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An Open Letter To Bertie Ahern

category national | history and heritage | opinion/analysis author Saturday August 04, 2007 18:23author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studioauthor email art at tomandsusan dot us Report this post to the editors

An open letter to the current Taoiseach of Ireland regarding the M-3 motorway scheme.

An Open Letter To Bertie Ahern

Dear Mr. Ahern,
With All Due Respect,

I have watched, since the Autumn of 2005, the continuing battle over the M3 motorway in the Tara/Skryne (Gabhra) Valley. I first became acquainted with the issue whilst my husband and I were on our way to the Dublin Airport the last day of our visit. It was then that we saw the “Archaeological” dig signs close by to the Hill of Tara, with “No Trespassing” written all over them. Upon our return to the U.S., I did a bit of investigating and was horrified, chilled to my very marrow, to find what this devious “scheme” actually entailed.

Mr. Ahern, Sir, I am not a native Irish-Woman, however I am Irish. I was raised from a young child to honor and respect my ancestors, both ancient and recent. I was taught about the patriots and heroes, those who gave their lives that the Republic could offer freedom to her children. Mr. Ahern, Sir, as I understand it, you have a portrait of Pádraic MacPiarais ( Padraic Pearse ) hanging in your personal government office. You have publicly stated that he is one of your heroes, someone who means something to your spirit and being, yet it appears that you do not stand for the same patriotism he did. When you were attending the Easter Rising commemorative celebration at Kilmainham Gaol in April 2006, did you kneel at this brave heroes execution site, saying a prayer of thanksgiving for the sacrifice that he made? If it had not been for Padraic Pearse and his fellow patriots, you, Sir, would not be holding the office you do. In fact, Ireland would not be a Republic, but rather still giving allegiance to Great Britain, or perhaps even another foreign nation.

Do you truly admire Padraic Pearse, Sir? Was he foretelling this very moment in time with the following poem? Please pay attention to the words:

Mise Eire (I Am Ireland)
by Padraic Pearse
"I am Ireland.
I am older than the Old Woman of Bearra,
Great is my glory,
I who gave birth to
Cuchulain the brave,
Great is my shame,
My own family
Have sold their mother.
I am Ireland,
I am lonelier than the
Old Woman of Bearra."

Mr. Ahern, Sir, if indeed you cannot remember our ancient ancestors, perhaps you can remember more recent history with the patriots of the Battles of the Irish rebellion in 1798. Perhaps you can remember reading about the gathering on the Hill of Tara on August 15th, 1843, when over one million Irish Men and Irish Women gathered to hear ‘The Liberator’, Daniel O’Connell, speak during what were some of the bleakest years for the Irish as a nation, An Gorta Mór. Perhaps you will remember, Sir, the multitude of monuments dedicated to the thousands whose bodies were left to rot in the fields from County Meath to County Kildare, rebels who sacrificed their very lives that you might enjoy the freedom you have today. Even more recently are the efforts of Arthur Griffith, William Butler Yeats, George Moore and Douglas Hyde, who campaigned against the British-Israelites when they sought to destroy the Hill of Tara in search of the Ark of the Covenant between the years of 1899 and 1902. Writing to the Irish Times on June 27th, 1902 they declared, "Tara is, because of its associations, probably the most consecrated spot in Ireland, and its destruction will leave many bitter memories behind it." Their words are as relevant today as when they were written well over a century ago.

What all of these brave and courageous Irish had in common was the love of the Mother, the love of the Island, and the love of the heart and soul of Ireland, the Hill of Tara. This love continues in the hearts of the protesters who are risking their lives to the machinery which is rending the land apart, savaging the sacred sites, and raping the resting places of our ancestors throughout the Island.

Mr. Ahern, Sir, it is not only the M-3 which concerns me. It is the Rossport/Shell to Sea issue, the Turoe/N-6 issue, the Kilconnell/National Toll Roads Super-Dump Issue, the Poolbeg/Ringaskiddy issue, along with many more controversial and disastrously dangerous “schemes” which will most certainly lay waste to the “Ireland of the Welcomes”. It is also a fact that the M-3 “scheme” is to facilitate the transporting of the petroleum being pumped in the NW of Ireland to refineries in Dublin, there to be exported elsewhere, with little or nothing of the revenue being realized by the people of Ireland.

It is a well known fact that the government of Ireland has chosen to not disclose to the people that the European Commission has filed charges against the government of Ireland for failure to comply with the bylaws of the EU, thus making the Environmental Impact Assessment for the whole M3 project no longer valid, and therefore making it an illegal project. The government of Ireland has also not disclosed that there will be a hearing in the European Court of Justice in the Autumn of this year, 2007. It is a well known fact that the people of Ireland have been kept in the dark about the truth behind the M-3 and it's spiderweb network of roads. It is a well known fact that the government of Ireland is in complicity with a range of “cronies” the likes of whom have not been seen before. On July 20th, 2007, the esteemed Kathy Sinnott, Vice-Chairwoman of the European Parliament Petitions Committee, published an open letter to John Gormley, the most recently elected Irish Minister of the Environment. To date, he has yet to publicly address an answer to her, or to the people of Ireland for that matter, for his reasoning in hiding facts about this.

To quote from the European Unions Aarhus Convention, citizens “have the right to access to environmental information, participation in environmental decision making and access to justice. This guide aims to raise public awareness about the convention and to inform people in a simple and easily understandable way about their rights according to the convention. Its description of actual cases may also inspire public officials working with environmental information. (January 2007).”

The Hill of Tara has seen numerous battles over the many centuries, but none has presented a greater challenge than the one it is entangled in now. The government of Ireland has become her enemy, and her champions are the ones who are actively protesting, doing their utmost to prevent the violation of this royal and sacred valley, which holds the secrets and remains of our ancestors.

Mr. Ahern, Sir, take it upon yourself to assume the honorable position. Save the land of our people from the raping and pillaging of these infrastructures. Save the land of our people from having thousands of years of heritage obliterated in the darkness of the night. Save the land of our people for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Save the land of our people for your own conscience sake. Save our Old Mother!!!


Susan Isabella Sheehan Repasky
An Irish-American
Mountain View, California U.S.A.

author by W. Finnerty.publication date Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I feel sure you speak for lots of people, and particularly those of Irish descent who live in far away places.

