Motion defeated by 40 delegates.
There are 161 people in this country looking for a new political organisation. Sadly agressive little mobs
have an ability to re-structure and re-group at enormous rates of rapidity. They will not be doing so in time
for the next set of elections:
Before she left she destroyed the healthcare system , aided and abetted by centre-right party, The Greens.
The Sunday papers will busily eulogise on her contribution to Women's Politics, whilst it is evident
that she has dealt women's health issues a cancerous body blow. She copper-fastened the most
brutal econmic inequality and two-tier approach to women's health since the foundation of the state.
Mary Harneys destruction of equality in regard to Women's Rights are delineated in the brief introduction above.
Choice Ireland have utilised this Newswire and their new .org to highlight her inequitable approach to regulation
over the past twelve months. i am thus including in here a link to one of the stories and to their new site:
The ideology of an open market for issues as sensitive as abortion rights indicates her refusal to understand
that there is a necessity to regulate and take responsibility for beginning the discussion on criminalisation.
Instead she quite clearly reduced serious issues to basic market strategies thereby demonstrating an inability
to understand ethics.
As a women minister she chose to copper-fasten hierarchical structures by over-paying some Health service
Sectors, through co-location and through the use of PR mechanisms to bury the voices of those victims
of her choices rather than face her failure and leave the political arena years ago.
She has left a battered Health Service. An Ideologically driven HSE. She has left Brenda Drumm in charge
and increased his wage packet. The multiple failures were rationaised and supported in 2007 by both
John Gormley of the Centre-right Greens and Finian Mc Grath TD , in the wake of the Barringtons, Portlaoise
and Ennis Scandals. And In 2008 by John Gormley and the centre-right Greens in the wake of her
medical card decision.
All in all Mary harney has achieved her wish- a huge scar on this country that suppurates with infection
because she failed to recognise that a marriage between Liberal economics and puritanical
conservatism does not work when dealing with actual human beings.
I hope she rots.