The MEK (The People's Mujahedin of Iran) held a meeting in Paris on Saturday. The MEK who, according to a France24 journalist, usually pay Afghani 'extras' by the day to boost numbers, bussed in Polish students, who were given a trip to Paris for €6, in order that they would attend the MEK propaganda rally. Some students went inside while others enjoyed lying around in Paris. A report published by Human Rights Watch denounced the MEK for poor treatment of dissident members in its camps in Iraq.
The MEK were calling on Saturday for the removal of the name of their group from the European terrorist list. Britain recently removed their name from it's terrorist list.
The MEK is conducting a campaign against the democratically elected government in Iran despite the fact that they called for 'democracy in Iran' at their conference.
You can watch their spokesman talk of wanting 'democracy' in Iran and the rows of bemused Polish students filling up the empty seats in the video on the link below.
Report and Video