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Count down to Unity ?

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Tuesday March 25, 2008 12:57author by P O'Brien - Noneauthor address Noneauthor phone None Report this post to the editors

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive......

The old adage ‘You can fool some people some times, but you can’t fool all the people all the time’ comes to mind when summing up Provisional Sinn Fein’s ‘grass roots’. At what point will they stop being fooled and maybe step back and question the honesty and integrity of their party leader Gerry Adams ? Having once been a supporter and admirer of Adams I now find it difficult to listen to him. He was interviewed by Ursula Halligan on TV3’s The Political Party on Sunday, March 2nd . I have not read any comments regarding this interview on any of the usual sites where this might be debated or discussed. The first part of the interview was taken up with how Sinn Fein got it so wrong in the 26 counties Elections and what direction they where now taking etc etc. Ursula then went on to ask Adams…………

The old adage ‘You can fool some people some times, but you can’t fool all the people all the time’ comes to mind when summing up Provisional Sinn Fein’s ‘grass roots’. At what point will they stop being fooled and maybe step back and question the honesty and integrity of their party leader Gerry Adams ? Having once been a supporter and admirer of Adams I now find it difficult to listen to him. He was interviewed by Ursula Halligan on TV3’s The Political Party on Sunday, March 2nd . I have not read any comments regarding this interview on any of the usual sites where this might be debated or discussed. The first part of the interview was taken up with how Sinn Fein got it so wrong in the 26 counties Elections and what direction they where now taking etc etc. Ursula then went on to ask Adams…………

Ursula ’ Given the life that you have lived Gerry Adams, there must be times in the middle of the night when you wake up sweating about something, or maybe deeply depressed about something, is there ?

Adams ‘No no, I have to say I believe in positive thinking. I think I’m very lucky eh, you know a lot of my friends where killed, I have survived’.

Ursula ’You mentioned friends there and speaking of those friends, Brendan Hughes, the IRA leader, prisoner, Hunger Striker, good pal of yours, he died recently. The now famous photo of Gerry and Brendan with their arms around one and other appears on a large screen behind Ursula and Adams. Ursula then points to the photo and says ‘em, you see him here in the photograph, that’s him on the right and that’s you, you’d hardly recognise you. Do you know what year that was ?’

Adams ’That was about 1973.
Adams seemed reluctant to talk about the old days. He did not utter another word about the photo of Brendan and himself. Instead, he fast forwards to Brendan’s death.

Adams ’I was with Brendan when he died’

Ursula ‘That was a few weeks ago ?

Adams ‘Yeh, I was with him when he breathed his last eh…. Ursula cuts in,

Ursula ‘you where at his death bed ?

Adams ‘Yeh, with his family and also I mean I ‘m still very very sad eh, about his passing and ye know he was a very good friend and remained ye know eh, John O’Donoghue the poet philosopher said….. ‘Just because your friends move away or because ye don’t see them for a long time because they die, it does not mean they cease to be your friend’

Ursula ‘But Brendan Hughes, he was very up front and he was very frank about the things that happened in his life. He talked freely about things that haunted him. As the things he done as an IRA volunteer man that still haunted him in the middle of the night. Em, he talked to Suzann Breen in the Sunday Tribune last week and let me just quote something that she wrote, she said …..‘Later Hughes was haunted by the faces of IRA colleges who he believed had died for nothing. He’d spent his days crying in his flat. A photo hung on the wall of Hughes in Long Kesh with his friend Gerry Adams’ Breen quotes Hughes as saying, ‘I loved him, I’d have taken a bullet for Gerry, I probably should have put one in him’
Ursula ‘That’s what he told Suzann Breen, what’s your reaction to that ?

Adams ‘Brendan eh, said what Brendan said, eh,

Ursula ‘ He felt that he died bitter and he felt that you betrayed him’

Adams ‘Well I didn’t, but I’m not going to ye know, I mean I had a deeply personal relationship with Brendan. We where together in and out of prison. We where together a very long time, eh up until he became sick, he wouldn’t have passed me on the street without coming across and hugging me. So whatever about differences, the friendship and the camaraderie which was forged in really difficult times remained up until he breath his last, and I think that eh , for what its worth and who am I to say this, he would have been pleased that his family, his brothers and sister Moya and his two children, Josephine and Brendan Oge and myself and one or two other comrades where there when he died’ Interview ends.