For people who may not have seen it yet, Article 1 (OBJECTIVE) of the Aarhus Convention, signed by Prime Minister Ahern & Co on June 25th 1998, ironically reads as follows:

"In order to contribute to the protection of the right of every person of present and future generations to live in an environment adequate to his or her health and well-being, each Party shall guarantee the rights of access to information, public participation in decision-making, and access to justice in environmental matters in accordance with the provisions of this Convention."

Allowing for what has been happening at Tara and other places you have mentioned, since June 1998, it is easy to see why Prime Minister Ahern and his colleagues in Government are so anxious to keep ALL information about the Aarhus Convention as far away from the public at large as possible - which they have so far managed to do (for the past nine years) with almost unbelievable success.

Add to all that the fact that Prime Minister Ahern and his colleagues have, all along (i.e. throughout the past nine years), had a deep-rooted and extremely important legal obligation to The People of the Republic of Ireland to have this United Nations international agreement "laid before Dáil Eireann (Parliament)" - as is required by Article 29.5.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann (Constitution of the Republic of Ireland).

But, instead of abiding by the law, our "public servants" have obviously decided to slyly betray The People they are trusted to serve - and they think nothing of doing so apparently, as can be judged by the fact they fully intend (it seems) to keep on betraying The People of the Republic of Ireland regarding the hugely important United Nations Aarhus Convention Agreement.

The full legal text (PDF format) of the Aarhus Convention Agreement is available at http://www.unece.org/env/pp/documents/cep43e.pdf

Related Link: http://www.unece.org/env/pp/ctreaty.htm
author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sun Aug 05, 2007 20:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I feel that it is vitally important that anyone who can claim Irish descent and who cares about the Island needs to be aware and involved in the current issues. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your additional information!

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 00:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done.

This no doubt links into this other item (included just in case missed)

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 00:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Michelle :-)
Actually, I am Irish-American, married to a Slovakian, who also happens to love Ireland!
Thank you for your support. You might want to re-submit the link, as I think it is missing.
Susan (Sheehan) Repasky

author by Roestownpublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 01:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

other Tara threads to be filled in. Visit the related website,

Related Link: http://www.savetara.com
author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 03:17author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you Roestown for the link, as there is timely and extremely relevant information to be found there.

author by Protestmanpublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

When sufficient numbers of people passively protest through peaceful non-violent, non-cooperation with the judicature, they will have little choice but to change their putrid corrupt system if they wish to stay in business. 

When enough "sheeple" ("sheep-people") have woken up and choose to no longer participate in the fleecing process of the court system, there will be a crisis in the confidence and integrity of the system and the government will be forced to take positive action to remedy the situation.

author by Press Releaserpublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Monday 6 August 2007

MEP Kathy Sinnott accuses the Irish government of demolition policy, "Destroy Now Explain Later!".

Despite a pending European Court of Justice case against Ireland for the planned demolition of Lismullen National Monument without a valid EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), construction teams are scheduled to start demolition of Lismullen tomorrow morning at 6 am.

If the destruction of Lismullen goes ahead it does so with full knowledge of the illegal nature of the demolition. The policy seems to be "Destroy Now - Defend the Action in Court" later.

The hardnosed, callous policy pursued by the Irish government and the NRA will result in the unnecessary and wanton destruction and loss of  heritage of international significance and further exposure of Ireland in the ECJ (European Court of Justice) and the Irish taxpayer to increased fines.

The European Commission have challenged the legality of the  continuation of the TARA M3 Project.

The European Parliament Petitions Committee has called for the works to stop until the legality is sorted out by the ECJ.

Petitions of more than 50,000 and 12,000 signatures have been collected from Ireland and around the world.

The World Monument Fund has listed Lismullen as one of the world’s most  endangered sites.

What does it take to protect Tara!

Kathy Sinnott MEP (Member of the European Parliament)

087 2786552

[email protected]

Related Link: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/expert/alphaOrder/view.do?language=EN&id=28119
author by An aged Observerpublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Petitions of more than 50,000 from Ireland out of a population of over 4 million........... so what does that tell you?

That the vast majority of people living in Ireland have no real interest in Tara, their ancestry or their heritage.

Wrap up the protest and go home, because you are wasting your time.

author by hobby horsepublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 15:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

O there are many Tara petitions.
O there are many politicians (surely with good intentions)
and everyone must work together for a little while ..... But......
KS has some bad connections with the EU far right and the LPR.

So respect to MS Sinnott for taking it on, but this particular petition with her
little contact details is not being signed by me.

(Thanks anyhow...)

Related Link: http://www.savetara.com
author by W. Finnerty.publication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 21:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

From "Mise Eire" ( "I Am Ireland" ):

"Great is my shame,
My own family            
Have sold their mother."  

By Pádraig Pearse (Barrister, poet, and one of the leaders of "The Easter Rising". Executed in Dublin on May 3rd 1916).


Leading with the above Pádraig Pearse quote, information relating to the report at Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:37 above (titled "Demolition of Lismullen site tomorrow morning at 6 am") was sent to a selection of senior politicians and media organisations this afternoon.

Detailed information can be found in the copies at the two addresses below.

Politicians: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...l.htm

Media: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...l.htm


The Wayfarer
by Pádraig Pearse

The beauty of the world hath made me sad,
This beauty that will pass;
Sometimes my heart hath shaken with great joy
To see a leaping squirrel in a tree,
Or a red lady-bird upon a stalk,
Or little rabbits in a field at evening,
Lit by a slanting sun,
Or some green hill where shadows drifted by
Some quiet hill where mountainy man hath sown
And soon would reap; near to the gate of Heaven;
Or children with bare feet upon the sands
Of some ebbed sea, or playing on the streets
Of little towns in Connacht,
Things young and happy.
And then my heart hath told me:
These will pass,
Will pass and change, will die and be no more,
Things bright and green, things young and happy;
And I have gone upon my way


author by Joepublication date Mon Aug 06, 2007 23:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'KS has some bad connections with the EU far right and the LPR'

as my builder friend says of the local FF councillors - " use them, that's what they're there for"

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 00:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you, Press Releasor, for posting this statement by Kathy Sinnott. It is a valuable notation that the Irish government is being taken to task by the EU.

