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Sinn Fein defend the Free State

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Wednesday November 05, 2008 22:07author by Bonnan buí Report this post to the editors

Sinn Fein defend the Free State

Last week i thought i was having another one of my funny turns when i read that Sinn Fein were very upset about the closure of Free State Army Barracks. But thennnn, the coin dropped how could i not have realised, obviously this must be the 'New Irealand' Gerry A keeps going on about.

Sinn Féin in Donegal were holding a public meeting alongside PDFORRA which reperesents Free State army soldiers, to object to the closure of two Free State Army barracks Rockhill and Lifford in Donegal.

""""Sinn Fein Donegal are calling on family, friends and local communities to come together on Thursday the 30th Oct at 8pm in the Ramada Hotel Letterkenny to form a united voice for the Soldiers of Rockhill and Lifford.""

Sinn Féin describe the decision to close the barracks as " a deplorable announcement" and that " Sinn Fein members strongly feel that 'something must be done' ".

Even more interesting was the title of their meeting "They Defend us, Now We Must Defend Them" .

I dont know about you all but i'm really excited about the way this "New Ireland" is shaping up for us Republicans, defending the Free State, having tea and crumpets in Downing St .But what I really cant wait for is, the protests at the closure of Britsh Barracks. .And how could we forget the Sinn Féin recruitment drive for new ' Irish Army' members after all we Irish Republicans need the Free State to defend us!!!!!!

author by lostdplot - nonepublication date Thu Nov 06, 2008 01:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Please tell me this is a wind-up?

Sinn Fein could of at least waited until all of the remaining prisoners associated with them have been released from Port Laoise Prison where the walls are fortified by a garrison of Free State soldiers whose responsibilities also may and have in the past stretched to actually running the prison guard duties in periods of industrial dispute.If this is true it has to be the worse case of bad political judgement on behalf of both parties involved since the beginning of the state.

Some more facts on this please?
Any SFs care to comment or are ye too busy looking for a sand pit for in which to bury your head,presumably along with your history and principles.

author by Bonnan Buípublication date Thu Nov 06, 2008 13:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I kid you not , see below for more info, fresh from the fountain of the '''''Defenders of the Free State''' !!!!

"They Defend us, Now We Must Defend Them": Public Meeting: Thursday 30/10/08.

Sinn Fein Donegal are calling on family, friends and local communities to come together on Thursday the 30th Oct at 8pm in the Ramada Hotel Letterkenny to form a united voice for the Soldiers of Rockhill and Lifford. In the recent contentious Budget proposed by the present Fianna Fail Government it was announced that the two Army Barracks North of the Gap are to close their doors on the 31st January 2009 in an effort to reduce public spending.

Cllr Harvey said: " Since this deplorable announcement was made there has been widespread upset, anger and disbelief amongst the local community, among the elected Representatives and indeed among the Army personnel themselves"

Cllr Harvey also stated "there is a strong feeling among the Sinn Fein members that 'something must be done' and, according to what is being presented in the local media other Political Parties have also voiced their concern. Sometimes we are led to believe that it's too late, nothing can be done, it's a done deal, but we in Sinn Fein don't subscribe to fatalism and believe in the power of the people that we represent. Indeed the over 70's have even proved that to us very recently, now we must lead by their example to reverse the closure of these barracks", she said. Cllr Harvey also stated that "We must remember that the Army's Code of Conduct forbids them to campaign or lobby publicy which makes it even more pertinent that we speak for them".

Cllr Gerry Mc Monagle along with the Milford/Letterkenny candidate Mick Quinn calls for as many people as possible to attend and states that everybody has to work together on this one, this is not just a Sinn Fein issue, this is a County matter and a matter that all political parties need to work together on for the common good of the people. Cllr Mc Monagle states that Sinn Fein have made contact with PDFORRA and are hopeful that a representative will be present on the night, along with an ex member of the Defence Forces and the president of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce. Members of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce and Members of Letterkenny Town Council and County Council are urged to attend this meeting. Acknowledging that Public Meetings are not usually well attended Cllr Harvey stresses that in this case it is vital for good attendance as unfortunately these people are not in a position to defend themselves.

