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No to US War on Iran

category international | anti-war / imperialism | other press author Thursday November 29, 2007 18:45author by pat c Report this post to the editors

The US Administration's Arrogance Must Be Stopped

Below is a statement from the Iraq Freedom Congress in which they condemn US aggression towards Iran.

Militarization and the use of force is a key element in the US administration ideology to impose its hegemony on the world. Beating the war drums is always part of US policy to contain its international competitors such as the European Union, Russia and China, and this policy is an extension to the one that is implemented in Iraq to wage the second Gulf War and the imposition of economic blockade, which lasted thirteen year then its occupation of Iraq. The US administration justified its inhuman policy with the pretext which is "possession of weapons of mass destruction".
Iraq Freedom Congress
Iraq Freedom Congress

In the midst of this conflict the voices of Iranian nationalist parties and the others who are loyal to the US administration have risen to support the US war on Iran, as did the Iraqi parties who were known as London Conference parties in the eve of war and occupation of Iraq.

We call the Iranian people attention not to be fooled by the US policy to depose the mullahs and that they would be given their freedom by war, destruction of their country and tightening the economic blockade.

The way to remove the danger of war on Iran is by tightening the struggle of the people of Iran to topple the mullahs which is the only way to gain freedom.

Iraq Freedom Congress
November 11, 2007
[email protected]

Full text at:

Related Link:
author by Joepublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 00:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

GB Minister says there’s no desire in USA to invade Iran

China wants more Iran oil

India asked to end military ties with Iran

Sanctions hurt Iranian People

author by Watcherpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 08:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is it possible that Pat C has got the message? That Teach-in was obviously a success and Pat C has been pointed in the right direction. Fair play to you.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here are some other articles posted by me which put across the same anti war message.

Treacherous Alliance: the secret dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States

More Warnings Of A US War On Iran

Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

author by Watchfulpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Is it possible that Pat C has got the message? That Teach-in was obviously a success and Pat C has been pointed in the right direction. Fair play to you'

Is it possible that Watcher has finally got the message? After Pat C has said several hundred times that he and HOPOI oppose any imperialist attack on Iran, he is finally willing to acknowledge that the words on the screen mean what the English language would tend to suggest they mean. This article was obviously a success and Watcher has been pointed in the right direction. Fair play to you!

author by Jim O'Sullivanpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

" After Pat C has said several hundred times that he and HOPOI oppose any imperialist attack on Iran,"

Good, so we can look forward to no more singling out of Iran and Iranians for attacks. After all, Iran is not threatening to attack anybody.

author by Watchfulpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Good, so we can look forward to no more singling out of Iran and Iranians for attacks.'

Since the premise of your argument is completely false and has been exposed as false innumerable times on Indymedia, we can safely ignore your post. There has been no 'singling out' outside your imagination and you just manage to sound like the pro-Israel brigade with this clapped-out tune. I'm sure HOPOI will continue to oppose the Iranian regime and call for solidarity with Iranians fighting against it, while maintaining at the same time an intransigient opposition to any US attack on Iran. This has always been their position and no amount of dishonest misrepresentation can change that.

author by Macypublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Since the premise of your argument is completely false and has been exposed as false innumerable times on Indymedia,"

I disagree, although its difficult to know whom you are directing your comments at.

Many many articles have been posted here by HOPOI (whoever they are) under banners of attacking Iran. What is getting boring is the continual highlighting of HR abuses in Iran while ignoring those of other regimes within the region. SO much so that a number of them have been taken down due to dubious content and blatent distortion of the facts to suit an agenda.

You also post as if from a position of unchallenged righteousness which is bordering on the laughable at this stage.

No to war on Iran full stop.

This of course will descend into farce like all threads on Iran. No serious activist takes anything said on them seriously.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 13:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Many many articles have been posted here by HOPOI (whoever they are) under banners of attacking Iran. "

Not true. The articles attack the Iranian Dictatorship. I have posted above links to articles posted by me which do not even mention HOPOI. Where are your articles opposing US aggression towards Iran?

"What is getting boring is the continual highlighting of HR abuses in Iran while ignoring those of other regimes within the region."

An organisation called Hands Off The People of Iran Iran would naturally write articles about Iran. Do you attack the Burma Sup[port Group because they dont write articles about Darfur?

In any case HOPI say more about the Middle East; here are our campaign demands:

No to imperialist war!
No to the theocratic regime!
The immediate and unconditional withdrawal of US/UK troops from the Gulf region!
Opposition to Israeli expansionism and aggression!
Support to all working class and progressive struggles in Iran against poverty and repression!
Support for socialism, democracy and workers' control in Iran!
For a nuclear-free Middle East as a step towards a nuclear-free world!

