Rights, Freedoms and Repression
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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Human Rights in IrelandPromoting Human Rights in Ireland |
Health Service![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Time to fight back! This is personal with me! Without going into detail, I personally know people who are very ill, and who could die if they don't get check-up, examinations, tests and treatment soon. Of course, if they have money, they will get seen to straightaway. It's not right! That's why it's good to see that the Dublin Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) have launched a Campaign Against The Health Cuts. Full details in the main article below. More confirmation that our health service is in crisis comes with the news that the number of patients waiting on hospital trolleys in Dublin more than doubled in December, according to figures released by the Irish Nurses Organisation (INO). Thankfully, at long last I’ve some good news! The sleeping giant of the Trade Union Movement has finally awoken! A major campaign to force the Government to fund an adequate Public Health Service based on need not wealth, and to end the so-called temporary cut-backs in Health has been launched, spearheaded by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions (DCTU). The following Motion proposed by the DCTU Executive Committee was Unanimously passed by the DCTU Delegates at the Monthly Delegate Meeting of the DCTU held in Liberty Hall on Tuesday, 23rd October. Motion reads: “Council once again expresses its dismay at the shortcomings in our Health Services, accentuated by the present so-called temporary cut-backs. We believe the time has come for a united effort by all those affected, Patients, Health Service Employees, other Trade Unions and the General Public to engage in a campaign to force the Government to fund an adequate Public Health Service where need supersedes wealth.” The DCTU are planning a major publicity campaign to launch and promote this campaign, starting with a Public Meeting to launch the DCTU Campaign on the Health Service in Liberty Hall at 6p.m.on Monday 11th February. One to pencil in your diaries as this will be a big campaign and issue this year. Spread the word and tell as many people as possible! The more people who know about this, the more will turn up and it will pressurise them into launching a strong campaign quickly. They have said if they get enough support they will organise a major March/Day of Mobilisation, similar to the Irish Ferries protest. However, that depends on us, me, you, and everyone turning up to the Public Meeting in Liberty Hall on February 11th! Also, this should inspire to the other Trade Councils across the country to launch similar campaigns, but like the DCTU, not just limit it to Health Service Workers and other Unions, but also involve other Workers who are not Unionised, as well as the General Public, and the most important people of all, the Patients, and if we can co-ordinate National Days Of Action, as well as Regional Protests, this will force the Government to tackle the chaotic state of our Public Health Service. Health care is a Public right! This will be one of the big issues in 2008. Watch this space. |