From: P.C.W.E.S.R/Update on the 16 Day Campaign.
To mark the 16 day Against Violence Campaign and to collate varied threads on the newswire
with regard to anti-violence in other cultures and In this country, I am publishing the Campaign
Letter from The Progressive Centre for Women Equalisation Studies and Research.
So far in Ireland Women's Aid have been on the airwaves and a small campaign has
stood outside the Dail to commerorate the 137 murdered women: victims of Domestic
Abuse. the families have not received either satisfactory answers nor feel that the issues
raised are being adequately addressed.
This P.C.W.E.S.R communication was forwarded to me this morning and all who received it
agreed to put it on their lists:
"The P.C.W.E.S.R strongly object to the lawsuit against a young woman resulting in a
sentencing of 200 lashings and six months in prison after having been subjected to gang
rape. The woman is a victim of a totally destructive human rights violation excercised by the
Saudi Arabian Society on top of the violation of being raped".
The Arabic Campaign:-
16 Day anti-violence Campaign:-
Iranian Women:-
Domestic Violence addressed by Rag to mark the 16 Day Campaign in Dublin:-
Women's Aid 16 Day Campaign:-
The Global map and Website:--
In Ireland the response by was (to say the least) lukewarm.
Ex-Minister Mc Dowell set up the COSC service which had problems from the outset
and this morning's radio are covering lack of proper refuge infrastructure in this country.
when violence is pushed down the political agenda it becomes both commonplace
and acceptable. There are still many women missing and no proper missing
person's helpline. Addressing violence against women is as important as listening
to the issues and no society is devoid of failing to deal with the problems, which are
inadequately funded and mostly ignored.
[for info contact:- [email protected]]