Galway's Western Writers' Centre recipient of Bus Eireann award
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press release
Tuesday November 11, 2008 02:21
by Western Writers' Centre, Galway - Western Writers' Centre - Ionad Scríbhneoiri Chaitlin Maude, Galway
westernwriters at eircom dot net
27 Nuns Island, Galway

Teastas Aitheantais ar Dhul Chun Cinn
At an awards ceremony in Galway's Radisson Hotel last night presided over by Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh, The Western Writers' Centre - Ionad Scríbhneoiri Chaitlin Maude - was one of the three major awards recipients.

Fred Johnston (Photo: Iain Fairweather, Nairn, Scotland)
The awards, sponsored by Bus Eireann, are for projects in the Irish Language. The Centre will work on a project in the Irish language involving three Irish-language poets in the Galway City area.
"We are delighted at this," said Fred Johnston, the centre's founder and Director. "Especially as we are launching three new workshops in Irish in a month or so."
Named to commemorate the late poet, singer and activist Caitlín Maude, Ionad Scríbhneoiri Chaitlin Maude has produced more Irish-language events since its inception than any non-specifically Irish language cultural organisation in the country and was the only arts' organisation in Galway to be a participant in the Arts Councils' Touring Experiment, when three Irish-language poets were toured to events in Kerry, Limerick, Donegal and Athlone. This is the first year of the Bus Eireann awards, which are also supported by the Galway Independent and Raidio na Gaeltachta. The Centre's Chairman is Aoife Nic Fhearghusa, a native of Co. Kerry, an arts' practitioner and fluent Irish speaker, who currently features on TG4's 'Rós na Rún.'