Consider Sending a Christmas Card, Postcard or Solidarity Letter to these Anti-War Prisoners
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anti-war / imperialism |
press release
Friday December 07, 2007 05:09
by Felice & Jack

They're in There For Us, We're on the Loose For Them!
Fr. Steve Kelly SJ, Fr.Louie Vitalie, Betsy Lamb and Fr. Jerry Zawada are presently in prison for their nonviolent resistance at the U.S. military torture training school in Arizona, USA. More background on Consider writing to them.........
Dear friends,
Fr. Steve Kelly has been moved from the prison in Florence, Arizona
and is in transit. Please send mail to him c/o the Nuclear Resister,
PO Box 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733 USA until further notice.
Fr. Louie Vitale remains at the Imperial County Jail in El Centro,
Louis Vitale
Booking #879645
P.O. Box 679
El Centro, CA 92244
Fr. Jerry Zawada and Betsy Lamb are now back at the prison in
Florence, Arizona after their detention hearing today. That's likely
where they will remain till their February 4 trial.
Frances Elizabeth Lamb #92100020
P. O. Box 6300
Florence, AZ 85232
Jerome Zawada #04995045
P. O. Box 6300
Florence, AZ 85232
The website has been updated in the last couple of days, and more
updates are being added now - the very same website that was offered as evidence in court by the prosecution today! Check out
Felice and Jack
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4At a detention hearing today in federal court in Tucson,
Betsy Lamb, a retired Catholic lay leader, and Franciscan Fr. Jerry
Zawada were jailed without bail until their trial. Lamb, Zawada and
Mary Burton Riseley were arrested on November 18 at Fort Huachuca,
home of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School, during a
protest of military use of torture against war detainees.
Magistrate Hector Estrada was concerned by evidence that both
Lamb and Zawada had failed to heed an order of the court in cases
pending in other jurisdictions.
Betsy Lamb is awaiting trial for a September anti-war protest
outside the office of Rep. Greg Walden, in Bend, Oregon. As a
standard condition of release on her own recognizance, Lamb had
promised not to commit any other crime while awaiting trial. Fr.
Zawada has an outstanding bench warrant for failure to appear for a
court date in Washington, D.C., where he has been arrested several
times in recent years for anti-war protest.
Army Prosecutor Capt. Evan Seamone came to court with three
witnesses in dress uniform, several poster-sized photo enlargements and a videotape of the arrests. But the magistrate said he already knew the defendants' intent, and would only listen to Seamone's summation. Seamone described the defendants' peaceful passage through police barricades at the gate of Fort Huachuca as a violent act because it had to be met by police, who were forced to go face to face with the unarmed protesters and lift them from a kneeling position. In the eyes of the law and legal precedent, Seamone argued that such violent trespass warranted pretrial detention for the safety of the community. Were the court to release Zawada and Lamb, "their blatant defiance is likely to happen again" Seamone warned, gravely predicting that "all kinds of chaos" would ensue at the gate to Fort Huachuca.
Attorney Rachel Wilson, representing the defendants, objected
repeatedly without success to Seamone's arguments. Wilson told the court that Ms. Lamb had "learned her lesson" and was willing to post bond along with her promise to return to court for trial.
Estrada was unmoved. He told the defendants he didn't trust
them and that he believed they were right where they wanted to be -
before him in chains. Protest is brinksmanship, and the point is to
not be arrested; better to organize a conference or seminar, he
chided. Estrada then ordered that Lamb and Zawada be kept in
custody until their February 4 trial because they "remain a flight
risk, and are a danger to the community." Not even Capt. Seamone had suggested that the defendants were a "flight risk".
Responding to the court's conclusion, Felice Cohen-Joppa said
of her friends, "Betsy Lamb and Jerry Zawada are not a danger to the
community - they, along with Mary Burton Riseley, are the conscience of the community. They are shining a light on the involvement of military intelligence in torture around the world. Their nonviolent acts are no more a danger to the community than were the nonviolent acts of Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King, Jr."
Lamb and Zawada are not the only people now in prison for
peaceful protest of U.S. torture practices. On October 17,
Magistrate Estrada sent Frs. Steve Kelly and Louie Vitale to prison
for five months in prison for a similar protest at Fort Huachuca in
November, 2006. They are scheduled to be released in mid-March.
For more information, visit
Dear friends,
We haven't received a call yet but thanks to the BOP website know
that Steve is in California - looks like it's about a 2 hour drive
from L.A. or San Luis Obispo, near Bakerfield. I just talked to
someone at the prison. It seems to be a privately owned minimum
security facility.
His address:
P.O. BOX 7001
TAFT, CA 93268
*Helen Woodson 03231-045 (out 09-09-2011)
FMC Carswell - Admin. Max. Unit
POB 27137
Ft. Worth, TX 76127
(Protest at federal courthouse, Kansas City, Missouri, 3/11/04 violates parole following 3/9/04 Nuclear Weapons Silo Plowshares Action, sentenced to 106 months)
*Dr. Rafil Dhafir #11921-052 (out 04-26-2022)
FCI Terre Haute
P.O. Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808
( Because he provided humanitarian and financial aid to Iraqis in violation of US sanctions, his medical billing practice was scrutinized and he was charged on various counts)
*José Pérez González #21519-069 ( out 01-17-2008 )
Yazoo City Medium FCI
Yazoo City, MS 39194
(Nonviolent resistance to U.S. Navy bombing/trining of Puerot Rican island of Vieques)
*Brendan Walsh #12473-052 ( five years, out 7/15/08)
FCI Allenwood Low,
Box 1000
White Deer, PA 17887
(Attempted arson at military recruiting station)