The Westminister Address
Yesterday, Mr Ahern, Taoiseach of the Island of Ireland hung his coat upon the
nail and addressed the Joint houses of the UK Government.
Many Irish have refused to take those seats,[ though some get the pay].
An Irish Countess was the first woman MP. The first plebian Taoiseach
of the globalised world has aspired to the world of the Hello! monarchy.
How proud we all are this morning, to see this Island alliance of the worst scoundrel
in Irish leadership terms, with the purveyor of UK /S alliance, who through his
alleigance to Mr Bush has perverted international rules of Justice, taken part
in an illegal war and split the EU.
And whilst many would be confused by Mr Ahern's Republican fetish and lack
of political principle , many cringe at his lifestyle and florid daughters,his
insistence on accomodating the lowest common denominator in his cabinet
and refusal to face with courage the problems of globalisation.
The election cannot come soon enough!
There is but one question regarding his day- was the tea he drank presented in
a china cup?
There are many cultural differences betwen the people of Ireland and the people
of Britain, we share a bastard tongue and a colonial history, but we do not
share in any terms a literary or cultural history nor do we share a world view
that has any similarity. Geographically and historically our alliances are
not with colonisers and people of war.
What a disgusting exhibition of ignorance and lack of historical understanding
displayed in Ahern and his toady cabinet of liars and thieves.