Thank you, An Aged Observer, for your insight. One less means one less, one more is one more. Your signature, voice, opinion matters in all ways, and this issue is vitally important to the preservation of the Island. I realize that many Irish citizens have never even visited Tara, or other sacred sites. However, if this issue makes it into every household, if every citizen has the opportunity to form an opinion, then the information is valuable. The petitions all speak volumes.

Thank you, hobby horsepublication. I indeed agree with you about the many petitions. Ms. Sinnott appears to be doing the correct thing in bringing the NRA and environmental authorities to task. You have the right not to sign this petition, however, you may want to reconsider if it will effect a change in the construction/destruction.

Thank you, W. Finnerty. This is another fine example of the thoughts of a great man. Beautiful, and filled with excellent imagery, this poem depicts what Ireland is facing, all things bright and green dying away. Sad, so sad.

Thank you, Joe. " Use them, that's what they're there for" is exactly what is happening with me. No one knows who I am, yet I am allowing myself to be an active participant in an issue which is happening thousands of miles away from where I live. I care about Ireland, I care about the people, and I care very much about the Sacred Center of our people.

Up On The Hill
Up On The Hill

author by Amanpublication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 00:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nobody will read this letter cos it's rambling and self-conscious.

author by Amanpublication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 00:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nobody will read this letter cos it's rambling and self-conscious.

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 01:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you for your feedback Amanpublication. I honestly appreciate your thoughts. Many have already read it, and most who have agreed with what is written, and did not find it too wordy.


On The Hill Of Tara
On The Hill Of Tara

author by W. Finnerty.publication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 09:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Irish Independent: "TaraWatch is sending solicitors' (lawyers) letters today to the Environment Minister, the National Roads Authority, Meath County Council and the Attorney General demanding that excavations don't go ahead."

Irish Examiner: “Excavation is controlled demolition, and this spectacular new national monument should be preserved. Otherwise, what was the point in declaring it a national monument in the first place?"

The Irish Times: "Excavation of M3 site begins today"

RTE (State Broadcaster): "Protest at Tara as excavation to begin"

Related Link: http://www.kingollamhfodhla.com
author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 20:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I listened to the interviews with both Vincent Salafia and Conor Newman on RTE this morning. I am amazed that the NRA and the Minister of the Environment continue to drag their toes given the illegality of the process.

author by paig - nonepublication date Tue Aug 07, 2007 23:54author email pat.gilmartin at gmail dot comauthor address 72 inbhir ide, malahide,co. dublinauthor phone 018168618Report this post to the editors

i wonder who are the directors of the NRA. do they live in tents in galway?:

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 00:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Paig. You ask "i wonder who are the directors of the NRA. do they live in tents in galway?:

The following is directly from their website. It goes without saying that none of them live in tents.

The NRA board may comprise up to fourteen members - thirteen ordinary members and a chairperson - appointed by the Minister of Transport. Members are appointed on the basis of their experience in relation to roads, transport, industrial, commercial, financial, or environmental matters, local government, and the organisation of workers or administration. They are directly responsible for the exercise of the NRA's functions under the Act, but can delegate these functions to committees with the approval of the Minister.

The board members are -

Mr Peter Malone, Chairman
Mr Fred Barry
Mr Eddie Breen
Mr Frank Convery
Mr Eric Fleming
Mr David Holden
Ms Jenny Kent
Mr John Newell
Ms Connie Ní Fhátharta
Mr Donnacha O'Cinneide
Mr Raymond Potterton

Senior Management of the Authority

* Fred Barry, CEO

* Eugene O'Connor, Head of Engineering Operations

* Michael Egan, Head of Corporate Affairs

* (Position currently vacant), Head of PPP and Tolling

* John Maher, Head of Finance and Administration


Susan Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981

Memorial To The Patriots Of 1798 - Castletown, County Meath
Memorial To The Patriots Of 1798 - Castletown, County Meath

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 01:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

After the battle of Clonard July 11th, 1798, when Tyrrell's house was attacked and many of the rebels were killed, their bodies were left lying in adjoining fields and ditches. A mass grave was dug, which became the burial ground of many brave Wexford/Wicklow men. Other, we are told, were carried acorss the Boyne and interred in an unmarked mass grave in the Church of Ireland graveyard.

On the First Centenary of the event, a Celtic Cross and slab were erected by the priests and people of the parishes of Ballyna, Clonard, and Ballinabrackey. A few years earlier, in 1873, the local landowner, Garrett Robinson, enclosed the mass grave with a stone wall.

There are many instances in history to consider when we think about our ancestors, both ancient and recent.

Susan Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981

The Croppies Grave Memorial - Clonard, County Meath
The Croppies Grave Memorial - Clonard, County Meath

author by PPpublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 09:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I do not grudge them: Lord, I do not grudge
My two strong sons that I have seen go out
To break their strength and die, they and a few,
In bloody protest for a glorious thing,
They shall be spoken of among their people,
The generations shall remember them,
And call them blessed;
But I will speak their names to my own heart
In the long nights;
The little names that were familiar once
Round my dead hearth.
Lord, thou art hard on mothers:
We suffer in their coming and their going;
And tho' I grudge them not, I weary, weary
Of the long sorrow---And yet I have my joy:
My sons were faithful, and they fought.

Related Link: http://www.irishcultureandcustoms.com/Poetry/PadraicPearse.html
author by an aged Observerpublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 16:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you for putting those heart stirring words up pp truly beautiful!

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 16:20author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Beautiful words, timely to the issue, and able to reach into the soul. Thank you PP!

author by The Courierpublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 20:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

From Herders to Architects: Man's Imprint on World Heritage

Six thousand years separate the Sydney Opera House (Australia) from Twyfelfontein (Namibia), two of the sites just inscribed on the World Heritage List. This goes to show the extraordinary diversity of cultural heritage which the UNESCO Courier aims to illustrate, by covering five of these exceptional sites, down through the ages.

Related Link: http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=38266&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html?
author by Posterpublication date Wed Aug 08, 2007 22:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No, because It just has no effect. Bertie does not give a shit about Ireland. Posting open letters on the internet or standing around with signs does nothing either. The corporate media ignore you or spin it. Maybe the cops will be sent out to kick you a bit or grind you down through the courts if you persistently interfere where you aren't wanted. And of course the taxpayer foots the bill for the kicking and the courts so they can go on as long as they like. They can even turn society against your cause over the bill they decide to accrue bullying you.

