).

"They could give lessons to the Israeli so-called military who seem to be able to hit anything as long as it's a civilian facility".
You made me laugh. You can say a lot about the Israelis, but do you seriously claim that Hamas tries not to target civilians? Come on, they got a whole recored of targeting Israeli towns.

author by redjadepublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:36author address author phone


'without blowing up their own people.'

not true.

There was a particularly horrific video that was passed around on the net by Pro-Palestinian people during the most recent Gaza assault that was said to be an Israeli Massacre in Gaza. It wasn't. It was a public Hamas demo when tragically the live ammo displayed for the demo exploded. Truly one of the worst video scenes I have seen on the net.

Stupidly many on the pro-Palestine side tried to pass it off as an Israeli war crime and then later couldn't admit they were wrong. Passing around War Porn like this should be strongly discouraged, in my opinion, unless confirmed and backed up with accompanying facts and context.

Fucked up things happen unintentionally during war - remember when recently the Israelis accidentally killed their own with a tank shell?

An additional thought on the dangerousness of these weapons is that much of the chemicals used these days are cancerous and can make people ill if not handled correctly. (Think of DU but with other noxious chemicals!).

Putting Leftoid Vietcong fantasies aside, it would be best for all if Hamas just handed them over to the UN and be done with it.

author by gazasympathiserpublication date Wed Feb 18, 2009 16:37author address author phone

Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza 1300 and 5300 wounded!

Palestinians killed by Hamas in Gaza through accidental explosions over the past decade perhaps a few tens.

The Israelis win the dubious honour!

Military and Economic support to Israel from the US and EU Billions of $/year.

Military and Economic support to Palestinians from all sources perhaps a few millions of $/year.

Again the Israelis win the dubious honour!

Moral of the story ... the Palestinians have to defend themselves from the agression of the Israelis and their backers by any means possible because nobody else will.

author by redjadepublication date Thu Feb 19, 2009 00:37author address author phone


I was not disputing the litany of facts you presented (yes the IDF are fuckers yadda yadda yadda) but the deadly human reality that people will be killed to fulfill your VietCong fantasy of recycling weapons to attack Israeli civilians. And not even Israeli Humans but Palestinians Humans (that you say you wish to defend) that will be harmed in this process of 'recycling.'

the real 'Moral of the story' is that people will needlessly be maimed or die for this vietcong-style fantasy of yours.

or, are you incapable of criticising Hamas, even on tactical grounds?

author by Susanpublication date Thu Feb 19, 2009 18:13author address author phone

This is a strange debate with very little substance.
Can Gazasympathiser post the source of his info. that weapons are being made from unexploded Israeli weapons and can redjade provide a source for this horrific video in which the bombs exploded and killed innocent people and it was initially blamed on israel. Just so as to provide a bit of solid context for what is currently a serious issue being debated most frivolously.

author by gazasympathiserpublication date Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:42author address author phone

Missing explosives
Explosion at Hamas rally

author by Susanpublication date Fri Feb 20, 2009 16:51author address author phone

Thanks Gazasympathiser, but The explosion of the rockets in that piece you posted is totally unconnected with current events.
Recently Two Israeli helicopter pilots died in a military accident . If the craft had come down over houses scores could have died as it was fully armed.
Making weapons is irresponsible. owning weapons is irresponsible. Buying a gun and keeping it in your house is irresponsible. Most people dont realise that until they blow their spouses head off or their kid blows its own head off one day.
In the context of war and the inevitability of death that goes along with the produciton storage and usage of weapons I dont see why it is any more irresponsible for someone to recycle Israeli weapons to use against their enemies than for someone to fly fully laden helicopters across towns full of people.

Redjade stating it would be best for all if Hamas just handed them over to the UN and be done with it doesnt make any sense in the overall context of weaponry and war.

In the context of this strange debate I guess the most relevant thing you said was : that the Palestinians have to defend themselves from the agression of the Israelis and their backers by any means possible because nobody else will.

author by Ronpublication date Sat Feb 21, 2009 14:46author address author phone

Do you have a link for the 2 helicopter pilots story? I haven't heard about it.

author by Susanpublication date Sat Feb 21, 2009 15:56author address author phone

Two killed in Israeli army helicopter crash

author by Justin Morahanpublication date Sun Feb 22, 2009 22:05author address author phone

The latest report from Gush Shalom in the aftermath of Gaza:

"Nightly invasions to Palestinian villages in the West Bank

Imagine being awakened to the sound of a stun grenade. Imagine such a grenade landing in your front yard every night. This is the reality that residents of Palestinian villages who are struggling against the apartheid wall are forced to deal with since the attack on Gaza.

These nightly invasions by the army, which terrorize villagers, are becoming ever more frequent. Invasions take place three to four time a week in the villages of Beit Likia and Bil'in. In the last week, the villages of Ma'asara, Ni'ilin and Jayus too have joined the list, as troops have been harassing those who participate and organize the village protests.

During the invasions soldiers shoot tear gas and stun grenades into civilian's houses. They also use rubber coated bullets and live rounds. On 13.2.09, two children were injured in their homes in Beit Likia, and a 60 year old woman was hit in the stomach. On that same night, soldiers reached the homes of Ma'asara popular leaders Muhammad Barjia and Mahmoud Zoahara, kept them for hours outside their homes in the cold with very little cloths, and caused damage to their property, threatening to arrest the two if demonstrations in the area were to continue. A report by Zoahara is attached hereunder.

The media does not report these incidents, which have become a tiring routine of the reality of occupation. It seems that under this media blockade, army commanders feel free to carry out these crimes.


A link to a video from Wednesday 18.2.09. The army invaded during the day to set a checkpoint and later at night, just to shoot some teargas and bullets. "

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