Broadcasters refuse to air emergency aid appeal for Gaza
The Disaster Emergency Committee in Britain, which is a group of about 20 of the country's leading charities is making an appeal for urgent aid for the people of Gaza. Britain's broadcasters have for about 40 years aired these appeals free of charge. By convention, the appeal will only be broadcast if all of the broadcasters will agree to do it. The BBC has refused to broadcast it and so too have Sky - on the grounds that it would bring their 'impartiality' into question. The BBC Director General and the corporation's executive committee made the decision late last week . It has caused outrage all over Britain and within the corporation itself where staff and unions are deciding what action they can take to make senior management reverse this decision. Staff have been threatened with the sack for speaking out in public.
There is another demo at the BBC in London this afternoon which follows other protests on Saturday and Sunday at BBC premises in London, Glasgow and Belfast - protestors are returning their licence fees en masse and a call is going out to all Sky viewers in Ireland and Britain to cancel their subscriptions by simply stopping their direct debit or standing orders.
Speaking to the Press Office at the DEC appeal a few moments ago they had not so far considered asking RTE to air the appeal but the idea is now being considered. Let's hope that RTE will agree to do it if asked.
The DEC website appeal is here:
You can phone in or make a donation online.
The decision by Sky and the BBC is likely to cost the appeal millions since it is obviously much harder to reach as many people without their assistance. The grounds on which they have refused are an outrage. Far from being impartial, it's all of a piece with both organisation's extraordinarily biased coverage of the event which was almost universally pro Israeli. The appeal itself is completely neutral based only on the fact that there is a humanitarian crisis and appalling suffering in Gaza at present. People are dying needlessly for lack of basic medical supplies and equipment. DEC is not politically aligned in any way and will send aid into any disaster zone however the circumstances have come about.
The only power we have to persuade Sky or the BBC to reverse this atrocious decision is stop paying the subscriptions.
Comments (29 of 29)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29From his BBC blog:
In support of his refusal MT has appointed himself an expert on the delivery of aid and has decided against the united opinion of 20 charities with vast experience of getting aid into disaster areas that he knows better than they do, saying he is concerned that the aid might not get through. At other times, BBC spokespeople have claimed to have been 'worried that it might get into the hands of Hamas' instead.
As Tony Benn pointed out on Saturday, even if that were true, Hamas is the elected government of Palestine.
ITV, Channel 4 and Five are broadcasting the appeal tonight.
By Guy Adams
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
The BBC is often accused of an anti-Israeli bias in its coverage of the Middle East, and recently censured reporter Barbara Plett for saying she "started to cry" when Yasser Arafat left Palestine shortly before his death.
Fascinating, then, to learn that its director general, Mark Thompson, has recently returned from Jerusalem, where he held a face-to-face meeting with the hardine Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Although the diplomatic visit was not publicised on these shores, it has been seized upon in Israel as evidence that Thompson, who took office in 2004, intends to build bridges with the country's political class.
Sources at the Beeb also suspect that it heralds a "softening" to the corporation's unofficial editorial line on the Middle East.
"This was the first visit of its kind by any serving director general, so it's clearly a significant development," I'm told.
"Not many people know this, but Mark is actually a deeply religious man. He's a Catholic, but his wife is Jewish, and he has a far greater regard for the Israeli cause than some of his predecessors."
Understandably, an official BBC spokesman was anxious to downplay talk of an exclusively pro-Israeli charm offensive.
Apopros this month's previously undocumented trip, he stressed that Thompson had also held talks with the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas.
could someone please cite some specific examples of BBC bias in regards to Palestine and Israel? Where is this pro-Israel coverage?
thank you
Chairman of the BBC Trustees Michael Lyons has been a non-executive director of the SQW Group among whose corporate clients are Barclays Bank
Marcus Agius, Senior Independent Director on the BBC's non-executive board is married to Katherine de Rothschild, and is Chairman of...Barclays Bank
As we have heard, Mark Thompson made a special visit to Ariel Sharon in Israel in 2005
Rotha Joshnston, Trustee member for NI has shareholdings in...Barclays Bank
Anthony Fry - "has spent more than 30 years working around the world as an investment banker for the Rothschild Group, Credit Suisse and Lehman Brothers - Lehman Brothers in Israel was taken over by Barclays in Oct 2008 and is now called Barclays Capital Israel. Fry is currently senior managing director in the investment banking boutique, Evercore Partners. As Global Head of the Media business and European Head of Telecoms at Credit Suisse, he worked with a number of media organisations including the BBC, BSkyB and Vivendi. Fry also has declared interests in Control Risks, the international security consulting firm who specialise in work in the Middle East.
List of ME areas in which Control Risks are involved:
Israel and Gaza, the West Bank
Beirut: Getting back to business
Middle East by the river
Within striking distance: prospects of a military strike against Iran
Analyst (Middle East and North Africa), Information Services - London
Control Risks sends consultants to support clients in Lebanon
Perhaps most damning of all, "Llloyds TSB and Barclays close down Muslim charities." In December 2008:
Pure politically motivated bullshite from the BBC and from Sky. neither had such moralistic grounds when broadcasting appeals that reflected 'well' on their ineterests. Where was their righteous indignation during hurricane Katrina or the Sumatra tsunami? But then, half of their controlling boards are funding by Israeli cash. Check it out.
what the hell does the Rothchilds have to do with supposed BBC bias in reporting??!
