Independent Media Centre Ireland

News from down the country

category national | environment | news report author Monday September 15, 2008 20:26author by Contaminated Crow

This week incinerators, pylons, pig farm, a bio park and land access

An Bord Pleanala has rescheduled its hearing into the proposed incinerator at Nobber, Co. Meath for 17th October 2008. Last week the ICMSA, which has almost 1000 members in the Cavan and Meath area, declared its support for the North East Against Incineration group: according to its president Jackie Cahill ‘Either we stand together, or we fall separately –NEAI will be able to count on us.’ (Source: Meath Chronicle 13/9/08 p.7)

As part of its public rally on September 13th 2008 in the Aughnamullen GAA grounds the Lough Egish Anti-Pylon Committee is going to build a 120 foot high replica pylon. According to committee chairperson Owen Brannigan ‘This is to give the people of Co. Monaghan an opportunity to see at first hand the sheer mass of the pylons that EirGrid propose to erect through Co Monaghan, and the destruction that these pylons will cause to our landscape, our scenic views and our property values.’ (Source: Monaghan Post 11/9/08, p.5)

Work started last week on the site of the 130 million Euro Indaver incinerator at Carranstown, Duleek, Co. Meath which was opposed bitterly by the local community in a campaign that lasted 10 years, and was expressed in over 4,000 individual objections to the original application for planning permission. Construction is expected to last two years. Pat O’Brien of the local campaign group the No to Incineration Alliance warned the incinerator would have a negative and serious effect on the health and wellbeing of local residents and called for an independent baseline study to be completed as soon as possible: ‘We have been calling for baseline studies plus a proper detailed health impact assessment for some time now and Minister Gormley should ensure they are completed as soon as possible and certainly before construction is completed’ (Source: Meath Chronicle 13/9/08, p.3)

Local residents marched last Sunday from Cong village to Ashford Castle, Co. Mayo to protest against what they describe as moves by the castle’s new owners, Edward Holdings, to deny them access to the grounds and amenities of the castle. Spokesperson for the residents Thomas Ryan said until recently locals had unrestricted access but ‘Access has become more of a problem. This began to happen shortly after the change of ownership’. (Source Connaught Telegraph 9/9/08 p.3)

An Bord Pleanala has gone against the advice of its own inspector in granting permission to Woodville Pig Farms Ltd. to demolish 11 old fattening houses and construct three new pig fattening houses at Ballyknockane, Ballymackey, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. In objecting to the plan Joe Guerin of Cappa, Ballymackey said the existing operation has been run without an IPC (Integrated pollution Control) for 5 years while the Bord inspector concluded an adequate environmental assessment had not been carried out. (Source Tipperary Star 13/9/08 p.1.7)

Local residents of Bigstone, Rathvilly, Co Carlow won a battle against a plan by BioPower Ltd., Schull, Co. Cork, to set up a bio park development for rape seed processing, bio diesel production and fuel pelleting, when the company withdrew its application last week when it emerged that the operation required an Integral Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) licence. Opposition to the plans has led to the formation of Bigstone Community Action Group which welcomed the withdrawal last week. (Source Carlow Nationalist 12/9/08, p. 2)

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