Neo-Nazi march prevented in Prague
AntiFa and others halt far-right Rally
Anarchists clash with Neo-Nazis and prevent them from progressing at the Faculty of Law of the University on the edge of the Jewish Quarter in Prague
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Arrested demonstrator
Several thousand people marched in a counter-demonstration on Staurday in protest against teh agthering of the far-right MND group.
More than 1,500 armed police officers sealed off the Jewish quarter, where members of the far-right Movement for Young Nationalist Democrats (MND) had planned to meet.
Earlier Saturday, Officers had also arrested a number of skinheads, some armed with batons, truncheons and home-made molotov cocktails, said CTK agency.
Some clashes did however break out between anarchists and neo-Nazis in several streets in the central part of town
Anarchists also clashed with police in other parts of the city, injuring several people.
"The march was unacceptable," said Pavel Bem,the citys mayor who joined the counter-demonstration against the neo-Nazis. He had come to keep an eye on the situation but also to express his indignation.
"We need to cultivate the national memory to avoid what happened in the past," he added.
The date chosen for the march, November 10 was the anniversary of the day in 1938 when Nazis across Germany and in parts of Austria ransacked Jewish homes, shops and synagogues and killed more than 100 Jews.
The pogrom became known as Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) because of the number of windows smashed.
The MND march, officially to protest the Czech military presence in Iraq, was banned after a series of court judgements, but the neo-Nazis nevertheless maintained their call for a demonstration.
Some of the counter-demonstrators wore the yellow stars of David that Jews were forced to wear during the Nazi era.
"Never Again," proclaimed several signs in front of one of Prague's synagogues, near a museum dedicated to the memory of the more than 77,000 Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide from former Czechoslovakia.
Czech authorities had ordered tighter border controls after press reports suggested neo-Nazis from neighbouring countries might travel to Prague for the march.
Three busloads of far-right supporters from Germany were spotted at the border where Czech police dispatched an escort to check their final destination, the country's CTK news agency reported.
Many Anti-Fascists were also injured and arrested as the clashes with police continued into the night.

Injured Nazi

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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Hey, it's a good thing we have mindless anarchist thugs to defend democracy, isn't it! Beat up anyone you don't agree with, that's the anti-fascist way!
Hi Corkman. You don't know what you're talking about. You ever been to Prague and seen what the Naazi did there. Murdered ten of thousands. No one's going to ever let that happen again ... so don't get any ideas
How many people did the revolutionary left murder in Prague between 1945 and 1990? Mmmmmm. As many if not more than the Nazis. Two gangs of totalitarians fighting like football hooligans. Indeed you will find that a significant number on both sides are in fact football hooligans.
The USSR and the eastern block had nothing to do with revolutionary politics as their reaction to hungary 56 showed.
You might not like what the reality of revolutionary socialism was or became. That does not make it not so. The Czech socialists/Marxists/Stalinists/communists (take your pick) murdered, tortured and imprisoned several hundred thousand Czechs over a 40 year period.
How many people did the revolutionary left murder in Prague between 1945 and 1990? Mmmmmm. As many if not more than the Nazis.
And can you actually back up your idioitc soundbite with evidence of alleged parity between crimes committed by Czechoslvakia 1945-89 and the Nazi occupation? Funny how the likes of you and that Cork eejit always seem to jump to the defence of nazis when they get their holes kicked by anti-fascists.
Quack like a duck....................
You know before you even click on this thread there is going to be some clown screaming "freedom of speech". Don't even bother talking to fools like that.
It is quite clear from what I said that I despise the Nazis as much as totalitarians of the left.
If you do not know the scale of communist atrocities in Czechoslovakia, especially between 1948 and 1953 it does no more than illustrate your own ignorance.
FYI, the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia was relatively benign by their horrific standards. About 150,000 were killed, half of whom were Jews. Now, do some research and compare that to the numbers murdered by the communists.
"Historian" my arse, I went to secondary school but I don't classify what I learned there as "research". So now are only talking the Stalinist period, ignoring my request to back up your idiotic soundbite re. the period 1953-89. And if you think I am unware of the crimes of Stailinism you are displaying your own glib wilful ignorance, you are the one simplyfying the history of history of eastern europe 1945-89 to the Stalinist time - most of victims were left wing opponents of Stalin.
And while you're introducing atrocities, how about the 1million communists murdered by Suharto on behalf of the septics in Indonesia, don't recall the likes of you ever having got worked up by that. What is quite clear from your one-sided intervention is that you reserve all your spleen for anti-fascists, coating your sneaky agenda by introducing Stalinist oppression into any progressive anti-fascist action
You are a tiresome hysteric. I never at all mentioned "1953 - 1989". You just make up things as you go along and then introduce ridiculous red herrings when beaten.
Suharto! What in the name of jaysus has that got to do with it. And more to the point, what could you possibly know what I think about what happened in Indonesia?
My orignial point stands. Left and right wing totalitarians are two sides of the same coin and both wrought equally as much damage on Czechoslovakia as the other, except communism lasted longer.
I equally loath fascism/nazism as I do Marxism and all its variants.
As for you belief that most of the victims of Czech Stalinism were leftwingers! really? But then you know nothing at all about it do you?
video of nazi who pulled gun on antifa, vid head departs as gun pointed in his direction, later man is on ground after been beaten. IMC-germany has more info and nazi is named: petr kalinovsky.
photos from day
nazi petr kalinovsky in prague, beaten after pulling a gun on antifa
Czech antifa file on Petr Kalinovský / supremalex
You are a thinly-disguised right-wing sneaking regarder – to use the word “benign” in any context re. the Nazi occupation is shameful and suggests your true weasel agenda.