Are you looking for actual bias in news reports or are you just looking for Jews?
There is clear evidence here of how some banks - especially Barclays - have been targetting charities in Palestine and elsewhere in the middle east. The Chairman of Barclays is Marcus Agius, who is alse a Senior Indpendent Director at the BBC. Other people on the board of trustees also have connections with Barclays - notaby Anthony Fry.
De Rothschild support for Zionism settlement and colonisation goes back a very long way:
So, what you are really saying is that you haven't done any research on BBC media bias regarding Israel/Palestine and only offer us scary Jews.
Details here:
Here's a link to Stephen Lendman's article on BBC's long history of carefully distorted presentations regarding middle eastern conflicts:
Fixed link in your comment above
media analysis,
Thanks, but this was written last June.
I would like to see concrete examples of BBC bias for the Israelis in this latest conflict. Is that too much to ask for?
If BBC wanted to remain impartial and unbiased it should not have interviewed any Israelis or shown any faked Israeli footage of faked Hamas attacks.
Instead the BBC should have shown only footage of innocent Palestinian victims.
In all bulletins the map of Israel should have been superimposed with a swastika.
All the presenters and reporters on BBC news bulletins should have screamed "Death To Israel" and burned and trampled the Israeli flag live on air.
Because the BBC did not do this then it is evidence that the BBC is biased in favour of Israel.
I think numerous examples of bias have been shown.
What, pray tell, puts you in a position of authority to demand instant examples?
Do you think you own Indymedia in addition to the middle east?
Or because you are trying to suppress debate perhaps?
I note that the retort when Israel is criticised is to urge those demanding inquiries into war-crimes by the Israelis to wait for official (Israeli) inquiries which go on for years and invariably acquit those involved of any blame.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander - so shut up and join the queue!
Tony Benn takes BBC to task (3 mins)
According to the Guardian the British public have sent a big V sign to the BBC and Sky by donating more than £1M to the Gaza relief appeal.
It is greatly amusing to me that no-one has managed to cite a single incidence of actual biased reporting in the BBC's coverage of the recent/ongoing conflict, and yet when someone questions the party line on, you accuse them of trying to stifle debate. Maybe the BBC is biased, who knows, I only get RTE. There's no way it could be more biased than this thread, however.
Bob. How dare you not agree with the party line.
Please stop trying to stifle the debate!
There have been over 21000 complaints about BBC coverage of the Gaza ethnic cleansing and murder.
By contrast only 380 ardent zionist hasbaraniks have backed the BBC's stance.
I think this speaks volumes more than producing a list of citations for your reading pleasure.
Face the fact that you are in a minority!
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When looking at BBC coverage on the Palestine-Israel conflict, it is certainly fair enough to cite this particular media organization's pattern of coverage over the last few years. Lendman's critique witten in June 2008 applies as much to BBC's current coverage of the conflict as it does to the coverage just 6 months ago. Out of respect for indymedia's guidline, I had not copied and pasted the entire article but I suspect Pro-Beeb has not actually bothered reading the article.
Just one glaring example of the sustained bias in BBC's coverage is that if you go to their website even now or since the current conflict, in none of their articles do they refer to Gaza and the West Bank as the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Why is this? Especially given that the UN formally recognizes both Gaza and the West Bank as the Palestinian Occupied Territories in all of their resolutions and, of course, that this designation unperpins the entire basis of the conflict- th Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories.
Why was BBC unable to report from inside Gaza when AlJazeera was on Dec 27th/08? Why does BBC maintain a bureau in Jerusalem but not in Ramallah or Gaza?
Numerous BBC ex-correspondents are voicing their concerns regarding BBC's pro-Israeli bias particlularly regarding the current war by Isreal. They include:
-Deepak Tripathi in History News Network, George Mason University, Jan 26th 2009
-Tim Llewellyn in the Observer, Jan 25th 2009
-John Kampfner in the Guardian, Jan 12th 2009
and, yes BBC's refusal to show the DEC appeal only goes further to expose the extent of the bias
"David Miller of Strathclyde University, among others have shown, the BBC has failed and failed miserably in its duty to report this conflict objectively. The Israeli ambassador Ron Prosser has had 2,000% more coverage than his Palestinian counterpart in the UK media. There have only been 2 mentions of Ambassador Hassassian, and those by Ian Black of the Guardian. This is a disgrace. Why do I pay a licence fee? To be insulted with propaganda?"
Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, has written to the Director General BBC, Mr. Mark Thompson to protest against the BBC’s decision not to broadcast the national humanitarian appeal for .Gaza.
Maguire said:
‘I write to add my voice to the many people from around the world who have been shocked and disappointed at the decision of the BBC not to broadcast the Gaza Appeal. I consider this to be a deeply unfair and unjust decision. Far from protecting, as you suggest, your impartiality it has indeed shown up how biased is your approach, both in this refusal to carry an appeal, and reporting (or lack of) on the Siege of Gaza and the ensuing Israeli military attack on unarmed Gazan civilians,
Actions now being acknowledged by many around the world as Israeli crimes against humanity.