Large turn out at public meeting for retention of army barracks North of the Gap

People power can win through- Sinn Féin

Up to 200 people including ex-members of the defence forces, the Mayor of Letterkenny the President of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce and elected representatives from Sinn Féin, Fine Gael, and Independents, attended the packed meeting on Thursday night last in the Ramada hotel.

The meeting was chaired by Sinn Féin Donegal County Councillor, Cora Harvey and the guest speakers were Mr Gerry Rooney, president of PDFORRA, Mr Jason Black, President of Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Martin Giblin, ex member of the defence forces and PDFORRA. The elected representatives present on the night all spoke and offered their support to the family's and friends present. There was disappointment that none of the Fianna Fáil County Councillors were present on the night despite them backing a motion at the County Council meeting on Tuesday to fight to retain the barracks and to work together on a cross party basis on this issue.

Speaking after the meeting, Sinn Féin Donegal County Councillor, Cora Harvey said:

"The meeting was spear headed by Sinn Fein on behalf of the public and PDFORRA who had raised concerns over the past 2 weeks since the Government announcement that the army barracks in Rockhill and Lifford are to close in so called "consolidation" and "cost containment measures"

"Tonight we provided the platform, provided the speakers, assisted the meeting and spoke for those who unfortunately cannot speak for themselves. A forum was provided for those concerned to gather under the one roof to devise a plan to move forward. At town council level and at county council level we will bring this issue forward to the Minister of Defence. However, it is vital that this campaign doesn't lose momentum as we have a limited timeframe. Following last night's meeting, PDFORRA have undertaken to coordinate a campaign committee to take the next steps including a petition supported by Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce through businesses in the town".

Sinn Féin Letterkenny Town Councillor Gerry McMonagle said:

"People power seemed to be the main theme that dominated the meeting. Those at the meeting and in the wider community need to follow in the footsteps of the over 70s and what was very clear tonight was that the people have the backing of the elected representatives that were present on the night"


author by Liam Lynch - Nonepublication date Thu Nov 06, 2008 16:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A more ironic and apt commentary on the dilution of Sinn Féin's ideological and strategic values would be hard to find. Such cynical opportunism, against the grain of history and of republican idealism, is a gross insult to the courage and sincerity of those who suffered losses of personal liberty, poverty, ostracism, and even death for the republican ideal. Bobby Sands would turn in his grave. Apart from anything else, would this money not be better spent on nurses than on soldiers? The Adams strategy of populist politics is failing miserably. First they turn to their newfound freinds in the banks, now to their erstwhile enemies, the Free State army. What next? Clearly the (lamentably naive) long-term goal is alliance with FF.

author by lostdplot - nonepublication date Thu Nov 06, 2008 16:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Tha for the additional info,need time to digest this but off the cuff would Sinn Fein not be better off defending against the demise of their own army first?

author by horseoharapublication date Thu Nov 06, 2008 18:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Incredible !!!!!!!!!

I remember reading with interest Gerry A's memoirs ( a good few years ago ) and can remember him stating that his favourite rebel song was "Take it down from the mast" a song from the civil war years about the murder and torture of Republicans by the Free-Staters.

"You murdered our brave Liam and Rory, you butchered young Richard and Joe, Your hands with the blood is still gory from doing the work of the foe"

Sinn Fein's move from the left to center is apparently gaining pace. I only wonder will it stop in the centre or continue further right ?

author by Rouri O'Connor - The holders of the flagpublication date Fri Nov 07, 2008 02:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Crazy times indeed, I think New Sinn Fein have finally lost the plot. What will they think of next. The Free staters had/have a history against republicanism which was far more ruthless than the British. Ballyseedy is one atrocity that comes to mind. Ten men were tied to a mine during the Irish civil war. Nine were blown to pieces and one survived after been blown over a ditch. In 1975 twenty eight year old Dubliner Vol Tom Smith who was serving life was shot dead by Free State soldiers in Portlaoise Jail. Does Sinn Fein still hold a commemoration for Vol Tom Smith on St Paddy’s day ?. I’m trying to make a comparison in the six counties. Would Sinn Fein support the British army and then attend the annual Bloody Sunday commemoration in Derry ?. Below is an interview with Martin Ferris from An Phoblacht in 2007.