Ireland is doomed to be destroyed slowly by greedy traitors who have no values beyond power and money. And this process is facilitated by those vacant zombies who go along with them against their own self interest because they are stupid and blind.

What can be done? Short of a mass march on lenister house, a coup and a socialist revolution, followed by dissolution of the courts, a new civil service, and nationalisation of our resources, I don't know. Perhaps if we had a few good men of courage......but pearse and his ilk are dead and gone along with our best opportunity to guide this state in a humane direction methinks

James connolly saw it coming


Read a bit of this stuff then take another look at bertie and what he is and represents. He and his ilk represent a greater and more insidious threat to Ireland than any obvious military occupier ever did. And there are no more heroes left. What hope is there for Ireland

now read castro
how does the cuba he describes compare to ireland today?

Get used to being disenfranchised and everything of value in our heritage being looted and pillaged to make quick money for our lords and masters and the financial institutions, the privatisation of everything, the stealing of our natural resources, And being left with a destroyed heritage and a few shiny beads. In case you haven't noticed it, there is a pattern to the exploittion of a third world country.

We are in the middle of it. It's just nobody has noticed yet. We are under the misapprehension that this little prosperity bubble will last. It won't and when it's gone what will we have? No natural resources, polluted drinking water, privatised everything, violent criminality run rife, probably GM crops and maybe even nuclear energy, huge unemployment, ghettoes of foreign nationals being picked on and blamed for the situation, Even higher rent bills we can't afford from our landlords with irish accents. And a ruined environment to bring up our malnourished kids in. And no sign of bertie or the boys from IBEQ and the banks to save us. They'll be off living somewhere better on their substantial nest eggs.

Thats when industry will finally return again to exploit the cheap wages and no doubt desperately compromised planning and environmental protection regulations

And everyone will be so surprised how it came to this.

Plus ca change.

some interesting insights into the financial processes as they applied to americans

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Thu Aug 09, 2007 00:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Poster, I so appreciate your words, as well as the very informative links you have provided. Do I appeal to a shark not to eat a fish? Of course not. I hope that you realize that I am at a disadvantage since I live over four thousand miles from Ireland. Posting letters on the internet and relying on newspapers to publish my thoughts, however limited, are my only resource and recourse at this point.

I know that Bertie Ahern and cronies don't care about Ireland. There are those who would sell their own Mother for a pint. I realize that the general population, not only in Ireland, is wandering about like a bunch of bait headed zombies, and that most don't even know where the Hill of Tara is located. I have that from personal experience when asking for directions to many sites from locals in Ireland.

It is entirely possible that I will be harassed by the authorities the next time I journey to the island. That is a chance I am willing to take, for I will return to Ireland. You mention Pearse and Connolly, both patriots of the highest order. When we visited Kilmainham Gaol October last, I nearly fell to my knees in the execution yard. I could hardly hold back the tears for the injustice that had been served these men. I would also mention Bobby Sands and Terence MacSwiney who were brave and honorable in their sacrifice for the good of the whole. Would that those deaths have meant something to the people.

Poster, I am not a political analyst, nor am I a reporter, however I am working towards a more thorough insiders view and understanding of the Irish governments workings. I know that there are global forces that underlie all that we see, and that these forces are nearly impenetrable. But I will continue pecking away with what little bit I can.

Your writing is jaded, as if Ireland is already defeated. I am sure that if each person who knows touches another with only a bit of information, engendering in their souls a remembrance of the ancestors and our heritage, a change will be effected.

Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981

On The Hill Of Tara
On The Hill Of Tara

author by W. Finnerty.publication date Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is much I can agree with in both Susan's and Poster's arguments (above), and together they represent for me something of a very welcome breath of fresh air.

Basically though, I would feel more comfortable (for now at least) in Susan's camp.

Do as they might, the greed-ridden types may still have a VERY big job on their hands to fully erase the deeply held feelings associated with P. Pearse and his thoughts of "protest for a glorious thing" - which I personally believe is "genuine democracy" of the kind described by United States President Lincoln as "government of the people, by the people, for the people": the so called "unfinished work". ("Unfinished" it certainly is!!)

Then the greed-ridden types have the Internet to worry about - for now at least, and possibly for the rest f human history (unless "they" can somehow get control of it of course). It's not as easy these days for the "incurably greed-ridden" to hoodwink large numbers of people in the manner "to which they have been accustomed to" up until quite recently. (Regarding this point, it's possibly worth keeping in mind that we're ONLY 15 years or so into "The Internet Age" at the present time.)

Last but not least there is the matter of the negative energies aroused by the vast array of injustices that the greed-ridden invariably seem to eventually set in motion against themselves. A fairly recent account of the very deeply-embedded and obviously ancient origins of such potent feelings, almost certainly genetically coded by "Mother Nature" herself, and which appear to be universal, can be viewed in the account written by Dublin-based psychologist Marie Murray at the following address: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.co...e.htm

"The opera ain't over 'til the fat lady sings."

Related Link: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.com
author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Thu Aug 09, 2007 22:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you to each one who responded to this post. If only we could all be involved, if only we could all feel the call, if only we could change the M-3 plan. Keep moving forward, for the sake of Tara!

Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 03:07author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Opus Dei must be thanked for drawing attention to their location in the high valley in the Royal City of Tara. The little stream in this valley had almost gone un-noticed but because it is about to be built over by the toll road pirates – it has brought the focus of many on to the landscape setting of the Royal Celtic City of Tara – and then as if by release – the Goddess of the land spoke. The valley is today called the Gabhra but in old Gaelic - it means the White Mare – the Horse Goddess of our Celtic Ancestry.

