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Comments (13 of 13)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Without wishing to be disrespectful to anybody, it nevertheless seems to me that the people of the world with Irish heritage have just been thrown a few TINY crumbs from the "Master's Table" - at least that is how I would view what RTE has described as "a temporary preservation order on a national monument known as Rath Lugh in the Tara/Skryne valley" (full RTE article at ).
What would be significant (in my view) is if Mr John Gormley TD (Green Party Leader & Republic of Ireland Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government) took steps to have the constitutionality of our "National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004" properly checked: without ANY further ado or unnecessary delay, and with due regard for the "historical" situation relating to this matter which is outlined at .
Last Friday, an effort was made (by e-mail) to draw Mr Gormley's attention to the very disturbing relationship between "unconstitutional legislation", and, the kind of "government-driven tyranny" many of us have all too often observed in recent years in the Republic of Ireland: in connection with environmental situations like Tara (PPP M3 Motorway), Rossport (Shell Oil), Turoe (PPP Road), Kilconnell (National Toll Roads "Super Dump") and several other similar situations; and, not forgetting of course the ongoing DEAFENING SILENCE regarding the genuinely democratic (i.e. anti-tyrannous) "United Nation Aarhus Convention Agreement" ( ) which the Republic of Ireland signed in June 1998, and which our Government has STILL not "laid before Dail Eireann", as Article 29.5.1 of "Bunreacht na hEireann" (Constitution of Ireland) very clearly requires.
A copy of last Friday's e-mail to Minister Gormley, which was sent to several other senior politicians and lawyers as well, can be viewed at .
The facilities for checking doubtful legislation (i.e. legislation which might be unconstitutional and consequently unlawful) in the Republic of Ireland can be viewed at .
"Gerry Hogan, senior counsel for Mr Salafia, claimed the legislation used to push through the project (i.e. the M3 PPP Toll Road project) was unconstitutional."
The context of this very revealing comment from Republic of Ireland constitutional law expert Dr Gerard Hogan (Fellow of Trinity College Dublin) has been taken from a Daily Telegraph article (dated January 14th 2006, which is over 20 months ago now please note); and, the full article can be viewed at
Funny enough, although I think a temporary preservation order is a good thing for now, I reckon it may well be a half arsed responce from the Irish Govt to the EU Commission to be seen to be doing Something , in the very least. The aerial pics of what they have done are shocking and a personal visit to the area even more so. From my understanding 20m was the proposed take into Rath Lugh which has so far gone 100m. Correct me if I am wrong but I dont think so!
They had an opportunity apparently to go STRAIGHT and instead curved into Rath Lugh , a sand and gravel ESKER , remnant from the last Ice Age and never Would be compatible with a modern road!!!!!
Rath Lugh disappeared form the NRA maps altogether . Has it suddenly come back?
So, it's the Barrow and Ring Ditch that are to be preserved and they are blaming the trees and surrounding shrubs for its demise? Gotta laugh to prevent myself from crying .
Go see it yourself!
From Dublin going to Navan---- take the right at the crossroads just before Tara Na Ri pub ( Ten mins past Dunsaughlin) .
Follow the road and take a right at the sign for Skyrne, carry on straight. Keep going, you will come to a crossroads shortly. Straight ahead past that and the orange roadwork signs at the entrance to the Lismullin Dig, keep going only 5 mins now you will be at an opening in the trees which will lead you up to the Rath Lugh camp and anyone there will direct you . Seeing is believing and otherwise they are getting away with .....people liking to be shrouded in cotton wool!
What's Going ON?
0861758557 may even be able to help ya get there
To see the latest aerial shot of Rath Lugh see the website with this mail. Its on the front page.
Surely if it can be proven that there has been undue influence and corruption in the decision making process, then Gormley is duty bound to call a halt and review this project.
And it can be shown.
As Minister for Environment & Local Government Neol Dempsey appointed or reinstated 7 out of 10 of the present governing board of An Bord Pleanála., including the Deputy Chairperson, Brian Hunt, who was Senior Executive Engineer in the Planning Department of Meath County Council, which Neol Dempsey chaired in 1986.
While from West Meath, Mary O'Rourke appointed most of the NRA board, which includes Raymond Potterton, who with business partner Loman Dempsey, are property investors based in Navan. And chairman of the NRA, Peter Malone who, like Angus Potterton, is a director of CBRE Gunne Property Group as well as a member of the board of Hibernian, part of the Aviva Group which includes Russell Walls, a former director at Ferrovial and Guillermo de la Dehesa, a director of Bank Santander Central Hispano (M3 financiers).
T3 (at Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:09 above),
There's PLENTY of corruption, and PLENTY of evidence of corruption.
