National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
2nd Annual Legalise Cannabis Ireland March
Saturday 10th May Assemble @ 2.30PM, Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Last Years March on May 6th, was considered a big success by all involved. The weather wasn't great, but still the turn-out was! There was a great buzz at it, really energetic, colourful and no trouble at all. About 1000 people took part, which was good for the first year. We are expecting a much bigger turn-out this year.
Spread the good word, tell all the tokers, smokers & jokers you know.
Education is Key! Contact us about anything to do with cannabis

Legalise Cannabis Ireland was founded almost a year and a half ago following several years of sporadic attempts at highlighting the fallacy that is the prohibition of cannabis. Prior to this, virtually the only public cannabis actions were J-Days - annual mass smoke-ups in a park. A few had taken place in Dublin but following an initial flourish, attendances dwindled. Only a small crowd assembled in 2006 at the aptly named Marlay Park. This gathering was interrupted by a nasty bunch of Gardai who proceeded to demand all kinds of silly information from the innocent afternoon tokers, some of whom were arrested.
Following from this it was felt that a more coherent strategy was necessary in order to bring the issue into the public domain and to stimulate meaningful debate. Many of those involved felt that having a tokenistic (!) smoke-up in the park once a year just wasn’t going to alter in any meaningful way the current situation in relation to cannabis or the many problems that prohibition is causing Irish cannabis enthusiasts.
With that in mind, the decision was taken to organise the first ever Anti-Prohibition march on these shores, to be held the 6th of May 2007, the same weekend as the Worldwide Marijuana March across the rest of the globe. With that, the wheels began to turn on the wagon of a new movement, eventually to be christened Legalise Cannabis Ireland. An interesting mix of people came together to take on the donkey-work of getting a campaign up and running A healthy concoction of experience, nationality and gender proved productive as the ideas began to flow. With the help of supportive Head/Hemp/Grow Stores, the campaign produced a number of well-designed, informative and accessible leaflets on topics such as medicinal use, the problems caused by prohibition, and the scourge of contaminated cannabis - a problem of particularly great magnitude in Ireland.

Pamphlet - available for free in stores near you now!
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On the way soon for all of you fun loving tokers, smokers and jokers. Check back for more shortly!