In the Interpol report published in 1996, KADEK’s drug trafficking in Europe was noted as the following:
FRANCE: Between 1990-1995, 82 Turkish people were interrogated for keeping both firearms and considerable amounts of heroine. In 21 of these occasions, the amount of heroine found in each incident was more than 1 kg. The heroine seized in 35 incidents was provided from the Golden Crescent (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran), in 8 incidents from Lebanon and in the remaining 39 ones, it was provided either from the Golden Crescent of an unknown source.
In the first months of 1985, Omer OZ... was interrogated for breaching the law related to the drugs in Paris. In January 1990, Versailles SRPJ (Private Prevention Police) arrested Cengiz KA..., Emirsak YI..., Adek and Unal BA... for the same reason. In July 1990, Mehmet US... wsa arrested by Haute-Savoie Office in Annemasse for drugs trafficking. All of these people were KADEK militants.
Huseyin AY... Incident:
In January 1991, Criminal Research Office of Nice took Huseyin AY... (born in 1936) in for interrogation since he had been carrying 2.5 kg of heroine.
Hüseyin AY... had worked in the service of Behcet CANTURK, a leading Turkish mafia leader. He was interrogated between 1970-1973 for Drug Trafficking in Germany, and sent back to Turkey. Later, he went to Austria with forgery ID cards, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 1977 for Drug Trafficking. After being departed from Turkey in 1982, he was begun to be searched for murder.
In 1988, he went to France with the forgery ID cards arranged for “Yahya OB...”. Within the same year, the drug smugglers connected to “Bozkurtlar” threatened his son, but his sworn enemy, KADEK, saved both his son and his heritage. After that, Huseyin AY... devoted all his skills to the terror organisation KADEK. According to Huseyin AY..., he and Mustafa KA..., who was his ex-partner and was sentenced to 15 years of prison after being arrested with 10 kg of heroine in 1990 in Brescia, transferred about 300 kg of heroine from Turkey to the western Europe between the years 1989-1991.
GERMANY: In this country, the drug smugglers coming from Turkey exploit the children at the ages of 11 to 13 as “street sellers”, by benefiting from the criminal law for the young. These children, usually coming from Bingol (Turkey), receive the 50-DM of the money received after the marketing of the sample heroine packs of 5 grams and of 250 Marks. By this way, they are able to send more than 2000 Marks per month to their families in Turkey.
In November 1990; Cengiz B..., known to be a KADEK militant, was arrested on the Germany-Holland border (Arnhem) with 48 kg of heroine. In July 1991, Vahiddin KA... was captured in Koln with 2.5 kg of heroine. The latter, who has been a KADEK militant since 1987, is known to have been involved in a series of attacks and bombing actions between May-October of 1990, in one of which he had killed two police officers on duty.
In 1993 October, in Recklingnauser, police revealed a drug gang by confiscating 1.6 kg of heroine. Among the members of this gang were Ibrahim CI... who is known to be a KADEK militant, Mehmet Cilik KI... who had been detained in 1991 in Bingöl for being a KADEK militant, and Ismail HA... who had been wounded in an armed attack against KADEK around Silopi in May 1985.
Between October, 25 and December 4 of 1993, Stuttgart Police performed an “Anti-Heroin” operation. In this operation, a total of 76 Turkish people whom were active KADEK militants were detained.
Among these people were Fevzi TU... who had previously been involved in armed attacks, Cengiz SA... and Abdulhalik KA..., Sedat KI..., Ekrem BE..., and Saim BE... who are militants of KADEK that is connected to the logistics action gang in Turkey. In May 1994, police arrested a group of 20 Kurds in Köln, who were members of the “gangs of 3 families” that hand over their shares to KADEK throughout Germany. This gang sold 40 kg of heroine since 1993 summer.
BELGIUM AND HOLLAND: In May 1998, Ali HA... a KADEK militant, was arrested with 72 kg of heroine in Holland. In July 1989, KADEK militants, Yýlmaz S. and Ahmet Y. were arrested with 60 kg of heroine in Belgium.
