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Comments (10 of 10)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10This is the link to Paula's photo Essay:-
The Women's Aid Link-
Last Year's Campaign saw the Irish Activities increase with something marked for each of the 16 Days of
the Campaign to heighten Awareness of the issues of Domestic violence, Amnesty has an ongoing Campaign
which Highlights War Crime against women and consistently points to the use of Rape as a tool of war,
Reported in Oaxaca, Iraq, Afghanistan and Dharfur. Internet Users in Europe and America have begun instituting
pages with aids to recognition and methods of dealing with internet violence, these include the EFF, Linuchix
and IMC where women only discussion areas and ' Rooms of one's Own provide safe environments for women
to discuss and evolve methodologies for safe usage.
[Will add in the IMC Womyn's Chat address as link]
In Europe many of the EFF affinity Groups will be meeting coming up to Christmas to discuss advocacy and how
positive improvements have increased women's tech usage and visibility online.
Some of the Campaigns are around the Newswire including the take Back the Tech Campaign and the
Against Internet Violence campaign (the Banner for which is appended to the COSC/VAW comments section).
Issues arising for many of the EU campaigners have been Migrancy/Language and Freedom to Travel , the internet
providing a tool for free expression of issues of violence but an inability to meet with co-workers due to endless
bureaucratic restrictions.
Last years 16 Day Campaign
Apart from the Posts on violence against women journalists, Rights Activists and Eco campaigners
both here and abroad, there are multiple resources and changes brought about by women who continue
to address the issues of violence. I believe that what occurred in terms of cancer care was violence
against women patients that has not even begun to be addressed at the DOHC. (Iran) (Community Resources and discussion groups).
Many changes and adaptions to internet usage have been instigated in countries globally and
some of the positive outcomes include meetings and tech usage to address the problems and
share the tools that are available to bring these issues onto the Agenda. I included a link to
the ASEAN and AMARC Groups at the top of the article, these groups have worked at UN level to
get Gender Architecture and Rights manifested into civil society where the representation
of women is ameliorated-and not wholly ignored. Most of the Groups have begun and continue
to work at grassroot level, through co-operative movements, as evinced in the
'Movements Within' Monthly publications:-
Meeting on Sexual Violence
Is anyone involved on the radical left scene organising stuff for the 16 days of action this year? Also has there ever been a 'Take back the night' event in Dublin or Galway in recent years? (have seen this in England last year)
email Campaign:-
The International Calendar and links are on :-
Historical pic!- from 1996
[[email protected] for mails etcetera re activities, but they don't need to go on the map but
into awareness and education-such as contributory writing, art, gatherings or even
symbolic costumed protests :-)[ these are always fun and create awareness too].
There is an UN address available on the cwgi page, but a lot of the civil society and advocacy groups are still trying to get UN gender reform architecture into place, which
has been discussed at numerous sites, all the links are in the article above.
little map from site
we're going to hold a discussion on domestic abuse at the end of the 16 days. it's not exactly an action, but it's something! i'd love to see a take back the night rally happening here sometime too... there is one in london this weekend. here's the link to the discussion
bcn indy
Ministers Hanafin and Couglan struck a real blow for women's rights when they visited Saudi Arabia last year.
Sitting separately, looking demure and with eyes bowed these women knew their place in a country
that treats women as less than animals. But what the hell - at least they buy our butter.
Whether its Saudi or China we know our priorities and human rights just don't feature.
What a pity there was such silence from women's rights groups in Ireland.
but agreed, we have four Marys in the gov/presidency. They are polite, well heeled and utterly
bourgeois. A recent survey found that Ireland scored incredibly low on gender representation
in power and the only thing that lifted us out of the morass in ten years was the Mc Aleese
presidency. She is crap- utterly crap, supporting at least two pieces of legislation that
are actionable under international human rights law and presiding over cultural twittery which
sees Ireland selling her culture (in Louvain) whilst destroying her heritage- a figurehead
who has brought disgrace to the office.
Token women who play the gender game are completely worthless in terms of
addressing issues of violence in this country. but it seems to suit them to hold positions and
keeping mouths shut, specifically Mary White , who has not made one statement since taking
her Dail seat.
I was asked to furnish a link to feminist perspectives on violence with regard to the use of language by the
US/K alliance and how they reacted to the assassination of Ms Bhutto recently in an email.
so I decided to put it on here.
One of the statements Bush made regarding his reasons for War was that he wanted to liberate the women of
Iraq and Afghanistan, which was probably the most toxic thing I have ever heard coming it seems from an economic
root that claims to be the most 'democratic 'on this globe-
The US is not democratic- there is little gender representation in the US with minorities and women completly
under-represented in power structures.
is one offered perspective.
The women of New Orleans and Mexico have fought for basic rights. The ACP women are fighting on
sustainability and trade and resisting bi-laterals which threaten community and family. Not everyone accepts
that the US model of corporate globalisation represents what is best for society-especially with regard
to food provision, access to health care and basic services, as well as education.
Other perspectives are scattered all over the newswire including how women are changing things at UN
level, at PEN level, (there is a women's Union) the European feminst Forum and ISIS women.
I got three texts from Asia about how Asians and Muslims saw the act of violence against Bhutto
and all re-iterated that cultural chaos ensues with the importation of Western Style democracies which are
perceived as shattering resources and not recognising cultural richness- it is seen as demeaning
and not addressing issues of differences. (has a migrancy and war section) (has African, Carribean and UN issues on Gender Awareness with regard
to violence).
The ideology that War provides answers to provisions of education, health and safety issues for women
and girls is deeply toxic- Amnesty has campaigned for years on the issues of violence and displacement
of women in war. I reckon hospitals are more important to societal stability but of course that would never happen
here- we have lots of hospitals and equality of access. ask Ms harney.