Adams seems to paint a completely different picture regarding the true relationship between Brendan and himself in the years since the signing of the GFA. Having known Brendan, I was saddened to hear of his passing. Since Brendan’s death I have read any material I came across in relation to Brendan’s views before he died, and also the conduct of Adams and other PSF members at his funeral. From some quarters of the printed media, to discussions here on Indymedia the story that emerged about Adams was one of manipulation. I feel that Adams words above are insulting to the memory of Darkie. To power hungry politicians such as Adams, lasting friendships have no place. A life long friendship will be jettisoned as soon as it interferes with the political ambitions of the man who gets a taste for power. As with most politicians lying is the key to a great career. The lies just keep stacking up, one covering the other in a continuous construction of deceit. Adams has matured into a compulsive liar who has shed all scruples in the pursuit of power.

Adams says ‘the friendship and the camaraderie which was forged in really difficult times remained up until he breath his last ‘ This is a complete contradiction to the truth. If Brendan believed that their friendship was never broken why would he say to Suzann Breen that he probably should have put a bullet in Adams ? I cringed as I read about Adams behaviour at Brendan’s funeral.To quote one mourner at Brendan’s funeral who wrote words of criticism about Adams.

‘People were very angry & disgusted at his shameless self-promotion over Brendan's death - his issuing a press release over it, pushing his way to the front to carry the coffin in front of all the cameras, getting up in the middle of the mass, and crossing the altar, leaving the chapel in front of the coffin, breaking off and running ahead of the cortege to be in the memorial garden first, trying to put pressure on the family to give the oration, claiming 'the rift had healed' because he carried the coffin’ …