The White Mare was honoured by the Celts of (France) Gaul as Epona, as Rhiannon in Cymru (Wales) and in Eire (Ireland) as Edain Echaidhe. In volume 6 (see pp.106ff.) of the Discovery Reports ISBN 1 874045 95 X we can read under the entry Horse about the discovery of horse bones at Tara – the highest incidence from an Irish prehistoric site – and how many of the bones were broken, deliberately shattered to facilitate the extraction of the marrow. A small number of the bones displayed gnawing marks. It is tempting to equate these bones with the inauguration rite described by Geraldus Cambrensis that entailed the slaughter, butchery and consumption of horseflesh. The Irish names for the Gowra, the rarer word Gabor evokes an array of mythological equine associations. It is defined as an ‘ech gel’ or airegale ‘bright, white, silver horse’: primarily a poetic word for a white horse and a mare. The scribes of the church have hidden the Celtic Horse Goddess from common view with a few simple flicks of the quill. Written records tell of a wonderful but lost valley of the White Mare in which many great events happened. This valley was deliberately hidden. It was difficult to hide the great glory of our Celtic Ancestry completely. Even today, scholars are misdirected about exact location of this sacred valley. The original truth in myth was ‘spun’ by a written twisted version and bit-by-bit our Celtic Culture is being disappeared.

This is all in the public domain – so what is really going on at Tara? Who is doing this and why?

The Pope, Opus Dei and the Mason Knights of Columbanus, Malta and Eulogia and their aspirants are the high level controllers of this proposed M3 double troll road through the high valley in the Royal City of Tara, their conscious minions include: elected representatives, planning officials, media, the judiciary and state officials in general, their sleeping partners; are the general public.

Two reasons – (1) Exercise of high magic power: >erasing the past = controlling the future

Stay Brave Dear Hearts
Stay Brave Dear Hearts

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 03:13author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Two reasons – (1) Exercise of high magic power: Erasing the past equals controlling the future. This is the “New World Order” local branch enforcing the agenda of an extremely wealthy religious cult to destroy Celtic consciousness, national sovereignty and cultural identity and the alternative pagan ways that are re-emerging. (2) They see the landscape setting of the Royal Celtic City of Tara only as a land bank that they can rob for building and impose a new toll or second road tax. Their plan is to fool you to thinking Tara seen as only a 100-acre hilltop when the Celtic Royal City of Tara covers many square miles surrounded by a series of well-known huge Ringforts. The Valley contains 38 monuments under the proposed line for the double troll road – their intention is to destroy these 38 monuments or else the land around the monuments cannot be sold for big profits to housing speculators. They know what they are doing and we know why they are doing it. They have tried to fool the public about Tara with lies, trickery and displacement – but they woke the White Mare Goddess again.

What can we do?

Assemble your dream consciousness to connect to the White Mare – visualise her running free - giving substance to this expression of the Goddess. Now she will haunt their dreams / schemes and their plans of destruction. As she calls her people back to her, the truth rises from darkness and our Celtic Culture is respected. Because they have awakened the “Celtic Goddess as the White Mare” again: she will roam the valley once more, dancing free and wild – running and jumping and calling to our spirit of adventure – come gallop with me… she will trample their ego’s demands in a swamp of sticky publicity. This is how we stop the destruction of the valley of this sacred stream by Opus Dei and their minions - expose their criminality and corruption – stop the M3 going anywhere near the Celtic Royal City of Tara.

This is a most magnificent complex of Celtic Europe – the Sons of Mil captured Ireland around 2500 years ago and Tara was their Royal City. The Roman Army never invaded Ireland but the Roman Church did. Ever since then there has been a continued destruction of ancient monuments. The current acknowledged average is 1500+ monuments being destroyed every year. Religious extremists seek to destroy the most important landscape setting of the Horse Goddess that remains in Ireland with out you noticing – but you have noticed and now you can help by showing this to others as we expose the hidden agenda of Bad Bertie and his Lodge.

Save Tara Valley

Reprinted with kind permission from Ireland's Druid School

author by the diggerpublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is it any wonder that the campaign is unable to attract widespread public support when you see this kind of utter drivel?

>The Pope, Opus Dei and the Mason Knights of Columbanus, Malta and Eulogia and their aspirants are the high level controllers of this proposed M3 double troll road through the high valley in the Royal City of Tara, their conscious minions include: elected representatives, planning officials, media, the judiciary and state officials in general, their sleeping partners; are the general public.

Between Susan Repasky and William Finnerty you have enough paranoid horseshit to service a new series of the X files.

author by W. Finnerty.publication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I believe your cowardly anonymous attacks say much more about you than they do about me (or anybody else).

Related Link: http://www.europeancourtofhumanrightswilliamfinnerty.com
author by Damienpublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 19:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This drivel about a New World Order demeans the campaign to save Tara.

The best way you could help this campaign William is to distance your insane theories about the illuminati and secret world leaders from an otherwise sensible campaign.

author by impressedpublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 19:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yeah. Bertie is a Hooded minion of Opus Dei evil.

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Fri Aug 10, 2007 21:18author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Indeed, I do appreciate your thoughts Digger. I try to look at all things, from all perspectives, as regards anything. This issue is no different. I did not write the above article re:Opus Dei, it is from a friends website. Thank you for weighing in on this important issue, even though you believe I am shoveling out "horse shit".

No offense is taken to your statement :-)

Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981

author by trail blazerpublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 07:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ultimately what we the people of Ireland deserve is decent roads to drive upon.

If to do so means losing a few old sites here and there then so be it, because this country is not an open air museum.

Let common sense prevail and realise that throughout the ages that every civilisation builds on previous civilisations and if that were not the case nothing would ever get built.

From what I have seen of 'the protesters' is that they are in a lot of cases people with deep seated and unresolved emotional problems, who are using the scene to vent off their inner anger. Their idea of relaxation is via large quantities of alcohol or drugs none of which are an aid to their inner wellness.

author by Bunreachtpublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&btnG=Google+Search
author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 17:45author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Trail Blazer. That is all well and good, however when you state that civilizations have built upon previous civilizations, you must mean those which have been conquered by an occupying enemy. If you take only a cursory look at what "conquering" countries have done to the occupied, you will see that the Sacred symbols of the conquered were vanquished, laid to waste, built over, done away with. The last thing to go is typically the language, which we know almost happened in Ireland.

Brendan Behan said:
"It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody."

I would hope that this is not the case regarding the Tara Complex. I fully realize that the roads are in great need of improvement/repair, however, paving over the Tara Complex is not acceptable. In the U.S., that would be the same as paving over the Grand Canyon, or any other National treasure. I know that other countries are experiencing this same dilemma, and hope that the citizens of Ireland take to heart the importance of this Sacred site.