For the full statement:

" SO much so that a number of them have been taken down due to dubious content and blatent distortion of the facts to suit an agenda."

Thats a lie.

"This of course will descend into farce like all threads on Iran. No serious activist takes anything said on them seriously."

Thats another lie. No serious activist has used their own name when attacking HOPI. Activists such as Fintan Lane, John O'Neill, Deirdre Clancy, Alan MacSimoin, David Landy have all supported HOPI on Indymedia.

If there is any farce here it is caused by you trolls repeating the same lies time after time.

author by Macypublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 13:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You can post all you want Pat, your little outfit is not particulalry far-reaching and therefore not worth getting bothered about.

I'm not getting drawn into one of the pathetic on-line spats you seem to relish.

Post or even pre-attack -AND THERE WILL BE AN ATTACK ON IRAN- Hopi will have and has absolutely no say in any outcome or will have absolutely no influence or indeed has no influence with the people of Iran.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 17:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is a leaflet for a demo in Tehran by the HOPI campaign set up there – the slogans are

Call for demonstration in Tehran University Tuesday 6th Dec 2007.

'No to war, the university isn't an army garrison'

No To US Imperialism! No To The Iranian Dictatorship!
No To US Imperialism! No To The Iranian Dictatorship!

author by kbrannopublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 18:43author email kevinbrannigan at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

What Dictatorship is there in Iran? The President is elected every four years in fair elections, people can criticise the President if they want to and the level of police/state oppression is not that greater than in any "Western" democracy.

If you are saying the Ayatollah is a Dictatorship then you are wrong (in my opinion). The Ayatholla is at odds with Ahmadinejad at the moment wanting him to back down a little on the Nuclear issue (and relax on the whole calling those against the Nuke programme traitors thing) and get back to bringing about the economic reforms he won his election on, so that in effect dispells the Dictatorship myth. The Ayatollah is a religious leader in a state which belivies that religious and political guidance go hand in hand, a bit like the Free State and this state at it's birth. It's not the perfect situation but it's a better situation than that which exists in a lot of other states in the region.

author by Morrigúpublication date Fri Nov 30, 2007 18:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'the level of police/state oppression is not that greater than in any "Western" democracy.'

You cannot be serious. Take a look at these articles:

Free Reza Dehghan,
Irannian Trade Union Activist Imprisoned

This is an appeal for support for the imprisoned Iranian TU Activist Reza Dehghan. Messages of support should be sent to: [email protected]

A Report from Evin Prison

Maryam Hosseinkhah wrote this article in Evin Prison. Maryam was arrested on November 17 in relation to her activities and writings in defense of equal rights for women. On the 18th, a very high bail order was issued in her case. Maryam couldnt meet it and she was committed to Evin Prison.

Iranian Womens Rights Activist Sentenced To Flogging & Prison

Delaram Ali, a Womens rights activist has been sentenced to be flogged and to serve 34 months in prison. Her "crime: demonstrating for womens Rights.

Bus worker union activists jailed in Iran

Last Wednesday the Tehran regime marked Halloween with some more union bashing. Ebrahim Madadi’s, vice-president of the Trade Union in the Tehran Vahed Bus Company, was sentenced to two years in jail. Mr. Madadi was tried on the allegation of acting against “national security”. I guess they really mean that unions make the Iran bosses feel insecure

'a bit like the Free State and this state at it's birth.'

Did they stone women to death for adultery at the birth of the Free State?

'President is elected every four years in fair elections'

Only candidates approved by the Council of Islamic Guardians are allowed to stand for president or parliament. Even the moderate Islamic Clergy (the Reformers) say that the last election was rigged.

author by pat cpublication date Fri Dec 07, 2007 15:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good news from Israel for a change.

Two-thirds of Israelis oppose their country launching on its own a military attack against nuclear installations in arch-foe Iran, said a poll published on Thursday.

When asked "should Israel alone attack the Iranian nuclear installations," 67.2 percent said no, while 20.9 percent said yes and 11.9 percent had no opinion, said the survey aired on public radio.

The poll questioned people after the publication of a bombshell intelligence report in the United States earlier in the week, which said Tehran had frozen its atomic weapons programme in 2003.

Related Link:;_ylt=ArEE
author by Galway Girlpublication date Fri Dec 07, 2007 15:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No to the Dictatorship?

What Dictatorship?

Get your facts straight before you go shooting your mouth off.

Here is how Iranian elections work.

The BBC calls it a 'complex and unusual political system combines elements of a modern Islamic theocracy with democracy.'

No organisation other than extreme right wing outfits and some on the extreme left calls Iran a dictatorsrhip.

Amnesty certainly doesn't, nor the UN nor HRW.

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