Opposing proposed US Army Bases in Poland
A vigil has been arranged for 12 noon Friday outside the Polish Embassy, 5 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin in solidarity with Polish anti-war friends who, this weekend, are opposing the siting of US Army "defence" bases in Poland..
The US is planningto locate up to ten silo-based long-range missile defence interceptors in Poland, 60% of Polish people are against it but the Polish Government appears willing to bargain.
The vigil at the Polish Embassy in Ireland, at 5 Ailesbury Road Ballsbridge on Friday 28 March at 12 noon is open to everyone. Bring your own posters if possible or just bring yourself . Particularly welcome are all who oppose an arms race, nuclear weapons, USA or other domination agendas under the pretence of defence, or the waste of money and resources on weaponry and militarism while poverty is rampant in the world.
See also: