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| THE CONTINUING SAGA OF RIGHT WING HANGING JUDGE BASIL MCIVOR![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the so called self styled champion of tolerance and integration, pillar of society and establishment stallwart lagan college school governor QC Basil McIvor's son Johnathan McIvor is kicked out of the met after mishandling the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. Right wing hanging judge and establishment stallwart QC Basil McIvor's son Johnathan after being booted out of the Metropolitan police for mishandling the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, is banished to Armagh RUC/psni different name, same nazi pigs. Johnathan McIvor is appointed Chief cuntstable of Armagh pig service after being serverly chastised for fuking up the investigation into the Racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. Right wing QC Basil McIvor school governor of allegedly integrated lagan college instructed his school staff to send home a 1st year girl pupil, for having an afrocarribean hairstyle, another example perhaps of the McIvor families impartiallity and tolerance towars those of different cultures and social backgrounds. Lagan college recently installed an expensive CCTV security system in order to protect their self styled alleged champion of integrated education, QC Basil McIvor, who is accompanied constantly by highly paid burly bodyguards in a chauffer bullet proof limo. Despite this lagan college has the cheek to beg working class parents of its pupils for money, presumably to spend on protecting and financing gala events such as its recent 20th aniversary celebrations for the illustrious pillar of society and establishment stallwarQC Basil Mc Ivor, meanwhile pupils at lagan college must make do with classes in mobiles . Is it any wonder after 20 years, pupils at allegedly integrated lagan college are being taught in mobiles, stuck in the arsehole of nowhere surrounded by electrical pylons, with right wing hanging judge QC Basil McIvor looking after its interests. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12There is a close relationship between QC Basil McIvor, RUC speacial branch and disgraced ex speacial branch head Sir Ronnie Flanagan, Sir Ronnie recently vouched for Basil McIvor's son, enabling Johnathan darling to get his current job as chief cuntstable of Armagh. Its time working class protestant and catholic parents reclaimed Integrated education for themselves, to stop establishment stallwart apointees like right wing hanging judge Basil McIvor running amok with security force and intelligence agent bastards interferring in the education of children at Lagan college. These bastards are not impartial have no educational experience or insight beyond their own right wing conservative agendas and are dragging the concept of integrated education through the muck, and sentencing thousands of its working class protestant and catholic kids to educational oblivion.
The mismanagement at Lagan college is a disgrace, and our children are suffering as a result of the right wing 'survival of the fittest' politics of hanging judge QC Basil McIvor, we need to kick this useless rich privilleged bastard off the lagan college school board, Establishment apointee Basil Mc Ivor believes in integration only in terms of its benefits to upholding his privilleged system/state, his idea of integration does not include the children of sein fein or left wing politically inclined families, whom if they do by some miracle get into lagan college, find their every move is monitored and the educational progress hindered or adversely effected by security force and intelligence service interference in the educational process. this is not the vision i had of integrated education, but it is British empire establishment apointees QC Basil McIvors narrowminded conservative right wing nonvision, which he has superimposed onto the ethos of Lagan college. So no such thing such as Sociology or politics are taught at Lagan college, again due to the right wing influence of QC Basil McIvor, who wants to keep working class protestants and catholics ignorant and in their rightful social place, fighting each other for pitiful scraps from the spoils of QC Basil McIvors plunder of the concept of integrated education.
I am a left wing parent of a child who attends lagan college, i have always believed in the concept of integration, working class catholic and protestant children being educated together, i was an activist in the DISBAND the RUC campaign, and i have links with LORAC, lower ormeau residents association, i have previously been charged with offences ranging from, ABH, assault and battery, assault and threats to kill and possession of firearms, although i have been charged with these offences i have never ever been convicted of any of the above offences, and i have always been a supporter of integrated education, as i believe in socialism for all, catholics and protestants. My son managed to get into Lagan college by getting a B2 grade in his 11+, and up untill my son attended lagan college, i was a firm supporter of integrated education, imagine my amazement when senior staff at lagan college such as vice principal Mr McNally refused to provide my son with special needs help and began a campaign to disenfranchise my son of his right to learn the Irish language. I could not understand why, because i thought integrated education would mean tolerance and educational provision for all children of all abilities and all social backgrounds. The penny dropped when i found out QC Basil McIvor was on the board of governors of lagan college, and learned of his close connections with the RUC, and special branch, i realised then that my son was being punished educationally for my political views and my involvement with the DISBAND THE RUC campaign. And that special branch had provided lagan college through QC Basil McIvor with info about my political leanings. To this day i cannot understand what my political views have to do with my sons educational provision or lack of it as provided by QC Basil McIvor and his establishment cronies.Obviously the concept of integration is only superficial to the likes of rich bastard establishment lackey QC Basil McIvor, who is using his position as alleged champion of integration to subvert and fuk up real integration for working class catholics and protestants.
