RSF have said that Mr. Ó Caoláin's alleged threat to collapse Stormont lacked any crediibility.
The Provos' Leinster House leader, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin's threat to collapse the Six County 'Executive' at Stormont lacks any credibility, a spokesman for Republican Sinn Féin has said.
Director of Publicity, Richard Walsh, said: “Comments such as these are clearly part of the pathetic choreography surrounding the so-called 'policing and justice' saga. Members of Mr. Ó Caoláin's own party are disenchanted not only by the failure of their leaders to secure the devolution of such powers to Stormont, but also by their cosy relationship with the DUP.
“Accusations of DUP 'intransigence' are nothing more than a crude attempt to woo the Provisional base. After all, DUP and Provo objectives in terms of the National Question are now identical.
“The gifting of powers of British policing to Stormont by Westminster would offer nothing for the Irish people, and serves only to prolong the failed Stormont experiment.
“Those allied with the Provisionals should instead seek the immediate dismantling of the Stormont Assembly and give allegiance to the All-Ireland Republic rather than the British Crown.”