I am a protester of this roadway. I am neither disturbed psychologically, nor am I an addict. I do, however, take seriously the need to re-route the M-3. Yes, let the citizens of Ireland enjoy safe roadways, but not at the expense of destroying our history and heritage.


Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch

author by charmedpublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 17:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Susan, you asked in what small way might have matched your contributions from California to save Tara. Well, without sounding off too much - I've written letters. Now the letters weren't "open letters" like yours and though I didn't invoke Goddesses I did do my best to promote the hypothesis that underneath Tara lies a extra-terrestial biological entity (EBE) craft. Strangely people move to ridicule and lambast me when I talk about UFO's under Tara - but it takes all kinds doesn't it? I hope you see we're both on the lunatic fringe, but at least I wear gloves & protective clothing.

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 18:03author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Charmed. I would not ever ridicule your opinion, and I am touched that you do not ridicule mine. Perhaps we are on the lunatic fringe, but whatever little bit either one of us contribute is that much more.

I would be interested in hearing more about your thoughts and theory. You have my e-mail address.


Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch

author by charmingpublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 18:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well Susan, I work for a cross-governmental trans-national research project on EBE contact scenarios & we analyse myths and religious sites with particular attention to those which roughly fall into "taboo" or "totem" categories. Then with a list (that was mostly done in the mid 1960's) we narrow down options of sites on observed resonance - if a contemporary bunch of sensitive and dreamy types (like you) connect through emergent cybernetworks we go do soil samples. There are a number of isotopes we pay particular attention to & you'll be glad to know with practise and such like we've got quite good at whittling down the fluff and identifying no less than 50 sites of true interest worldwide. Now the next bit is hush-hush. We are faced with various options for extraction or occultion & that's where I suppose you'd reckon Opus Dei come in. As I'm sure you remember and noticed that group own a section of land which touches the satelite based imagery which highlights the artificial structure nature of whatever is underneath the skyrne valley & your "otherwordly portal". We generally favour leaving craft in the ground but since 1968 we've had a binding international agreement which allows us to extract EB entities and bring them to one of our facilties where we generally do typical things to them - probe, weigh, electrodes, backrubs and attempt a sort of "simon says" gameplay whilst wearing teflon suits if they're still alive and kicking and if they look completely suspended (we're not good at defining death with ET biology) we stick them in armour plated glass jars and surround them with sub-atomic particle accelerator generated fields (which is quite heavy on the local electricty consumer - but they never notice coz we're shrouded in ridicule and myth and naturally don't exist).

Now you're "resonance and the Goddess" is very interesting to me. It's probably more interesting than you're need to end this thread with a qoute from Bobby Sands. What colour eyes does your Goddess have? Which was your original pantheon of pagan expression? Are you a druidic practioner? what sites have you visited?

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 19:44author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Charming. Your work sounds quite fascinating, and hopefully this is a valid work, or rather should I say, I hope that you are not playing with me :-) I would love to visit any website that documents the studies you are conducting.

As far as sacred sites are concerned, I have physically visited Tara, the Hill of Slaine, Loughcrew, Newgrange, Knowth, Fourknocks, Old Faughert Graveyard, to name a few. I have also visited many monastic sites in Ireland which I believe were built over pagan sites. This year, even though not quite excited about it, I will visit Stonehenge, along with some sites in London town which I am excited about. I will also be visiting some sites of interest in France and the Netherlands.

You speak of resonating with the areas, which I indeed did experience. However, I did not write about resonating. The entry “One More Thing - Opus Dei” was used with kind permission from Ireland's Druid School website and was not written by myself, as you will note at the bottom of the publication on Indymedia.ie.

The quote from Bobby Sands diary is specifically used to make my point, which is, if we stand by and twiddle our thumbs, pretending that nothing is amiss, then we are just as guilty of destruction of this Sacred center and our heritage as the destroyers are themselves.


Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch

author by charmishpublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 20:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

do you need to leave the quote or do we just ^^^^^ point at it? I'd go for less worship of ancestors & more connection with the economic potential a properly exploited resource such the Skrynne valley offers the future Irish pensionfund holder "actually". For as you know amongst the Irish state's backlog of immutable or unchangeable legislation which was sat on Tara & Rossport like a heavy bulldozer (that's british english you say earthmover) we may find the right of the Irish state to quite anonymously sell off whatever is to be found underthat muck. If you get me.

go on stick the quote - it's your thread, your open letter, your invitation to comment. You are doing your bit, please continue. Release all prisoners 1 & 9 associated with Tara!

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sat Aug 11, 2007 21:59author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Charmish. I am delighted that you are delighted :-)

You can point at the quotes or you can read and think about them. They are there as is, and will stay until I feel otherwise.

Hmmm..... and where do you want me to stick the quotes?

I have not spoken of any "Oppressive Alien" culture. Do you mean that I am alien to Ireland? Can you please better define what it is you think that you have read? Worship the Ancestors? It is, rather, in memory of them that I protest. History tells us that not memorializing Ancestors is what has led to the loss of the memory in many traditions and countries.

I am with you on releasing anyone being held in prison who is associated with the Tara protest. Solidarity on this issue is important.


Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sun Aug 12, 2007 00:33author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Charming. It seems that most of what you posted above can be found at the following site:


So, playing is playing, and I am not :-)

It is a sorrowful thing that you took the time to take away from the purpose of this thread, which is to bring further light to the M-3/Tara Complex issue.


Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch


author by charmlesspublication date Sun Aug 12, 2007 01:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

which not only rehashes your now jaded reference to Bobby Sands, but also uses a clearly copyrighted image as support.

You've broken the guidelines. Of course it being the night of Perseid meteor showers & shooting stars most people will be out in the back gardens wishing or trying to catch thier own piece of spirituality and cosmic worth not following your links to wikipedia's x file archive. You see it works like this :-

If no-one comments on your thread, it is forgotten. Your open letter to Bertie Ahern settles down to collect fairy dust and then perhaps he comes back from holidays, and the thought of a might witch of California intervening in the course of a motorway route or sustainable transport option will seem just too quaint to contemplate. But your fairy dust has collected more readers thanks to such interaction that you would now dismiss as trollish than otherwise would have been possible. In each of the comments I left, I not only offered extra information to the casual reader - but also attempted to pry some from you.
Oh well.

