McDoughall steps on his tongue.
A step backwards for a one time Minister For Justice. Does he have a concience after all.?
Yesterday, former Minister for Justice Michael McDoughall addressed the International Bar Council forum held in Dublin, he said that he disagreed with the term 'War On Terror'. That he had 'problems with it'. It was to loose for his liking.
This is a man who probably repeated the 'War On Terror' mantra more than most in Dail Eireann, and let us not forget his and his sidekick Mary Harneys endless stream of diatribe about how Anti-American we all are in Ireland who disagree with Bush's plans. He now finds the twrm 'War On Terror' it a little tasteless, because it lacks 'legal definition'. What a cop out.
Would it seem that those against this massacre of civilians might not have been Anti-Amreican after all?. Did these people know more than the self proclaimed Great One.
You would think that this man, with his self professed 'Brilliant Mind' would have figured this out sooner-no.. but why?, The damage is already done and is he looking to be excused for facilitating the genocide of Iraqi civilians which claimed 1,200,000, because after all, the terminology really is a bit loose -to be fair to him.
Mabey he can sit on the fence now with Kevin Meyers who is also self described as 'intellegent' because he also, was wrong to some degree about this military misadventure of his likeminded buddy GW Bush, and never misses an oppertunity to tell us how gracious he is in even admitting this- we should show respect I suppose.
So the fence sitters pew is filling up now with detractors of varying degrees.
Ive always wondered if this would come about, simply because, I for one cannot understand how anyone can function knowing that they were part of a modern day genocide, which we 'civilised' folk in the west are supposed to abhore.
I wonder how Ali Abbas, would feel now, now 15, whos arms were burned off him, ,knowing his expectant mother ,father and six siblings were killed in the 'Shock And Awe' campaign and that our Minister For 'Justice' feels that the terminology was a 'bit loose' in legal terms to do what they done?. Relieved I'm sure
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Here's what the Irish Times reported this morning:-
McDowell strongly condemns 'phoney war on terror'
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Speaking in Dublin at the World Conference of Advocates and Barristers, which continues in Belfast today, Mr McDowell said we should never confuse the fight against terror with counterterrorism.
“As an article of faith we should uphold the rule of law. Is the rule of law to be defended anywhere by waterboarding or torture in Abu Ghraib?”
He said when, as minister for justice, he was looking at European legislation relating to the fight against terrorism, he was concerned at the lack of an adequate definition.
It involved the use of violence, murder, sexual violence, destruction of infrastructure or the environment, inflicted on the general population with the intention of promoting a political objective.
“What distinguishes it from resistance is the intent to injure, or create fear of injury in, the general population,” he said. “This applies equally to state and non-state terrorism, and also to state terrorism by proxy.”
He said there was a huge problem with the term the “war on terror”. “At best, it is counterproductive, and at worst it is a fig leaf for counterterrorism,” he said. He warned against lawyers lending legitimacy to methods of fighting terrorism that amounted to counterterrorism.
Introducing Mr McDowell, Supreme Court judge Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman described him as a man who introduced many reforms “both with and without inverted commas” in the legal system.
He said the encroachment of the traditional view of the law was not coming from the fight against terrorism but against “ordinary criminals”.
Recalling earlier references to Rosemary Nelson and Michael Finucane, he asked: “Who is a ‘human rights lawyer’? It’s a criminal lawyer whom you have to praise.”
He said that criminal lawyers were regarded with contempt. “No one seems to be called a human rights lawyer when they’re alive. Being murdered seems a high price to have to pay to join those ranks.”
Conor Gearty, director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights in the London School of Economics, said he saw the emergence of three types of lawyers since the launch of the so-called war on terror: what he called “outlaw lawyers” who acted as midwives to state lawlessness; “emergency lawyers”, who argued that human rights should not be set aside and “true lawyers” who said, “we do what we always do”.
He said he would like to see the equivalent of “professional war crimes” to be invoked against “outlaw lawyers”, who were assisted by liberal scholars who said that the “war on terror” was “defending our civilisation”.
“If Iraq had worked, they would have succeeded,” he said. “It is disturbing to think that we owe it to the rebels in Iraq that they didn’t.”
Colm Ó Cinnéide, who taught law in University College London, told the conference that law had exercised a dampening effect on some of the excesses of the “fight against terror”.
When he was minister for justice Michael McDoughall drew parallells alongside pot smokers in the leafy suburbs of Dublin to the international Drug Trade and the crime which follows from it.
If he were to apply the same logic in another application there would be a parallell also between the ill fated 'war on terror' and the facilitation by the Irish Government to allow the use of a civilian airport for purposes of war and torture.
Mister Mc Doughall dosent make this connection at all. Instead he press released soundbites about our 'friends' in the US and across the world joining up to fight terrorism while completely ignoring the fate of millions of innocent civilians who were about to be exposed to the worst kind of terrorism- the one that they were told was for their own good and was for democracy as he echoed Bertie Ahernes war-cry about how withdrawing facilities from the US in Shannon would ammount to nothing more than 'A Hostile Act'. Not a flicker of remorse for the hostility shown to the civilians they helped murder then, or since.
This man and all who supported him and the FF/PD led appendage to the coalition of the willing including Aherne, Harney, O Dea, the Catholic church etc have no right whatsoever to discuss 'rules of law' when they themselves breached the cardinal law which if adhered to, would have prevented this fiasco and subsequent fallacious 'War On Terror'.
They should be disregarded in the press as fools and dangerous war criminals but no.....they are actually supported in the (free) press by the usual clan of Neo-Con Facist supporting looneys.
It's amazing how "honest" politicians become when they're voted out of office.