With the funeral out of the way and the Ard fhies, Mr Adams sat there in the TV3 studio, distorting and moulding the truth until it fit into his parcel, a parcel that he would sell gift wrapped and tied with the usual green ribbon for PSF grass roots. He twisted the truth and told blatant lies on National TV with the familiar ease that we would normally associate with other brass-necked politicians. No doubt, within the North Korean type authoritarian circles of New Sinn Fein he’s a class act. He appears to have a new generation of young people under his spell. He knows that he has an audience of loyal followers who latch on to every word he speaks. What does it take for these grass roots supporters to finally wake up and smell the flowers ? At the recent Sinn Fein Ard fheis, Gerry Adams said in his presidential address that he will be ‘establishing a high powered taskforce led by Martin Ferris, Gerry Kelly, Larry Downs, Bairbre Bruin and Rita O’Hare, to drive forward the roadmap to Irish Unity’.
If my memory serves me correctly, we already had a high powered taskforce in place, but they where decommissioned. He also said that ‘ We are closer, friends to bringing about Irish unification than any other time in the past’. His words are spoken with such confidence. He asked the ‘Irish Diaspora to put its weight behind a renewed campaign for Irish reunification’. Adams once again is calling on people to get involved in the campaign for Irish reunification. He is requesting that the we put our shoulder to the wheel of the freedom cart, which has gotten harder and heaver to push up the hill to a United Ireland.
He is appealing to the grass root donkeys to pull and push while he and the rest of the SF intellectual elite sit on board the cart discussing their latest pay rise. I remember standing and listening to Adams at graveside orations in the eighties. I remember eating and swallowing his words of inspiration. He talked about how armed struggle was right and that it must continue. He used to finish up his oration by saying ’When you leave here today, I want you to rededicate yourselves to the republican struggle’ I have to say that his words always hit home, you felt a sense of guilt that maybe you where not doing enough for the ‘cause‘ when compared to ‘the ultimate sacrifice’ .
You would leave the cemetery thinking that maybe you could do more. After Adams words of inspiration people where rededicating themselves to the cause and dieing in the process, while behind the scenes he was making plans to end the armed struggle. Talk about speaking with a forked tongue. Theses days I would take his words of inspiration like a pinch of salt.
We all remember the posters, books and thousands of pamphlets that where churned out in the eighties and early nineties. The leadership of the Republican Movement back then, educated a whole generation of young men and women with history lessons and lectured them with revolutionary zeal. They explained to us how the British empire never left anywhere voluntarily, they had to be put out by force. Adams now tells us that times have changed, it is no longer necessary for armed struggle. There’s no doubt that a change has taken place. The border has become invisible, the watchtowers are gone of the hills. Military barracks have been demolished, Her Majesties soldiers have stopped patrolling the streets etc. The one thing that has not changed is the geographical appearance of Ireland on any map. The occupied six counties is still a different colour compared to the rest of Ireland, its still the same colour as Britain. So what has really changed. The reason why the British military war machine is no longer visible on the hills of South Armagh or the streets of Derry is because there is no real challenge to it authority. The Provisional IRA threw the towel in, that alone brought the about the change. The British Army have not gone away ye know. At present there are 5000 on stand by in case the Croppies raise their heads again. Challenge that authority and you will see that nothing has really changed. The out going general officer commanding the British Army in the six counties, Lieutenant General Nick Parker, speaking at the ending of ‘Operation Banner’ made it clear that scaling down the British military presence did not constitute a withdrawal : ‘’Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, we have barracks across the whole of the United Kingdom, we need to put our soldiers in those barracks and we will always do so’’
Forty years ago from this year, we asked for civil rights, they where denied. We then demanded civil rights and the response from the state was one of brutal repression.
The IRA campaign that followed was inevitable. It started as a community based response to sectarian/state violence, and then progressed into the long war. Its objective was to end British rule, which it believed to be the root cause of all strife. How did it unfold looking back, ASK in 1968, DEMAND in 1969, and TAKE 1970-1998. Now it looks like we are back to square one again, ASK. Are Sinn Fein’s new ‘task force’ going to ASK the British Government if they would not mind granting us reunification ?. What a brilliant strategy, why did no one else think of that one before ? Just ask and you will receive. Does Gerry Adams know something that the rest of us doesn’t know ?. Did he make a secret deal with the British Government on reunification ? Or is Gerry Adams working on a hunch ? Is he assuming that because the guns have been decommissioned that the time is right to grant us a United Ireland. Adams now speaks with the confidence of a seasoned politician who could convince you that your Granny was really your Granda. He has already said that we will celebrate the 100th anniversary commemoration of the 1916 rebellion within the context of a United Ireland. What if he gets it wrong ? He has got it wrong in the past, look at the defeat SF suffered in the 26 counties elections. He got that completely wrong. SF did not increase their vote as Adams predicted, they did not break even, they actually lost a seat. If the British had intentions of pulling out of the Six occupied counties we should hear about it well before 2016. Just like in Hong Kong, surely a count down would be appropriate to give people time to prepare for the change.
As 2016 is only eight years away, at what stage will SF start organizing the stage for a United Ireland party ? (party as in celebration). As in the past, commemorative anniversaries with such importance usually begin a few years before the actual event. Remember, (If SF get it right) this is not just a commemoration, it is also a celebration. It will be the culmination of 839 years of struggle against foreign British rule. With that in mind, What if Adams gets it wrong again ? The celebration would go down like a lead balloon. Adams is also taking it for granted that their will be no Unionist opposition. At present the Unionist community in general are passive. They are not overly keen on power sharing but for them its not to bad because they are still within the Union of Britain. Whatever about power sharing I don’t think that they will except a United Ireland. My guess is that when the time comes for a British departure the Unionist will win the day. It will only take a few thousand or even a few hundred noisy flag waving Loyalist to march around in circles, maybe even burn the odd bus or lorry. That will be enough for the British Government to turn to Mr Adams and say ’ Gerry, the time is not right just yet, maybe you could postpone your party until 2116’. Sinn Fein have painted themselves into a corner. They have set themselves against the clock. The countdown is now on for the delivery of the last great Sinn Fein Promise, a United Ireland before 2016. When the handover does not materialise, I wonder will this be enough for Sinn Fein’s grass roots to finally get the message.

author by ursulapublication date Tue Mar 25, 2008 18:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a chara, have you ever thought that if you spent some of the energy you use up sniping at Sinn Fein on actually doing something useful, that you might achieve something useful?

Tara, Rossport, Shannon are three obvious campaigns that need help right now,
the 26 county health service, prison conditions, ownership of media and political bias, women's rights etc could all use the effort that you are putting into undermining Sinn Fein.

Would writing articles, organising meetings, printing and distributing leaflets on any of these issues not be more useful than transcribing an interview off a month old television programme, just to have a crack at an individual you don't like?

author by forwardpublication date Tue Mar 25, 2008 19:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Tara, Rossport, Shannon are three obvious campaigns that need help right now,
the 26 county health service, prison conditions...ad nuaseum"

you cant square a circle and no one who supports and takes part in Lenister House or Stormont will ever change anything.

each of those things above couldn't happen under the EIRE NUA programme, the Republican programme endorsed by the united Republican Movment of the 1970s, when the Republican Movement was what it said it was and was under a Republican leadership.

