There were two demonstrations held in Dublin on Thursday in solidarity with the struggle in Rossport against Shell's activities.
One demo was held outside Shell's headquarters earlier in the evening and later there was a demo outside the GPO.
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Comments (3 of 3)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Just came across a similar story from British Columbia where a community of Native Americans amongst others are fighting against Shell and the destruction of a very precious environment. The two things that struck me about the video were the exchange between the Native American woman and the policeman and the quality of the shots in the second half. She obviously speaks from a place of deep compassion and love for the environment and also sanity! With the Tipping Point for global climate disruption now put at 2050 ( that type relationship with the environment is the only way forward for the planet. To support the continued rape of the environment to maintain our unsustainable energy use is insane and will destroy the planet if it doesn't change very quickly. The other thing that struck me about the video was the scenic shots in the second half. The shots themselves suggested a love and compassion for what the photographer was looking at. S/he may have been a Native American. Really beautiful. For further info came across a Facebook page of theirs ...
Well done, good speakers - get this story out nationally & internationally!
Nice one Dave, keep em coming.
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