Independent Media Centre Ireland
Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

'Hammered by the Irish' Anti-War Benefit

category dublin | anti-war / imperialism | event notice author Friday September 12, 2008 12:11author by DMauthor phone 0879184552


Acts confirmed

-Paul O'Toole and his Aging Rock Star Ensemble

-Joe Black (playing hits from his album "The Welcome")

-Donal O'Kelly ("Kings", "Catalpa", "The Van") - Spoken Word

-Harry Browne - Author of book 'Hammered by the Irish: How the Pitstop Ploughshares disabled a U.S. war-plane - with Ireland's blessing' (books will be available on the night - €10)

Books available online from Counterpunch:
and AK Press:


G.I. Robert Long serving 15 months in U.S. for anti-war resistance

- Good audio interview with Robin from El Paso County Jail on site

ANZAC Waihopai Ploughshares

Films of GI resistance, ploughshares movement on the night


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Caption: Video Id: ?v=LiZsFGREF_4 Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video

Caption: Video Id: ?v=U9neSNp7Qng Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video

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author by DMpublication date Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:17author address author phone

Here are the youtube links again as I entered the wrong code first time around. One is of the New Zealand Ploughshares group that deflated a spy dome with sickles and are currently awaiting trial. The second is a short video documenting Courage to Resist members who are doing jail time or have being punished for refusing to serve in Iraq.

Caption: Video Id: LiZsFGREF_4 Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video

Caption: Video Id: U9neSNp7Qng Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video

author by NZ Ploughsarespublication date Fri Sep 12, 2008 21:55author address author phone

*Sept. 18th. ANZAC/Wahopai Ploughshares (Aotearoa/N.Z.) Pre-Trial Hearing Blenheim,
Aotearoa/New Zealand (south island, turn left at Australia!)

“On 30 April, Christian activists Sam, Peter and Adi deflated the protective dome covering a satellite dish at the Waihopai spy base near Blenheim. This Christian non-violent direct action was to protest against NZ’s involvement in America’s war in Iraq. On the 18th of September, they will be in court for their depositions hearing where they will enter a plea in relation to the two criminal charges they are facing. Your prayers and support are appreciated.”

Blenheim, 17 and 18 September
* On Wednesday, 17 September * 6pm - evening meal at St Mary’s Presbytery, 61 Maxwell Road * 7.30pm - ‘Swords into ploughshares: defence bases and idolatry’ discussion forum, Saint Mary’s Church foyer. Overnight accommodation at St Mary’s Parish Hall (mattresses only provided)
* On Thursday, 18 September * 10am - depositions hearing, Courtroom No 1, Blenheim District Court, 58 Alfred Street * 1pm to 2pm - sausage sizzle and cake stall to raise money for the reconstruction of Iraq (target:USD$800,000,000,000) at the Blenheim War Memorial, opposite the court house.

A printable poster with the Blenheim events is available here, for more information contact Adi, tel 06 364 8966 or email.

Wellington, Thursday 18 September

From 1pm to 2.30pm - peaceful presence at the GCSB HQ, Freyberg Building, corner Aitken Street and Mulgrave Street (opposite Archives NZ), with music, and more! All welcome, come along and support Ploughshares non-violent / faith-based kaupapa; for more information contact the Wellington Ploughshares Support Group.

Auckland, Thursday 18 September

From 12.30pm to 2pm - peaceful presence outside the US Consulate, Citibank Building, 23 Customs Street East (corner of Commerce Street). All welcome! come along and support Ploughshares non-violent / faith-based kaupapa, for more information contact the Auckland Ploughshares Support Group.

Related Link:
author by Dan Karpenchuk in Toronto - ABCpublication date Mon Sep 15, 2008 07:03author address author phone

Rallies have been held in major cities and towns across Canada over the weekend in support of American war resisters.

As many as 200 former United States military personnel are seeking refuge status in Canada.
One of the largest gatherings was in Toronto, were former draft dodger Lee Zaslofsky was among the marchers.