Dropping of abstentionism, dropping of Eire Nua, dropping of all revolutionary Republican features and content from once the Belfast non Republican leadership took over is the sole reason where we are today. Only by righting the wrongs so to speak of that northern leadership and by all who call themselves Republican actually returning back to the Republican Movement as Republicans not as any variation of what the adams leadership told us was Republicanism is. Back to the roots back to the philosophy that when was the content of the RM it was its strongest. A united Republican Movement that is wholly Republican . Support Eire Nua. I made my break with provosionalism in teh early 90s and returned to where Republican was waiting. RSF abu.

author by WTpublication date Tue Mar 25, 2008 20:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I couldn't agree with P O'Brien more other than add, at the risk of being accused of undermining $inn Fein, that those whom we commemorated and remembered in various Graveyards all over the country this week died because they believed in the leadership of the Provisional Movement. Here I can only speak about members of the IRA.
They listened to their words went out and died mostly in their youth. Why was that same leadership absent from the commemorations here in the still occupied North of Ireland remembering those they encouraged to take up arms and die?
Are they ashamed of their failure and wish to hide away in their shame?
Or are they now above attending these commemorations?

author by Barry - 32csmpublication date Tue Mar 25, 2008 21:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

nor do your freinds give a public opinion that theyd have been better off shooting you years ago.
Adams and Brendan Hughes were certainly freinds during one period of their lives , but years before Brendan died they most definitely werent friends any more . They had nothing in common , except a shared past .
Adams people resorted to putting a listening device in Brendan HUghes threadbare flat in Divis . Not a freindly action at all .
As for the poster sniping at the author for criticisng Provisional sinn fein on the grounds of ignoring other issues Id point out it was only a few weeks ago when this party boasted of their crucial role in physically assisting the establishment suppress alternative political viewpoints by virtue of their armed party militias continued existence and reminding the southern establishment it will be necessary to continue to permit these fascists engage in intimidation and criminally violent activity against republicans on behalf of the state . They are proud to describe themselves as the states " bulwark" against dissent .
Therefore its obvious who is ignoring worthwhile issues in favour of physically going after those who refuse to accept the status quo .
In other words its a deeply hypocritical criticism of the author of the article . Stinkingly so .

author by WTpublication date Tue Mar 25, 2008 21:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

To those various Republican groups which hold commemorations each Easter 32CSM, INLA, RNU etc, why can you not come together and hold unified parades surely there is strength in unity?
I find it rather disappointing to see several small parades when there could be single larger parades. Are your differences so great that you can't come together to remember our dead at least. We owe them that much.

author by Barry - 32 csmpublication date Tue Mar 25, 2008 22:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

On Easter Sunday 32 CSM and the IRSP in Cork held a joint commemoration for the first time ever in the city

During the summer 32 CSM , Republican Netwrork for Unity and again the IRSP held a very successful joint Wolfe Tone commemoration in Bodenstown , Ill post links later . The IRSP responded very positively to requests form numerous republicans and gave up " their day" so to speak at Bodenstown in favour of a unified approach . That is the way ahead on all levels in my opinion , and not just for parades and not just for traditional seperatist groupings .

author by half and half - sfpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 04:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

SF may have lost one seat in the general election but they did in fact increase their overall vote and came within a hairs breadth of winning two seats in Donegal,

I would agree with Adams assesment that the smaller parties were squeezed and I would urge people like yourself who seem to gloat at the shinners dissapointing election to be cautious because you might find the electorate will use the local elections to lash out at the government and I would predict that the smile will be well and truly wiped off the sf bashers faces.

author by Jack - nonepublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What have SF bashers to smile about ? The only ones we see smiling thses days are the gang in Stormont. Do you really believe that SF will do well in the next election ? you must be be stuck in the SF bubble, wishful thinking, someone give that man a pin,, Wake up.

author by Jackpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ursula you must have plenty of time to kill if you are hanging around Indymedia. In all fairness to the above auther most of his/her post is taken up in defence of Brendan Hughes, a man who gave everything in the persuit of justice for all. He done a lot more than just handing out a few leaflets. If P OBrien decided to take time out to correct the lies peddeled by others then he has that right. Adams is always saying that he has no problem with critisism, its part of public life. It is just as much a defence of a friend as it is an attack on SF. More than likley you wont have time to reply to this little critisism, because you are such a busy little bee, saving Tara, protesting at Shannon, and taking on shell, and when you find a few minutes you scramble to your PC to attack anyone that airs a healty critisism of glourious SF leader, slan

author by anonpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 14:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

ok, I agree that Adams' actions at the funeral were selfish at best.