In December 1991, Kemal and Cemal GU... were taken in with 48 kg of heroine in Anheim. Cemal GU... is known to be a KADEK militant and is being searched for the murder of one first lieutenant and two gendarmes in Turkey. In March 1993, Suleyman IT... who was arrested with 2 kg of heroine in Holland, confessed to Holland Police that the mentioned heroine had been send by Osman Ay... from Icel (Turkey).
In December 1994, in an operation performed by 180 policemen in Amsterdam (Holland), Nejat KU... of Turkish nationality and 28 Kurdish people were arrested. Several guns, two assassination rifles, 5 hand grenades, considerable numbers of propaganda materials and documents belonging to KADEK were confiscated. These people, later became the defendants of the Drug Trafficking and kidnap. The gang’s England, Germany, Italy and Turkey extensions were detected.
SPAIN: In the evening of November, 15, 1989, one of the significant TV channels of Spain broadcast in its 8:30 p.m. News Bulletin that “recently, Spain has been exposed to the Drug Trafficking movement carried out by a gang that is formed of the militants of the terror organisation KADEK. The leaders of this gang, whose members are all Kurds, are in Istanbul and are providing guns and money for these militants fighting for the so-called Kurdish State. Up to now, the 50 members for the gang has been arrested in Spain. Heroine is brought in tractors from Istanbul to Madrid over Ljubljana, Milan and Amsterdam. It is indicated that the gang has imported 300 kg of heroine to France within the last 6 months”. In 1990, 12 KADEK militants in the service of this gang were detained in Spain.
ITALY: In 1991, May, In Como, Naif AY... who was in close relations with the terror organisation KADEK, was arrested in a tractor driven by Ali GU... with 23 kg of heroine.
YUGOSLAVIA: In 1993 March; Suphi MU... and Metin BU... were arrested with 4 kg of heroine. They confessed that the KADEK militants in Turkey threatened them with death unless they took the mentioned heroine to the other militants of KADEK in Köln (Germany).
There is an imaginary relationship similar to Sicilian Mafia families between the terror organisation KADEK and he crime tribes that are in the southeastern part of Turkey. Aksoy, Aydinli, Baybasin, Canturk, Guven, Kitay, Kocakaya, Kaylan, Ozdemir, Polat, Toprak, Ugur, and Yildirim families are some examples. Some of the mentioned families sell the heroine which they buy for 15.000 French Francs per kg for approximately 800.000 FRF in Europe. The others control all the stages, from the transformation of the Asia originated base morphine into heroine to, to the street selling processes.
The background information on the mentioned families’ Drug Trafficking styles, their connections with KADEK and actions are as the following:
Baybasin Family: On 26.10.1993, German Interpol warned that Baybasin family had been smuggling considerable amounts of heroine between Turkey and Germany, Holland, Italy and Spain, and acquitting the family, Huseyin Baybasin (born in 1956, Lice) was arrested in Istanbul with 11 kg of heroine in 1976. Later, he was captured in England with 6 kg of heroine of the same type in 1984 and was sentenced to 12 years of prison. Another member of the family is his uncle, Mehmet Emin Baybasin. The son of Mehmet Emin and the cousin of Huseyin, Nedim Baybasin, also take part in this business. Nedim and Mehmet Serif Baybasin were arrested with 34 kg of heroine by the German Police on 13.06.1984, and were sentenced to 13 years of prison. Mehmet Emin and Mehmet Serif are in close relations with the militants of the terror organisation KADEK, and Mehmet Serif is known, by the German Police, as a gun smuggler in the service of KADEK.
Baybasin brothers, cousins, uncles, etc have done enough to fill a book, together with what is said about them and with their records in several European countries.