I suppose I'm not getting a go on the primitive archetypal stallion thing after all then. But aside from praying to animal gods (sorry goddesses) and writing foreign prime minister's letters via indymedia ireland, do you have any credible proposal for the Tara site's longterm preservation together with a sustainable and much needed transport link to the growing population of the region?

Like a link to our past archive? you know? another article? nothing to do with Bobby Sands - "our politics". Madame Witch. I just can't be bothered to search through the past years for a pithy link for readers right now to see any alternatives to the motorway which are feasible and don't include changing your religion or putting aliens in jars. I wonder after demonstrating your commitment to the material not just your thread - would you feel yet obliged to cover this quotation from Sands which invokes a different goddess to your sentimental mythic crap of horses running on beaches and handcrafted dream catchers of Ibizan authenticity? (Ibiza is in Europe by the way, great paleolithic and phonecian burial chambers and remains).

Oh! - mr Sands! you are invoked.

And while fat dictators sit upon their thrones,
Young children bury their parents' bones,
And secret police in the dead of night,
Electrocute the naked woman out of sight.

In the gutter lies the black man, dead,
And where the oil flows blackest, the street runs red,
And there was He who was born and came to be,
But lived and died without liberty.

As the bureaucrats, speculators and presidents alike,
Pin on their dirty, stinking, happy smiles tonight,
The lonely prisoner will cry out from within this tomb,
And tomorrow's wretch will leave its mother's womb!

go on tell me about Sands & Tara. I'm agog.

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sun Aug 12, 2007 02:16author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Charmless. I am Queen Type O Negative in the art world. I have thousands of images which I have created. If you want my personal website addresses, please let me know. Also, I can send the original file from this computer to the site admins here, if it is necessary.

I am saddened that you feel my reference to Bobby Sands is jaded. I, alas, do not feel the same.

It is fine if no one comments on this thread. I wonder why you continue to bother.

Did I ever mention the term "Witch"? Not once, nor would I, as I do not view myself as such. Merely a follower of the old ways. If Faery dust happens to collect on my thoughts, then so be it. It would be much better than the soiled drivel which is landing on them now.

I do not only publish on Indymedia.ie, I also send my letters to editors of newspapers and magazines, several of which have been published.

To discuss the primitive archetypes of mythology down through the ages would be quite nice, however, once again, I did not write the article to which you refer. It was posted, with kind permission, from the Ireland Druid School website.

I do have ideas about how the M-3 could be re-routed. That will have to wait for another time, perhaps another thread. Or maybe you can take the time to find the link you reference above. You could even send me an e-mail?

I have read much about Bobby Sands, and honor him in memory. He is one of the most recent Ancestors who sacrificed for Ireland and her people.

By the way Charmless, I do not own a dream catcher, never have and never will :-)

Blessings To You And Yours,

Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Sun Aug 12, 2007 02:57author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Charmless, here is a link to the image you accused me of infringement of on an artsite of which I am a member, with my husband Tom. After you view the image, click on the member name (tomandsusan), and you will see the "letter" to Bertie Ahern published in our journal there. Let me know what you think :-)


Kind Thoughts,

Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

Related Link: http://www.google.com/search?q=Bunreacht+na+hEireann&bt...earch

author by Kevin T. Walsh - Social Inclusion and Justice publication date Sun Aug 12, 2007 18:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you for your kind thoughts about my dad and Tara Graveyard. Thanks also for the art link. My friend Kevin has read the postings on this site and now wants to add a few thoughts, which I think you and others will find interesting.


In the year 2007 I wonder now, for the last five years, what motivates the Irish people.

? - Is it Tara and the preservation of our sacred heritage?

Let's see, we have now in Ireland in the region of 110,000 new millionaires. Most of these number jumped up gob.... who see the material life as the beginning and end of all that is important. Sad but true.

In the beginning of this year - January and February, there is a new car being bought on every hour for eight and a half weeks. These cars were exceeding Euros 75,000 and mainly mercedes and sports cars. Well done young Ireland of the Celtic Tiger - yes Well Done!

Oil may run out in 9 years but nobody seems to care. Just as it appears to be about Tara/Skryne. Before the election I had some respect for the Green Party in regard to all areas including wildlife, eco friendly environment, improvements for safety for cyclists on our roads. What happened Mr. GREEN?

John Gormley now a Minister under Bertie's 'Tent' once said in the Dail (on Dail record) 'I deplore the Tent of Power at the Galway Races - Taoiseach. I deplore everything it stands for, the land developers and hoteliers etc' Now, John, what happened in relation to Tara. The word Green becomes very confusing for me so I will go my own road......

Ireland is steeped in History. Ireland and the people were always proud of its complex bloodied history. Tara was held in high esteem in every school child in the 32 counties of Ireland. Money sadly can change peoples' sense of outrage. In the morning, if the Government announced a ban on mercedes and sports cars, in my opinion, there would be over 100,000 (idiots) protesting on the streets - so sadly what has changed is money versus mindset and money won.

Before I close I ask the University Provosts this evening who wear the emblem of advocacy for education, on their shoulders - where are you people now, all of you. Trinity College, UCD, UCG, DCU, Limerick, UCC, Letterkenny, Athlone IT, Jordanstown and Queens University - come out now and show your students your true sense of Morality in relation to our Irish heritage. I have read the writings of many including Dr. Gerald Morgan, Senator David Norris about Tara/Skryne/Gabra. My question is where are the rest? These people who claim high salaries for often unknown research from the taxpayers in Ireland.

Tara to me personally is one of the 4 Provincial heartbeats of Mother Eire. Ireland will need Tara for generations to come but sadly I feel, the next generation will not thank us because the Mercedes has replaced our history. Yet it is only 160 years ago that we heard the cries of hunger along the ditches - Famine Ireland.

What have we evolved into? I am sure the Fairies of the area are most unhappy - maybe even ignored!!! We all should recall from childhood and the stories of our grandmothers' about the powers of the fairies and how not to interfere with the Fairy Forts.

Bertie look out - they might present a pink piggy bank!!!!

