Independent Media Centre Ireland
Galway - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Latin America Week in Galway

category galway | anti-war / imperialism | event notice author Wednesday March 26, 2008 12:20author by Sarah - Galway One World Centre

Programme of events

Amnesty International, Ecology Society NUIG, Galway One World Centre and Latin American Solidarity Centre bring you:

Latin America Week Galway Events 2008

Mon 7th of April:
6.00: ‘Images of Latin America Photo Exhibition’
Venue: Arus Na Mac Lein Nuig. To enter photos contact 0857643890

7.00: ‘Water Rights and Wrongs’
Discussion with international guest speakers Ricardo Buitron from Accion Ecologica in Ecuador and Giuseppe de Marzo- spokesperson of ASUD.
Venue: Máirtín ó Tnúthail Theatre Arts Millenium Building, NUI Galway.
Yummy refreshments and vasos de vino will be served

Tue 8th April:

10.00 -1.00 Water Rights and Wrongs Workshop : This workshop is aimed at youth workers or those involved in education but anyone interested may attend. It is free of charge and participants will receive a Latin American Information pack.
Venue: The Galway One World Centre. mail outreach@galwayowc for bookings.

7.30: Movie Night: Two short films about water and the feature length documentary ‘ZAPATISTA’
Venue: NUI Galway Arts Millennium Building room TBC

Wednesday 9th April:
7.00 Mexico Rights Night: Two films and a discussion on Mexico:

‘Mexico: Laws without Justice' - Amnesty International documentary.
'Amnesty International's High level Mission to Mexico July/August 2007'
Venue: Amnesty International 2-3 Middle Street Galway.
[email protected]

Thursday 10th April:
1.00 ‘Memorial for Mexico’
In solidarity with the people Cuidad Juarez in Mexico there will be a visual display on shop street highlighting the Mexican Government’s inaction regarding the cases of over Four Hundred ‘disappeared’ Women from Juarez this is organised by amnesty international and the more people who attend the more effective it will be. [email protected]

7.00 Viva Cuba :
Talk and film screening: Jose Israel Martinez an exiled community development worker from Cuba will host a discussion on Post- Fidel Cuba and his community work.
Film: The Power of the Community- How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
Venue: The Galway One World Centre

9.00 Fiesta Maravillosa Latin American party night with Latino sounds and finger food.
Venue to be confirmed

Confirmations further details will be posted as they become available.
All Enquiries to [email protected]

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