Kitay Family: Following 14.8 kg of heroine’s being confiscated on 29.10.1992 in Içel, Hakki Kitay was arrested on 01.09.1993 at the Kapikule border of Turkey, based on the information given by Dutch, German and English police. Hakki Kitay and his family, who were sentenced to 10 years of prison for drug trafficking on 19.10.1993 in Turkey, have connections with 22 incidents related to the import of 1.2 tons of heroine to Germany between 1990 and 1993. Hakki Kitay was followed during his “business trip” in Germany and was found to have connected with the top-financial managers of the terror organisation KADEK- Emin Uysal and Fox Selim, namely Selim Curukkaya on 23.10.1992. Between May and November of 1993, German Police arrested gang of 22 people with 16 kg of heroine between Hamburg and Bremen. Among these were also Ihsan and Senol Kitay. Þenol is the son of Hakki Kitay and was killed a little later than the incident. In these examples, and also the others, Kitay’s records of Drug Trafficking in the European countries exist.
Sakýk Family: “Servet Ýpek” was arrested on 16.06.1994 for the murder in Germany. In the investigations, it was found out that, Ýpek’s real identity was “Seyyar Sakýk” (born in 1992, Muþ) that he was being searched in Germany and taht he escapeed to Germany. It was also revealed that his crime occurred as a result of 190 kg of heroine’s smuggling between Turkey and Germany.
Konuklu-Ay Family: After the technical chase that lasted several months, the police confiscated 2 heroin distillation laboratories on the 8th of March, 1995 in Tekirdag- Saray village ad 14 arrested people who were members of or connected with Konuklu and Ay families. In the laboratories, 92 kg of heroine, 336 kg of Afghan base morphine, 32 kg of acetic anhydrite and 2 Kalashnikov, various firearms, and documents related to KADEK were found.
One of the farms in the possession of the Konuklu family belongs to Gulistan Konuklu who is the daughter of the KADEK militant Nasrullah Ay. Yusuf Konuklu, on the other hand, carries out the overseas marketing business. The second laboratory, taht was seized, belonged to Nusrettin Ay. His sons, Hikmet and Kurbettin, deal with the production of the drugs whereas the other sons deal with the marketing. According to the documents found, a part of the received income is handed over KADEK.
Senar Family: Turgut Senar, who managed a film production company in Istanbul, was arrested in van with 1.6 kg of heroine in December, 1986. Istanbul Police confiscated 40 kg of heroine in September, 1989 in a car belonging to him. In September 1991, he was arrested in van for participating in the armed actions of the terror organisation KADEK. On him were found the tax certificates of KADEK valued 30 million TL.
Kaya Family: In September 1992, in Duisburg (Germany), 20.3 kg pf heroine was found in a tractor, the drivers of which were Nezir Kaya and Hasib Kaya. The vehicle belonged to the tractor company of Osman Kaya, who is Nezih’s brother and Hasib’s cousin. According to the information taken from the German colleagues, Turkish Police raided this firm and its extensions in May 1993, and confiscated 18 kalashnikovs and 4000 munitions hidden in a tanker which were ready to be sent to KADEK militants.
Demir Family: In January 1993, in Offenbach (Germany) police collapsed a gang whose ringleader was Abdülkuddusi Demir. Abdülkuddusi confessed that he paid 250.000 Deutsche Marks (about 21.250.000 TL) to KADEK’s racketeer per year in order to be able to sell drugs.
In October 1994, German weekly magazine “FOCUS” stated that Demir family was one of the greatest drug smugglers acting in Germany. According to the magazine, Demirs have hotel chains, garages and electronics shops in Istanbul
Comments (1 of 1)
Jump To Comment: 1"In the first months of 1985, Omer OZ... was interrogated for breaching the law related to the drugs in Paris. In January 1990, Versailles SRPJ (Private Prevention Police) arrested Cengiz KA..., Emirsak YI..., Adek and Unal BA... for the same reason. In July 1990, Mehmet US... wsa arrested by Haute-Savoie Office in Annemasse for drugs trafficking. All of these people were KADEK militants. Etc."
To the moron (or CIA plant) who has posted this rubbish: KADEK was formed last year, ie in 2001!!!!!!!!!
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