But look at what the intervewer asked him! None of us would EVER dare say this to someone, that they betrayed a recently deceased friend and QUOTING the dead man on top of that. Tackling him head on like this in regards to a dear friend that has died as going to put even the best politician off, and leaving in the fillers (um, uhh, erm, eh) further devalues the merit of what he has said.

I think we all know the point of view that the provos have established. They need to create a narrative that distances them from those who are opposed to what they are doing. That is what Gerry is doing here, while acknowledging the long-lasting and effective friendship that was forced under the midst of oppression.

Shame on the interviewer for being so crude.

author by wake uppublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 14:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the hadn't been anything near being friends before he had died. for many years. Brendan felt berayed becuase he WAS so was everyone who backed the Adams in what we all know now was the anti Republican push from 86 on. then this betrayer claims he and Brendan had a talk and cleared things up while Brendan was in a coma???? Adams has NO charachter and NO sense of decency and neither has anyone who backs him or his party.

author by another anonpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 18:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is the video of this interview online anywhere? Youtube or the TV3 site? I have looked and cannot find it.

Thanks in advance

author by Barrypublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 18:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Republican Network for unity commemoration in Derry on easter sunday was also attended by 32 csm and the IRSP .
A contingent from an IRSP flute band assisted during the Monday commemoration by 32 csm .
Co -operation my be small scale for now but it most definitely is happening to the benfit of all engaging in it .

author by seamuspublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 18:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

to what end barry? didnt gerry ruddy himself tell you why the irsp were doing this and how they really felt about the 32csm? he has taken alot of lak within the irsp for this as well.

author by WTpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 21:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

At a time when the $hinners are being exposed and betrayed by The Brits and the people are beginning to wise up to them Republicans should be preparing to build an alternative to $F and that can only come about through unity.

author by seamuspublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 21:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I agree with that, but i think people like Ruddy and others within the irsp are actually quite hostile to Republicanism. He made it clear on ir.net to that the only intrest he and the irsp had in these types of things was to undermien and absorb the 32csm. he is the party chairman and made that clear. Thats not unity in my book not that Id want to unite with them anyway.

author by WTpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 21:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Republicans should remember that for over 30 years of war the people in our areas voted time and again for the SDLP even through they were politically inept and subservient to Britain and the Unionists and that they would have sat in a public toilet never mind Stormont as long as they had political careers.
Why? Because there was no alternative until $inn Fein sat on the wall and pushed Humpty off.
Then they became politically inept and blah..blah.. de blah!

What is my point?
My point is that unless you get your act together, no matter what the $hinners do the people will keep voting for them for the next 30 years because they have no alternative.
The people in the South have an alternative even though they are as politically corrupt as each other but they choose not to vote for $inn Fein which says a lot.

author by Jackpublication date Wed Mar 26, 2008 22:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Fianna Fail (the Republican Party just like SF) will be the alternative in the North, no differance but at least SF will have to share the vote....................................after all their hard work.

author by Hand them back Lizzypublication date Sat Mar 29, 2008 08:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As far as I know, and I stand to be corrected, the Union Jack or as it is more commonly known in Ireland, the Butchers Apron, is made up from four flags, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ulster. When you merge all four flags together, the end result is the Butchers Apron. If Lizzy where to hand back the six counties, the British would lose part of there lovely flag. I don’t believe they will ever grant reunification to the Irish people. There are numerous reasons, and losing part of their beloved flag is one of them. Will Lizzy hand back the six counties and then redesign the ‘Great Union Jack’ just to suit Paddy.
I admit that I am no expert on the Union Jack and as I have already said I stand to be corrected. Maybe someone from New $inn Fein could join this discussion and enlighten the rest of us. Would they in all their wisdom, possibly try to convince us that this inconceivable notion of the Brits redesigning their precious flag to appease Paddy Irishman is on the cards

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