Independent Media Centre Ireland

Leading Terrorist Groups Plan to kill Chavez again and all hope with him.

category international | anti-war / imperialism | other press author Wednesday November 21, 2007 11:30author by Terence

Coup d'Etat to kill hope gets high priority

In an article published today titled: Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela , it has been revealed that one of the world's most feared, well funded and deadly terrorists groups, the CIA and their sponsors in the White House and Wall Street, are planing yet another assassination attempt on Chavez.

As it has often been said of terrorists, their victims need to be lucky everytime, but the terrorists need to be only lucky once. Back in 2004, the same group working with a range of front organisations such as the mis-named National Endowment of Democracy (NED), and US Agency for International Development (USAID) were heavily involved in the 2 day coup d'etat against Chavez, which by some great fortune was reversed.

Since that time, something has happened in Latin America that has not happened for a long time and that is hope, hope of a better world, has entered the lives of millions of people. And this hope has spread further afield to many tens and hundreds of millions of others.

For those in power and in control of much of the world's wealth, this is extremely worrying because everyday that Chavez continues and distributes the wealth of Venezuela's oil resources more equally than any other nation amongst its people, the greater example it shows to the rest of the world that another way is possible. Not only that there are significant oil reserves in Venezuela that these evil people would like to get their hands on, and with the dramatic decline of reduction of oil in Mexico's giant oil field, Cantarell (thought to be the 2nd largest oil field in the world), this issue is becoming a pressing concern for these people and those in the other branches of the terror regime. It appears that high ranking leaders controlling the main global terrorist organisation, the CIA, have been meeting secretly to discuss and plot illegal activities against Chavez and the hope that he represents.

The extent and seriousness of this latest terrorists threat can be seen from some of the findings of this report:

Hugo Chavez International-Foundation for Peace, Friendship & Solidarity (HCI-FPFS) sources revealed the plot's code name - "Operation Cleanse Venezuela" that now may be unfolding ahead of the December 2 referendum on constitutional reforms. According to Sankoh, the scheme sounds familiar - CIA and other foreign secret service operatives (including anti-Castro terrorists) aiming to destabilize the Chavez government by using "at least three concrete subversive plans" to destroy the country's social democracy and kill Chavez.

It involves infiltrating subversive elements into the country, inciting opposition within the military, ordering region-based US forces to shoot down any aircraft used by Chavez, employing trained snipers with shoot to kill orders, and having the dominant US and Venezuelan media act as supportive attack dogs. Chavez is targeted because he represents the greatest of all threats to US hegemony in the region - a good example that's spreading. Venezuela also has Latin America's largest proved oil reserves at a time supplies are tight and prices are at all-time highs.

And further parts of the article report:

More information on a possible coup plot also came from a November 13 Party for Socialism and Liberation article headlined "New US plots against the Venezuelan Revolution." It states Tribuna Popular (the Communist Party of Venezuela) and Prensa Latina (the Latin American News Agency) reported: "Between Oct. 7 and Oct 9, high-ranking US officials met in Prague, Czech Republic, with parts of the Venezuelan opposition (where they were) urged to convene social uprisings, sabotage the economy and infrastructure, destroy the food transportation chain and plan a military coup." It said Paul Wolfowitz and Madeleine Albright attended along with Humberto Celli, "a well-known coup-plotter from the Venezuelan party Accion Democratica."

People will remember that it was Madeleine Albright who said of the Iraqi sanctions that led to the death of more than 1 millions Iraqis in the 1990s, that it was worth it.

The article further reported Tibisay Lucena, The National Electoral Council chairman, said the Venezuelan corporate media was "stoking a mood of violence amongst right-wing students" through a campaign of agitprop, and Hermann Escarra from the "pro-coup" Comando Nacional de la Resistencia openly incited "rebellion" last August and then called for constitutional changes to be stopped "through all means possible."

But for some reading this article, they will wonder what it is all about and find it incredible. What is incredible is the level of democratic reform being introduced unlike anything anywhere at the moment, where civil liberties have been rapidly rolled back since 9/11. The hope Chavez has ignited is represent by these proposed changes:

The National Assembly (AN) completed its work on November 2 adding 25 additional articles to Chavez's proposal plus another 11 changes for a total of 69 articles that amend one-fifth of the nation's Constitution. The most important ones include:

-- extending existing constitutional law that guarantees human rights and recognizes the country's social and cultural diversity;

-- building a "social economy" to replace the failed neoliberal Washington Consensus model;

-- officially prohibiting monopolies and unjust consolidation of economic resources;

-- extending presidential terms from six to seven years;

-- allowing unlimited presidential reelections so that option is "the sovereign decision of the constituent people of Venezuela" and is a similar to the political process in countries like England, France, Germany and Australia;

-- strengthening grassroots communal councils, increasing their funding, and promoting more of them;

-- lowering the eligible voting age from 18 to 16;

-- guaranteeing free university education to the highest level;

-- prohibiting foreign funding of elections and political activity;

-- reducing the work week to 36 hours to promote more employment;

-- ending the autonomy of Venezuela's Central Bank to reclaim the country's financial sovereignty the way it should be everywhere; today nearly all central banks are controlled by private for-profit banking cartels; Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul wants to end that status in the US and correctly explains the Federal Reserve Bank is neither federal nor does it have reserves; it's owned and run by Wall Street and the major banks;

-- adding new forms of collective property under five categories: public for the state, social for citizens, collective for people or social groups, mixed for public and private, and private for individuals or private entities;

-- territorial redefinition to distribute resources more equitably to communities instead of being used largely by economic and political elites;

-- prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination and enacting gender parity rights for political candidates;

-- redefining the military as an "anti-imperialist popular entity;"

-- in cases where property is appropriated for the public good, fair and timely compensation to be paid for it;

-- protecting the loss of one's home in cases of bankruptcy; and

-- enacting social security protection for the self-employed.

The National Assembly also approved 15 important transitional dispositions. They relate to how constitutional changes will be implemented if approved until laws are passed to regulate them. One provision is for the legislature to pass 15 so-called "organic laws" that include the following ones:

-- a law on "popular power" to govern grassroots communal councils (that may number 50,000 by year end) that Chavez called "one of the central open, at the constitutional level, the roads to accelerate the transfer of power to the people (in an) Explosion of Communal (or popular) Power;" five percent of state revenues will be set aside to fund it;

-- another promoting a socialist economy for the 21st century that Chavez champions even though he remains friendly to business; and

-- one relating to the country's territorial organization; plus others on education, a shorter workweek and more democratic changes.

Full article can be found at:

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