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Comments (8 of 8)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I just want to congradulate G.R. on an outstanding event in the mock meltdown.
I was there (the guy with the red flag)
The atmosphere was great and I felt the day went off well.
So basically to the planners of the event. Well done.
Yours Comradely
sunday there was a demonstration in Germany against transports from neckarwestheim to sellafield. would be good to have contact for further actions. [email protected]
Hi (or as we say here "Moin Moin!")
First: I beg your pardon for my poor english.:)
As you may know, Lüneburg is "a small town near Gorleben".
It's also near (25km) the nuklear Power Plant "Krümmel" were we have the World biggest Cluster of Leukämie (blood cancer).
And Lüneburg is a railway-station. And on this railway sometimes they send high active nuklear waste from the north german power plants Brunsütttel, Brokdorf, Stade and Krümmel to La Hague and Sellafield.
We organize demonstrations and blockades to each of this trains. Not only for those, going threw here but for every transport leaving one of that nuklear power plants.
Since 1993 no transport leaves a plant without a demonstration and a blockade or the attempt of one.
And they need more and more police to get them through.
Since two years we forced every nuklear train to stop in Lüneburg and/ or in the next small railway station Uelzen.
Pictures of some of those actions can be seen here: (just click on one of the red words on the left side)
Back to Krümmel:
In the next weeks, may be this week, they'll try a transport from there to Windscale (Sellafield).
And we'll demonstrate.
news in German can be find here:
best Greetings
wrong link to german group below.
the right link must be:
The train has a long way through the country.
In northern germany we'll publish news about it on Indymedia germany:
We'll also manage an information-phone ("info tel")with the very topical news at the moment.
is related to the south-west of Germany, some hundred km (and
hopefully many hours) later.
greetings from northern germany
A great action!
Greetings from South-West Germany
Hi (or as we say in Northern Germany "Moin")
there is a translation funktion making realy great funny
"Denglisch" (germanenglish) translation.
You'll understand it although:-)
greeting from Kaept'n Baer (on Castor-guard like many others in
gemay and France)
Sorry to chop your illusions in half here, but in the interests of honesty and improvement we will all have to admit that the translation-function on IMC-Germany is truely a joke of linguistic engineering.
It may be extremely hilarious for those who speak fluent 'Denglisch' but please realise that no average English-Speaker without a good knowledge of German itself could ever make head-nor-tail of its output, even if he did manage to struggle to read as far as the end of the first sentence.
As such, it is effectively useless. Something more serious should be looked at.
Apart from that, the actions you guys do and have done are of vital significance in advancing public awareness of this debate world-wide, and you are very much appreciated here.
So we will forgive you the odd grammatical or syntactical cock-up here and there!! Anytime you happen to be over in Ireland, cool pints of Guiness have been reserved for cooling your poor, irridated brains, OK?
MFG, BlackPope