It's also the case that PLENTY of senior "public servants" (so called) have been provided with PLENTY of evidence on PLENTY of occasions regarding all of the political, legal, and corporate corruption in question.
My most recent attempt, for example, to inform those concerned (by e-mail), which I very deliberately titled
"Tyranny, and the role played by unconstitutional legislation ..."
can be viewed at: .
However, it appears that the corruption is completely out of control and completely unstoppable by any lawful means.
That's the problem really - and I (for one) don't know what to do about it, other than to keep on trying to rub all of their noses in it, in PUBLIC, and to try and show those responsible that they're not fooling everybody.
W. Finnerty - you got to wonder haven't you how far this goes.
Is the law deaf because so much of the law fraternity, like Ciaran Feighery of SIAC, are protégées of University College Dublin and the likes of Justice O'Hanlon.
T3 (Mon Oct 08, 2007 16:16 posting above),
Despotic cliques are despotic cliques; and, regardless of the exact make-up of the particular clique/s involved in the various orgies of corruption currently running in the Republic of Ireland, those responsible have provided irrefutable evidence of gross wrongdoing which involves VERY serious crime.
Yet, and despite all the hard evidence, none of those indulging themselves in such crime are being charged with any offence.
Consider (for example) the socially disastrous matter of producing and supporting unconstitutional legislation which I outlined in the "Tue Oct 02, 2007 14:25" posting above, having due regard for the fact that our Chief Justice (Mr John L. Murray) has subscribed to upholding the "Constitution and the laws" under the terms of Article 34.5.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann (Constitution of the Republic of Ireland), as have ALL of his colleagues in our judiciary.
The perpetrators of such abuse are obviously in a position to put themselves ABOVE the law, and others (like myself) BENEATH it; and, to KEEP themselves in that position INDEFINITELY: so that ultimately the whole machinery of all the political, legal, and corporate corruption now in progress is being powerfully and perversely sustained on an ongoing basis by our legal profession as a whole.
How corrupt and perverted can our society get?
Unfortunately, I don't have any practical remedy for the extremely severe problems relating to the corruption our society is at present saddled with - I am not a lawyer.
All I can do is to observe and be aware of the developing situation - with growing disgust and dismay I might add; and to try and make as many other people as possible aware of all the revolting dishonesty involved.
"In the piers between the windows of the interior dome (Four Courts, Dublin) are eight colossal statues, in alto relievo, resting upon consoles or brackets, representing Punishment, Eloquence, Mercy, Prudence, Law, Wisdom, Justice, and Liberty. Over those statues an entablature with a highly-enriched frieze is continued round the dome, and immediately above each window, in the frieze, are medallions of the following eight distinguished legislators, Moses, Lycurgus, Solon, Numa, Confucius, Alfred, Manco-Capac, and Ollamh-Fodhla ( )."
One of the amazing things concerning King Ollamh Fodhla is that he appears to have been completely "written out" of modern Irish history books (for reasons unknown), even though he is possibly the most important - by far - of all the kings of Ireland.
But was he a member of Opus Dei? or Knights of Saint Columbanus?
Very interesting though.
Cynic (Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:59 above),
Answer to your question (even though I don't really believe you're serious): neither it seems.
According to several different accounts, King Ollamh Fodhla lived about 1300 years before the time of Christ - which is possibly why he appears to have been slyly air-brushed out of current Irish "history" by our EXPERTS?
Despite all the hard evidence (including Newgrange for example), it seems those responsible for the air-brushing still cannot fully come to terms with the fact that a highly advanced civilisation had firmly established itself in Ireland long before Christ was ever even heard of; and, that it used a system of justice (Brehon Law) which would make "Roman Law" and all its many modern spin-offs look like a sick joke.
In addition, it appears that these concerned have no qualms at all about deliberately suppressing the relevant historical and archaeological information - for the purpose of meanly deceiving as many people as they possibly can: and regardless of the highly negative impact doing so has had on efforts to protect ancient heritage sites in the Hill of Tara area during the past few years.
Important Breaking News!!
I have heard reports today from security workers on the M3 that a new site has been found close to Soldiers Hill. It is apparently hidden from the public road and archaeologists have been working all available hours in secret over the last two weeks to get it dug before it is demolished in the next day or so. Workers say it is some type of hill-fort.
Is this true,has any one else heard this.
W. Finnerty - it was a rehtorical question - thanks (
Citizen of Ireland - well found out, thought on following the movements of the archaeologists ? Soldiers Hill works are on the critical path of the site development me thinks ;-)
an ESKER is a very sensitive feature. The Fisheries % water authorities have been on site to monitor effects - thieir report must be available.