An open letter to all anti racists
Dear Friends,
On March 23rd(a saturday) Socialist Youth will be holding an anti racist march and protest. We will be assembling @ 2pm at the central bank plaza. after the March we will be holding a rally @
the central hotel exchequer street(1st left of south great georges street) this will be followed by music.
We would like to invite all to this event. The greater the size of the protest the more our point will be put across. We want to invite all anti racists, and anti capitalists.
We need to show the public that right wing politicians such as Fianna Fail's Noel O'Flynn are wrong when they label asylum seekers as "spongers" and "freeloaders."We need to show the public our solidarity with asylum seekers, and demand equal rights for all asylum seekers.
Help us to make this march a success. Bring along banners,colour, noise, whistles etc. Represent your movement at the march with your banner and a contingent.
Finally please come along. We need the support of anti racists to make this march and rally big. Imagine the success of a noisy colourful parade of over 100 people. The purpose of the March
and rally is to demand the following:
-Homes and Services for all NOT racism
-The right to work for all
-Defending the rights of refugees and immigrants.
-NO to deportations
-NO to racist Attacks
-No to the policy of Fortress Europe
-No to racist stereotyping and scapegoating by the media and the
Capitalist establishment.
-The uniting of workers and young people in a fight for
socialism and equal rights for all.
For further information please visit our website or contact us @ 01 6772686 [email protected]
Yours Comradly
Shane Kenna
Socialist Youth
Comments (1 of 1)
Jump To Comment: 1The protest mentioned above, can show a signal of defiance against the racist deportations policy of the Irish Government. The actions of the Government create a climate of anti refugee feeling anoung some Irish people and this has encouraged a small minority of racists, leading to racist attacks.
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