On January 11th. 2002 the U.S. opened its twilight zone and star chamber at it's military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Guantanamo has come to symbolise the fast track acceptance of kidnapping torture as mainstream U.S. policy. Shannon Airport in Ireland has been used extensively for refueling of illegal kidnapping flights. Tens of thousands of others are detained and tortured in U.S. gulags in Iraq, Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, aboard ships and elsewhere known and unknown.
Last Sunday saw the 7th. anniversary of the Guantanamo torture chamber and the launch of a 100 day campaign in Washington D.C. to Shut Down Guantanamo http://www.100dayscampaign.org The campaign targets the first 100 days of the new administration a traditional time where the new President launches initiatives distinct from the previous administration.
This campaign of public awareness and nonviolent direct action has its roots in Dec 2005 when approx 30 Catholic Workers made their way to Cuba (an offence for U.S. citizens) and walked to Guantanamo Bay http://www.witnesstorture.org Participants were detained by U.S. authorities on their return home. A campaign of nonviolent direct action saw approx 100 Catholic Workers and friends arrested in an occupation of the Federal Court building in Washington D.C. Jan 11th. 2008 Those arrested refused to give their own names and gave the names of detainees at Guantanamo. This was the first time the names of Guantanamo detainees were uttered in U.S. courts.
On Sunday January 11th. 2009, 60 activists in D.C. began a public fast demanding the immediate closure of Guantanamo. Nonviolent activist organisers have deployed to D.C. for the first 100 days of the Obama administration and will facilitate waves of public witness and nonviolent direct action over the months ahead.
On Sunday, local Catholic Workers held a vigil at the U.S. embassy in Dublin demanding the closure of Guantanamo, the removal of the U.S. military from Shannon Airport, an end to torture and the release of all those illegally detained.