Mr Zaslofsky was one of the 50,000 Americans who came to Canada in 1970 to avoid the Vietnam war.

Mr Zaslofsky says US war resisters coming north today are even more courageous than those of his generation.

But he adds that they face an even more difficult experience in settling in Canada.

One resister was deported in July and another is scheduled to be sent back to the US next week.
In June, Canadian parliamentarians passed a non-binding motion to have war resisters accepted as permanent residents, a motion the Conservative Government chose to ignore.

author by N.Z. Presspublication date Mon Sep 15, 2008 22:24author address Aotearoa/ New Zealandauthor phone

Waihopai 3 to Face Court on Attack on Spy Base

Related Link:
author by ANZAC Ploughsharespublication date Thu Sep 18, 2008 17:13author address Aotearoa/ New Zealandauthor phone

The three activists who successfully deflated a dome covering a satelite at Waihopai spy base earlier this year appeared in the Blenheim (Aotearoa/ New Zealand) district court today for depositions. They were supported by a keen crowd of around thirty people who had come from all over the country to stand in solidarity with the actions of the ANZAC Ploughshares against militarism and government-led violence and terror.

The judge ruled that there was enough evidence to proceed to trial on the three charges that each of the defendants face - one of burglary and two of intentional damage. The defendants were not fazed and made it clear to the media that they do not regret their actions. Although they are only two humble gardeners and a friar, they will continue to resist war and violence and to stand on the side of the oppressed.

While the state is attempting to put these three activists on trial as regular criminals, the defendants themselves are intent on using their trial to bring the state to account for its complicity in war crimes and torture due to its participation in the signals intelligence spyďng network known as ECHELON. George Bush has often stated the important role that intelligence plays in the so-called War on Terror and by hosting what is effectively a US spy base on New Zealand soil and spending an estimated $500 million of tax payer money on it, we are all implicated.

Fairly straight forward evidence was presented by the prosecution as to the already well publicised entry and deflating of the spy dome by the defendants. It was presented by several of the officers involved on the day and one of the two night shift employees who discovered the security breach.

The defense noticed that the only person in the court room attempting to represent the GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau) who operate the Waihopai spy base was the low level employee who found the activists at the dome. They attempted to object to the charges of burglary and intentional damage to the dome, since they claimed that there was no one present who could legally claim that their property had been damaged. The Judge denied their claim.

New Zealand artist Jeff Simmonds has released a CD to raise funds for the ANZAC Ploughshares, check it out on his website. Support T Shirts were also on sale at the depositions which you may be able to get hold of if you make contact through the Ploughshares website. Unfortunately, the sausage sizzle to raise funds for the reconstruction of Iraq fell short once again of the US$800 billion target.

PreTrial Photos
http://indymedia. display/76067/ index.php

author by Ciaron - Ploughsharespublication date Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:03author address author phone

Preceeding this gig their will be a 4pm-6-m anti-war vigil today/THURSDAY demanding the removal of the U.S. military from Shannon, Iraq and Afghanistan at
the Rathmines Bridge, near the Lower Deck.

Feel free to swing by and join us whenever you can.

Babs - Scottish Gaelic speaker from Egg where British landlord was recently defeated and presently working at a Glasgow from a Womens Wholefood co-operative active with the Trident Ploughshares movement and Glasgow Samba ban - has come to town fo the gig and will be joining us.

Recently acquitted Conor Cregan is heading up from Shannon for the gig, so get a report of our latest victory ftom the hosers mouth.

Fara U.S. student who was in Iraq just prior to the invasion and more recently in Lebanon during the Israeli bombing campaign will also be with us.

Events tonight will kick off promptly with screeninigs of short anti-war resistance films (thanx Revolt for the projector) before the music kicks in

So if you're anti-war and free anytime from 4 pm-11.30 p.m. swing by and join in.

Harry's book will be available for a tenner at these times and places!

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