Are ya sure that the same person ain't writing all of those posts above? The original "article" and the second comment, in particular, seem very similar.
There may be good reasons for slamming the guy in question. But to this Donegal man it sounds like a bit of a rant! And I'd like to believe that it's true, but you ain't helping...
I'm deeply suspect as well....
All three posts were put up between 9:48pm and 11:00pm on Sunday night.
So either.
1. Someone posted the article, and three people who felt the same way, happened to be on the site at the same time, and then wrote the comments themselves. All within the space of an hour. On a sunday night. Possible.....
2. Someone wrote all the articles themselves.
If you've got a problem with this guy fine.
But your complaints are incoherant. If this guy is the prick you make him out to be. Put forward it in your article in a manner people can understand, and don't hurl abuse at anyone who questions you.
I'm not defending this person (who I've never heard of)
I'm not from special branch. In your posts you've accused....
****his disgraced metropolitan pig son Johnathan McIvor who deliberately fuked up the investigation into the RACIST MURDER OF stephen Lawrence.*****
Making a statement like that requires proof behind it. You don't offer any.
You accuse him of being friends with a Paedophile, without then going into details of their friendship, best mates since school? Still friends after the charges? What? Are there any actual charges can you show us?
This is a newswire. I'd like to think the quality of news is actual reporting not tabloid muckraking and a smear campaign.
So talk go into detail, explain your case intelligently, and use a spellchecker. I'm not attacking your case just the way you're presenting it.
Sunday people article dated 10/03/02 states that QC Basil McIvor's son Johnathan McIvor was severely reprimanded and critised for his mishandling of the investigation into the RACIST MURDER OF STEPHEN LAWRENCE, because of this critism Johnathan McIvor had to leave the metropolitan police, the other facts about the 1st year student at Lagan college being sent home for having braided hair on her first day at lagan college are also true, as this girl comes from my area of belfast, when i go to the sunday papers with this story, this pupil at lagan college i know will agree to be pictured. You should not comment on things that you have no knowledge of, you obviously dont know how the old boy network works here in the north. Paedophile child molestor VINCENT MCKENNA WAS THE HEAD OF THE SAVE THE RUC CAMPAIGN, he shared a platform at the belfast city hall with noted dignities, establishment stallwarts and pillar of society such as Sir Ronnie Flanagan a close friend of QC Basil McIvor who vouched for Johnathan McIvor when he was kicked off the met. QC Basil McIvor travels with armed burly special branch bodyguards all trained by the RUC. So there is a close glove in hand relationship between paedophiles such as VINCENT MCKENNA, SIR RONNIE FLANAGAN ex head of the special branch and RUC/PIG SERVICE OF NORTHERN IRELAND AND THEIR ESTABLISHMENT LACKEYS HANGING JUDGES SUCH AS QC BASIL MCIVOR. you seem like the same person as nazi red rag arselicker from donegal, maybe yur the notorious donegal gardai.
As a working class protestant and former loyalist whose child attends Lagan college, I can confirm the situation at Lagan college does exist, it does not just apply to children of republicans who attend Lagan college, but also to children of bigtime drug dealers whose children attend Lagan college, these children despite their educational ability are put in the bottom streams E and F purely because of their parents social background. Last year including one of the ladies aboves son, another dyslexic child who had attained grade B in the 11+ was moved down to F stream. So there is some kind of discrimination which really should not be happening going on up at Lagan college, parents are concerned and the only reason they can see is the influence of QC Basil McIvor. Why should children be penalised educationally just because of their parents political or social background. A child is a child and should be allowed to progress educationally without being chastised for their parents political beliefs. It really is only due to the good nature and relationship between working class protestant and catholic children that many tolerate rich QC Basil McIvor and if children do suceed educationally at Lagan college it is not due to the meddling of Basil but in spite of his Narrowminded vision.
If you go around flinging insults and accusations without backing them up then it's slander and abuse.
Why shouldn't I comment on this?
Why shouldn't I ask for further explainations
And furthermore what gives you the right to tell me to shut up for asking very relevant questions.