You are a tiresome hysteric. I never at all mentioned "1953 - 1989". You just make up things as you go along and then introduce ridiculous red herrings when beaten.
And before you go on your self-awarded victorious lap of honour you should actually read what you wrote;
"How many people did the revolutionary left murder in Prague between 1945 and 1990? , Mmmmmm. As many if not more than the Nazis." Get an abacus, the timeframe you mentioned is contained within.
Suharto! What in the name of jaysus has that got to do with it. And more to the point, what could you possibly know what I think about what happened in Indonesia?
And what in the name of Yahweh has Stalin got to do with the action by Antifa in Parague at the wekend? What I do know is that throwback reactionaries like yourself have very selective memories when it comes to crimes committed by your ideological bedfellows judging by your view of the Nazi "relatively benign" occupation of Czechoslovakia.
My orignial point stands. Left and right wing totalitarians are two sides of the same coin and both wrought equally as much damage on Czechoslovakia as the other, except communism lasted longer.
Thanks for your profound wisdom, I used to read Ladybird books myself when I was in primary school. And what has r that got to do with the AFA action at the weekend anyway?
I equally loath fascism/nazism as I do Marxism and all its variants.
So you equate a racist genocidal philosophy to the socialism . I doubt you put a tenth as much energy to loathing fascism as you do "Marxism and all its variants"
As for you belief that most of the victims of Czech Stalinism were leftwingers! really? But then you know nothing at all about it do you
It is a fact that many victims of Stalinism were leftwing, "most" was a typo, doubtless you're be dining out on your little victory - you seem to desperately require it.
More hysteria. Do you understand what "relative" means. I said that the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia was "relatively benign". Look it up.
The Nazis killed 150,000 in Czechoslovakia compared to millions in the USSR and Poland.
Now, do you understand?
I really should be charging you for grinds.
the only good fascist is a dead fascist
well done to the anti-fascists in praha. the only people who have EVER struggled consistently against nazism, fascism, counter-revolution have been the revolutionary left (anarchists and marxists).
others throughout history have valiantly struggled against fascism but this has only ever occured due to the horror and force of circumstance that fascism brought about, and i dont deny that, i salute it.
but, anti-fascism must always be around yesterday, today and tomorrow. as long as capitalism exists bigotry, racism, sexism, sectarianism will exist. only the end of capitalism will ever end the opportunity of wannabe hitlers and mussolini's.
As I said you to use the word "benign" in any context in relation to nazi atrocities is shameful - get a dictionary.
As for your grinds - I doubt they have such facilities in the locked ward.
Spoken like a true Vyshinskey! Fortunately you and your comrades are not yet in the position to confine dissidents to mental institutions like the gold old days so I will continue to roam free :)
Never let it happpen again.
The Porajmos (also Porrajmos, pronounced “paw-rye-mawss”) literally Devouring, is a term coined by the Roma (Gypsy) people to describe attempts by the Nazi regime to exterminate most of the Roma peoples of Europe.
Related link:
Sorry to deprive you of your favourite bogeyman (here irrelevant) in your attacks on anti-fascism but newsflash to your swamp - Stalin died in 1953, denounced in 1956, it is now 2007.
I found this thread by accident while searching for something else.
Just a couple of facts before I start. I am Irish. I have been living in Prague for 3 year. I was at the march demonstarting against the Nazi's.
I cant believe that the posts here could be a reflection of what Irish people are thinking when they came across this story. A huge number of pepole turned out to protest against the nazi's and the vast majority were not anarchists. The nazis picked that particular day for its historical background to provoke. they're intention was strictly to create a riot and get news paper headlines. This is not the first time they have tried this in recent years and to be honest the only diffence this year was that normal people who would never normally think of protesting for any reason were so sickened by the idea of nazi's parading through the jewish quarter.
Caobhain and Historian. it looks like neither of you did any research , you just seem to want to argue your point both of which are completely invalid in this case.
The Nazi's in world war II wer trying to eradicate Jews, Roma, Homosexuals and Slavs. Guess who the Czechs are?
How any Czech can decide to be a Nazi is beyond me. What are they going to do murder the first three groups and then commit suicide?
With regards to the Czech being communists the vast majority were not, but during their time behind the iron curtain if you didn't want to disappear overnight or lose your job you kept your mouth shut. Many politicians, lawyers, university lecturers did speak out and ended up sweepin the streets for the rest of their lifes if they were lucky, or were killed.
Most of these so called Czech Nazi's are good for nothing lazy f@ckers who are afraid of work and just like a bit of fighting to fill in the monotony of their useless lives. I think the police here did a magnificent job preventing this march turning into something that would have been something truly atrocious.
The normal Czech citizens here were also fantasitic. Very very few were not peaceful. The few hundred nazis (many not Czech) that did make it through were totally shocked by the sheer numbers of people and hated shown to them. Unfortunately the media has a way of exagerating (deliberately or not) a few incidents into a major news story. Should this story have been reported - Yes but no the way it was done. It seems that people from outside the Czech Republic are being lead to believe the were pitch battles going on all other the place when in reality the few that did take place were reported and left the readers believing that that was the general trend. The real story was how common people from all backgrounds and politcal beliefs publicly united against some that is simply unacceptable. A rare thing nowadays even in 'democratised' countries.
Anyway just felt I had to comment as after three years here it really does feel like home. I am an Irishman and am very proud of my nationality, but the Czechs are such a great people once you get to know them and surprisingly many of our social traits are so similar. It would be a great shame if Irish people reading this thread got the wrong impression of Prague. It is a beautiful city and I would hate to think of anyone from Ireland being put off visiting by an event such as this.
Here's wishing you all the best for Christmas and the New Year.