I believe the decision of the BBC not to broadcast the Gaza appeal is an insult to the people of Gaza who have suffered so much
With over, l500 dead, at least 500 women and children, your Corporation lost not only an opportunity to tell the truth about Gaza and Palestine, (as its duty as a public body) but to help relieve the suffering of women and children. This decision has, yet again, added to their pain and sense of isolation from a world that has remained silent and indifferent to their 60 years occupation by Israel, and the latest slaughter of their children by Israeli military.
I ask you to reconsider this decision and to use your great power of communication to fulfil your national responsibility
To help the children of Gaza, many of whom have no homes, no clean water no electricity, and very little medicines and food
And even now are still cut off from the world by Israel through the illegal closures of its borders, from the rest of Palestine and the world.
Mairead Maguire
Nobel Peace Laureate
Peace People, 224 Lisburn road, Belfast. BT9. N. Ireland
teL; 028 90 663465
i've just checked the Al Jazeera TV website for the DEC Appeal: (UPDATED ON: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 01, 2009 01:50 MECCA TIME, 22:50 GMT). not even a whisper of it.
why is there no mention of DEC on Al Jareera TV website? are they not a pan Arabic media site? do they not care? is Al Jazeera secretly a Zionist front?? ridiculous, i know but.....
on other media matters - why has Hamas harassed & arrested Arab journalists working in Gaza
" In Gaza we found evidence of intimidation by Hamas. This is completely unacceptable. We understand that humanitarian help to media including safety vests for journalists in danger have been seized and confiscated." - statement by the General Secretary of the International Federation for Journalists, Aidan White, January 27th, 2009
Representatives of all the Palestinian factions and the Israeli army profess a desire to respect press freedom and the work of journalists, but the statistics belie their claims. This year alone, the Israeli army attacked or threatened 16 journalists and wrecked the premises of three news media, while Palestinian militants caused damage to seven news media by setting them on fire or smashing equipment, and attacked at least four journalists. Six foreign journalists have also been kidnapped by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. - REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS report 4 - 7 December 2008
not all black & white & last time i looked there were no reds or Zionists hiding under my bed.....
Al Jazeera English today announced that it contacted The Disasters Emergency Committee in the UK to support their call to broadcast announcements for humanitarian aid for the victims of the Gaza War.
Al Jazeera English has pledged to run public service announcements in UK prime time on Al Jazeera English at no cost in support of the Committee’s appeal. The announcements will begin running on Monday January 26. The appeal will be broadcast to UK citizens both in the UK and across the world with Al Jazeera English’s global reach to over 130 million households.
These broadcasts have been running for a week.
Next time try doing some research before you post!
Your link on the arrest of journalists in Gaza dates from 2006.
"This year alone, the Israeli army attacked or threatened 16 journalists and wrecked the premises of three news media,
while Palestinian militants caused damage to seven news media by setting them on fire or smashing equipment, and attacked at least four journalists.
Six foreign journalists have also been kidnapped by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."
Israel has currently imprisoned 2 journalists (serving time since 2007 and 2008 respectively) ... so much for freedom and democracy Israeli style
On this basis Israel can hardly be held out as an example!
i stand corrected on that one point, Gaza Sympathiser.
here is an ACCURATE date / link in regard to:
the arrest of journalists in Gaza from MENASSAT, an Arab website.
NEW YORK, January 27, 2009 (CPJ)—The Palestinian Authority (PA) has detained at least three journalists in the West Bank since Saturday, according to local news reports and journalists who spoke to CPJ.
On Monday, security forces detained Ahmad Dikkawi, correspondent for the London-based al-Quds TV station in Jenin. They also detained Samer Khuaira, the Nablus correspondent for the same station, on Saturday, news reports said. Issam al-Rimawi, a cameraman with the PA-aligned Palestinian News Agency, Wafa, was detained by security forces on Monday. Although Wafa would not confirm the detention of its cameraman, local journalists told CPJ that al-Rimawi has been detained. All three are still being held.
full story in link
as regards Al Jazeera, they should flag the DEC support on their website. look for yourself & give me the link from Al Jazeera, please. i saw none. your link supports what you say but doesn't give direct link to Al Jazeera.
also, as a daily Al Jazeera watcher, i haven't yet seen that DEC advert. have you?
I have better things to do with my time than to dig out citations for people who are too lazy and sloppy to do their own research properly before parotting tired Zionist drivel from a hasbara website/guide.
gaza sympathiser says:
I have better things to do with my time than to dig out citations for people who are too lazy and sloppy to do their own research properly before parotting tired Zionist drivel from a hasbara website/guide.
maverick replies:
is everything contrary to the Palestinian party-line rejected? is this left-wing fundamentalism?
no comments on my correct citations, i see.
don't stifle the debate by tired old dismissive type-casting.
my website / guide was Arabic. are MENASSAT Zionists now??? come on....
in closing, do any impartial Arabic people contribute to the discussion - or is it just well-meaning white irish lefties?
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