Michelle is back - Ireland must realise how easy it has been to destroy our history, culture, mysticism, law but what is suppressed is often redressed in other ways. Ireland significes this - the emigrants, their view of history, the sentiments, the piseogs, the mythology; those who remain who involve themselves in historical societies, Irish groups world wide, through degrees and masters at our universities.

But then let us recall the language of the little people, those who witnessed, saw, and recorded in a verbal tradition another history that is specific to here.

Brehon law is surprisingly intricate and we could learn today from its wisdom.

Druids in the pre-Christian Ireland had a similarly high status. Druids combined the priest, the prophet, the astrologer and teacher of the sons of nobles.

I note the Church have a view about Shannon today.....what a surprise. I never merit a reply ...... then there is Opus Dei, strategically located having purchased the property......let us recall they had the knowledge when the bought the property in the 1970's of its significance.

An learned Judge once said ....... 'Beware of the Vested Interest'

Money determines much today but what about those celestial, artistic, circles, with sagas of times yore........Beware of what would corrupt our history...? the vested interests......(Oil around our coastline).

Kevin has one final question - I ask tonight is corruption legal now.

1. Is Beverly Flynn entitled to be a junior minister with a tax evasion offence and still paying back her court costs for years to come.

2. Bertie's friends - Joe Burke, a member of the Board of the Port Tunnel. Joe is always behind Bertie at Croke Park.
3. Eoghan Harris defends the indefensible and he is publicly rewarded for his abandonment of the medias critical function in holding a taoiseach to account, his nomination to the Seanad is itself a corruption - not my words, Vincent Browne in this months edition of the Village magazine.

I ask all these people now who have made lots of money through Tent .... contacts...including the Bailey Bros who paid back euros 22m in tax arreas.......All of you, return to your roots now, try and regain, some form of morality and try and help the people of Ireland in saving Tara.......

Michelle Clarke
Kevin T. Walsh

author by Susan Repasky - Flicker Light Studiopublication date Mon Aug 13, 2007 02:28author email art at tomandsusan dot usauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Michelle. You are very welcome. The words come straight from my heart, with love and compassion.

Dear Kevin, indeed shame on the lack of moral conscience of Ireland's “government”, shame of the lack of moral conscience of the broader population of the good people of Ireland, and shame of the lack of moral conscience of the “leaders” of the European Union (who also will be receiving more words from me shortly)! What is so very important now, Kevin and Michelle, is that those who are not afraid to use their voice speak out against this travesty which appears to be going ahead, and the impending destruction of the Hill of Tara Complex.

The preservation Tara, our Sacred heritage, and our Ancestral memories do not appear to be in the forefront of the minds of these new millionaires you speak of Kevin. What seems to be important are the tanning salons, the gaming rooms, the fast expensive cars you referred to, dining on food usually seen only in magazines and paying exorbitant prices, and the dream of riches associated with the Celtic Tiger, which is fast becoming more of a living nightmare and hell. When we were last in Ireland in 2006, most of the folks we surveyed (informally of course), weren't even aware of the M-3 motorway construction, and those who did had not formed an opinion.

The fact that oil is “running out” (a manufacture of the World governments I believe) globally is immaterial to most of these good people of Ireland, who appear to only be able to see from one day to the next, trying to wring as much vacuous entertainment and empty joy out of this life that they can. Riots in the streets over the ban of vehicles! Now, that's quite a vision, and one that could easily come to life if the good people are not made aware!! Quite like the general population of the U.S., where SUV/Hummer fever is rampant, even while we are at a crisis stage with oil. Apparent zombies staggering through life with no conscious thought or whim of what the future will hold or bring to our children and grandchildren.

On the matter of John Gormley. From what I understand, he was opposed to the construction of the M-3 motorway prior to his winning the election. His behavior is inexcusable and his reasoning unacceptable for not protecting the Lismullen Henge and other parts of the Tara Complex from destruction. I do not believe him when he states that his hands are tied, and that he must allow the decision of Dick Roche to stand. I will, as stated earlier, be drafting a letter to him in the next few days.

The most recent bloody battle, The Easter Rising, seems to have faded from the memory of the good people of Ireland. The heroes who sacrificed during that campaign, during the battle of 1793, and during the hunger strikes in Northern Ireland have long since become ghosts of another time and era. To ask the educators and researchers of the island, those who are generously funded by the good people of Ireland, to stand up and be counted amongst those who advocate education is not without value. Kevin, we must all stand together to win the island back from those seeking to amass millions of dollars through the greed of these vast and destructive infrastructure schemes.

Yes, the generations in the future will sorely lose out on the beauty and magick of the heart of Ireland, Tara, if this road continues. Sure, some of the complex will be left, but the valley will be scarred, the air and water will be polluted, and the Spirit will be left sorrowful. The voices of those in times past will haunt the hillsides and the vales, broken hearted, singing of "The Dew Of Dear Tara".

Tara is the heartbeat of the island, the Sacred Center, and the source of her spirituality. How unfortunate that the good people of the island would choose to trade that for material possessions and ease. I understand the mundane, as regards making a living. I am a Mother of three and Grandmother of five. I know the basic daily needs, and I know the wants of life as well. I also know that beyond this realm, beyond this thing we call life, is the Spirit, and to me, this is what is vitally important for all. Indeed, may all of the good people of Ireland pay heed to the stories of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers! My Grandparents and Parents told me the stories and history, I told my children the stories and history, and I am one Grandmother who will recant the stories of old to my grandchildren. Hopefully one day they and my children will travel to the land of their Ancestors, and let us pray that they will be able to bask in the glory and wonder that is the Sacredness of Ireland that has been given a reprieve from this destruction.

I stand with Kevin and Michelle saying to all of you, return to your roots now, regain the pride and love of Ireland that is your heritage, find again the magick of the land! Help the good people of Ireland in saving Tara, the Gabhra Valley, and the entire island for the future of us all!


Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky

“I have always taken a lesson from something that was told me by a sound man, that is, that everyone, Republican or otherwise, has his own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.” Bobby Sands – March 9, 1954 to May 5, 1981.

"It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish Nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage." (Article 2, Constitution of the Republic of Ireland.)

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A View Of Gabra Valley
A View Of Gabra Valley

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