Martin Ferris Interview
Still fighting for a united Ireland

You were involved in a number of escape attempts.
Yes. Like every IRA Volunteer I felt it was my duty to try to escape and to stay in prison voluntarily would have been a failure of your duty as a Volunteer. I was lucky enough to be afforded the opportunity when, on 17 March 1975, there was an attempted break-out and I was part of it. That was when Volunteer Tom Smith was killed and six POWs wounded. Brian Keenan was shot in the arm and leg.
Basically, the Free State soldiers panicked. Two men – Gerry Quinn and Eamon O’Sullivan – were coming in a lorry to break through the front gate when the engine died. We could hear the engine fading at the other side of the gate and we knew then that the game was up. None of us was aware at that stage that there was a man dead and we were rounded up in a corner of the yard.
I remember that JB O’Hagan was trying to get medical assistance for a man called Jack Murphy from South Armagh who had been badly wounded. Brian Keenan was wounded; he was still running around, trying to find a way out. In fact, himself and Kevin Mallon were trying to get behind the commanding officer of the Free State Army to try and jump him and take the gun off him. They hadn’t given up at that stage even though it was fairly obvious that we were going nowhere that time.
There were strip-searches and a bit of hiding for everyone that night.

At the end of the interview Ferris was asked….

All the turmoil, all the time on the run, all the time in jail – would you do it all again?
Yes, if I had to and with my family behind me as they have been, but times have changed and Irish republicans have a new job of work to do – winning the peace, winning a united Ireland.

I find it hard to get my head around that one, ‘I would do it all again’ Just don’t tell Sinn Fein your intentions. He says ‘Irish republicans have a new job of work to do - winning the peace, winning a united Ireland‘.

Irish republicans prisoners are still held in Portlaoise Jail. Still guarded by Free State soldiers. Does this new work for republicans entail assisting the Free State Army ?

Just in case anyone in Sinn Fein forgot the words of the popular republican ballad , ‘Take it down form the mast’ you’ll find them below. I added in the last verse myself. Maybe someone else would also like to contribute.


Take it down from the mast Irish traitors
It's the flag we Republicans claim
It can never belong to Free-Staters
For you've brought on it nothing but shame

You have murdered our brave Liam and Rory
You butchered young Richard and Joe
Your hands with their blood is still gory
Full filling the work of the foe


So leave it to those who are willing
To uphold it in war and in peace
To the people who intend to defend it
Until England's tyranny should cease


We will stand by you Daly and Larkin
By the Provisionals and Sullivan the bold
And we'll break down the English connections
And we'll win back the nation you sold


You sold out the six counties for your freedom
When we have given you McCraken and Tone
And brave Ulstermen have fought for you in Dublin
Now you watch as we fight on alone


And up in Ulster we're fighting on for freedom
For our people they yearn to be free
You executed those men who fought for us
With a handgun from over the sea


After many years of conflict and suffering
Our prisoners are still in free state jails
And now the final act of treachery has happened
With the aid and support of Sinn Fein

author by Platopublication date Fri Nov 07, 2008 09:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They waffle and collude with bigots
To keep us oppressed and unfree
No longer a republican army
Just politicos dressed by Armani

author by Deary me!!publication date Sat Nov 08, 2008 16:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"They Defend us, Now We Must Defend Them" - my jaysus. How the mighty have fallen!! I'm sure you must ask yourself how we arrived to this point of mediocrity, eh Gerry Mc? We never really thought it'd come to this. It's a long, long, way away from the ideals of the PIRA, no??

Take it down from the mast indeed!!

author by Liam Mellows - The four courts unitpublication date Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Finale new chorus,

So take it down from the mast Gerry Adams,
You have brought on it nothing but shame,
While sporting your new suite with waste coat,
You have sold out the Patriot Game.

Speaking of contradictions, I just came across an article about SF’s Tom Hartley laying a wreath in memory of the dead who died fighting for the British Empire, I find that hard to digest. Talk about jumping through hoops to please the master, good boy Tom. See below for link.


author by horseoharapublication date Sun Nov 09, 2008 14:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Your right about poor auld Tom ! Those are the perks of the job when your Lord Mayor of Beal feirste !

I'm interested in seeing will there be a sinn fein presence at the funeral today of John Hermon ex R.U.C chief who overseen the shoot to kill policies in the 80's amongst many other things. Surely it would be the duty of the first and deputy first ministers to attend !!

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