You fling abuse around, anyone who you disagree with. This is a newswire not your private ranting list, please respect that
It is our civic duty to expose the political background and right wing leanings of privilleged persons such as QC Basil McIvor who is in a position of authority and responsibility over the educational welfare of thousands of protestant and catholic children at his mercy. The story in the Sunday People newspaper about QC Basil McIvor's son Johnathan who was reprimanded for the mishandling and mismanagement of the investigation into the RACIST murder of teenage Stephen Lawrence is a factual story and one which we as concerned people of goodwill to all peoples over the world regardless of social, religious and political leanings feel may affect the provision and equality of educational provision being provided to protestant and catholic children. We feel that QC Basil McIvor's right wing sympathies and his families right wing sympathies may prejudice and influence QC Basil McIvor's ability to deliver unbiased equality of educational provision for every child at Lagan college. We feel also that QC Basil McIvor is not a suitable person to promote the progressive and liberal ethos of Integrated education given his political sympathies and we feel that these right wing sympathies are bringing the ideals of integrated education into disrepute and also jeapoadising a childs right to equality of educational provision regardless of their parental social/religiou/political background. The story of the 1st year girl pupil at lagan college who was sent home last year for having an afrocaribbean hairstyle is also a fact that will be appearing in newspapers soon, and will lead people to question if there is a link between the apparent racist school policy and QC Basil McIvor's own right wing sympathies. This will inevitably lead to the concept of Integrated education being dragged throught the gutter and all because of it's patronage of QC Basil McIvor. It is probably the outcome that QC Basil McIvor is working towards, but it is certainly not something that ordinary protestants and catholics who have supported Integrated education in good faith for many years have envisaged as acceptable school policy. If Marty 'O' Hagan were alive today he would support our campaign to expose QC Basil McIvor's unfair school policies without hesitation.
I'm asking you to talk and discuss and back up what you say.
I'm not contradicting your points or accusing you of anything. I was stating very clearly that your attacks at this man, at the start were incoherant. If you want to use this medium as a place to discuss and inform people you should be willing to write detailed literate posts.
Your first posts (I'm assuming it's just the one person) would state a fact "He's mates with a paedophile" his "son screwed up the Lawerence Inquiry".
You either expect us to take your opinion as fact, or take your accusations at face value without backing them up.
Furthermore when anyone tackled you on this statements you hurled abuse at them.
People can be intelligent and liberal and query your views. I'm not contracting you, I'm asking for clarfication, and when I do that I get abuse.
You're an ignorant fool for not seeing this. I'm not the enemy. I don't dispute what you say, I dispute the way you say it.
I would just like to voice my support for nazi red rag from ballybogey and the fine young country boy's aboves totally sensible impartial stance. Yes use a SPELLCHECKER you ill bred illiterate gutterscum. We are sick to death of ill bred lower class scum airing their biased ill informed views. How dare they critise a person of the social status and breeding of the right honourable QC Basil McIvor, a man of impeccable taste and refinement, and upright and respectable pillar of society. I ask you, would you like the likes of the lower class upstarts, so called community activists living next door to you, or the refined chums of QC Basil McIvor, such as the highly respectable and refined Vincent Mckenna. Nevermind the fact that Vincent Mckenna is a child molestor, Vincent Mckenna at least has the manners and stature befitting such a person as himself. For too long Vincent a stauch supporter of the status quo and founder of the Save the RUC campaign has been much maligned, by common lowlife scum who have failed to take into account the enormous public pressures that a man such as Vincent has had to endure as a the public face of the SAVE THE RUC campaign. The right honourable QC Basil McIvor is the only person that stands between the respectable refined people of good breeding and lawless working class gutter scum upstarts who seek to destroy the bastions of the establishment, and use the concept of Integrated education to promote rebellion, revolution and equality amongst our peasants. What peasants want to see is real life Dynasty and Dallas, glamour,sparkle, and riches and this is exactly what QC Basil McIvor contributes to Integrated education as its figurehead. So what if QC Basil McIvor's Metropolitan policeman son Johnathan doesnt care about the murder of some immigrant jungle bunny in London. This is another fine upstanding citizen that these peasant revolutionaries are slandering. These lowlife illbreds need to stop slandering their betters and learn to keep their heads down and tip their caps in the presence of such an illustrious family dynasty as the McIvors. And no the McIvors are not a living example of the old boy network at work, it is not nepotism at work here, but purely that the good breeding, manners and bloodstock of father, Basil is passed down to his son, equally well bred son Johnathan.