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The Right Versus The Privilege to Bear Arms

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Thursday April 19, 2007 21:13author by blonde haired bar worker - (ipsiphi) but you don't need to know that. u can ignore it now. Report this post to the editors

Without the right to bear arms almost a hundred years ago the Irish Republican Brotherhood would have found their strategy for Irish Independence somewhat more challenging. As we know many militia were present in Ireland at the point in our history. As for Ireland the universal right to bear arms which had first been codified in "modern law" as a privilege by the British Bill of Rights in 1689 facilitated insurrection, rebellion, revolution & held the forces of oppression in check throughout the world. The whole world. Not the bit you see in the movies or can send an email to.
know your liberties before it is too late
know your liberties before it is too late

Then in the last 4 generations our right to bear arms was completely suppressed in European society. It is a core right - which like most rights becomes a privilege when it is refused any minority. Despite the didactic work of Michael Moore many people ignorantly still believe that the only large or federated state which upholds the right to bear arms is the USA. Since the Bill of Rights of the USA which are the first amendments to their constitution in 1798 US citizens have had that right & its obvious incumbent responsibilities. But so also did Canada and Mexico. Without that right the EZLN would not have kept the federal army at check when the Mexican Federation attempted to exert dominion over Chiapas. No right to bear arms - No Marcus.

Any rash decision forged on manipulation by the Global Psychological Complex to further restrict the right or privilege to bear arms in the USA will have immediate domino effect on the other states where such a right is vital to the most oppressed in that hemisphere.

We are not going to let that happen. So for the moment we on the left are lining up with Charlton Heston (whom you may see in the illustration). He did Moses and he might have as rumoured sat down to tea with the KKK. But we can't say he did - merely repeat the rumour and insinuation of the afore-mentioned didactic product " Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore.

Mentioning the KKK on a leftist or libertarian site such as our own ought see the Black Panthers introduced. The last adjustment by the Federal Government (which came to its power during the Roosevelt solution to the Great Depression, Famine and Agri-economic collapse of the USA in the 1930's) was made in response to the Black Panthers & others (including the Weathermen) using their right to bear arms and form militia to challenge oppression and class or state dominion within the US homeland.

Thereafter the type and quality of arms which could be borne publically or concealed by US citizens regardless of gender, ethnicity or class was restricted by the same power block who though "NRA sympathizers" then as now - were happy to hobble an opposition movement. I am of course making reference to the Carlyle group central to the Global Commodities and Hydro-Carbon and Arms complex led by own Bush klan.
This evening a respected psychologist on the European academic circuit quipped during a brief conversation on the scare-mongering of American media and the obvious pathology of its so called gun-culture that the obvious step for men or women in positions such as his in employment in US universities is to learn how to shoot back.

That might not be the best solution till we screen all academic staff and weed out the sociopaths or psychopaths who may nurse delusions of symbolic terrorist drama & think for some unfathomable reason they're either Satan or Jesus.

These are "the bills of rights" which are generally considered to be if not the corner stones of Liberty and Libertarianism -

The British bill of rights allowed the protestant ascendancy - for centuries later it proved together with the Scottish Claim on Right of the same year a legal precedent within the imperial structure for the oddities of the University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin) calender. Without such privileges the IRB would have taken TCD in 1916 and removed one obstacle to cross-Dublin military control. But I bore you. Double bore you. Lock - stock and automatic bore you.

A wikipedia guide to the Right to bear Arms. though not a utterly complete treatment on the subject a quick perusal of the material will assist you stop the bleating of well-intentioned lberals especially in Europe who would now strip the poor of the USA of one of their core remaining privileges with appalling domino effect.

We're not going to let that happen. Because it won't help us evolve. If guns aren't really your thing - & you're shocked by libertarians on the left arguing their continued presence in society then check out today's wikipedia feature Charles Darwin. it will only be there today vut if you want to see a photo of the man without a big beard go here
We are going to evolve. We are not going to destroy our planet and hand it over to simians complete with science, religiosity and carbine rifles.

For those who would cry "it is not bleating" a massacre has occured because of the US gun-culture - I would simply ask "how many massacres have been stopped by the deterrent of arms in US history?" & then remind you it is the so called "culture of gun use" combined with the pathology of general US society and the effects of its Global Psychological complex which cause the problems you worry about. As Michael Moore helped suggest long ago - make the ammunition more expensive.

Finally I would counsel all Irish readers in the USA, diasporia or homeland - that the 21st century brit project has no place for arms.

This is an "other press" article - it might have easily been an "opinion analysis" article. But an "other press" article requires a decent weighty link. Portland Indymedia in Oregon State USA - today's feature article has a look at "arms control". I honestly don't know where or how to section it. That's why the editors are excellent. We don't need to read US news & thoughts so much but US people won't go far wrong reading ours.

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author by iosafpublication date Sun Apr 06, 2008 14:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As an actor he was Moses, Ben Hur, Genghis Khan, the only human who served Planet of the Apes, El Cid, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Antony from Antony & Cleopatra, Gideon & Abe Lincoln - and he also played another fictional US president too.

He was very polite to Michael Moore about the gun thing, all things considered (like him quite probably being a not too far in the closet kkk head). Mr Moore had wanted to talk to him at the end of the documentary "Bowling for Columbine" because after his 2000 acceptance speech for being awarded a rifle by the NRA his defiant slogan sort of went down in history & has entered our popular culture. Many people say "from my cold dead hands!" when expressing obstinacy or resolution on a whole range of issues. Passing a joint for example.

So there you go.

You may see him play Moses, God or other Biblical characters in the usual telly film repeat tributes or indeed telly stations might be ironic & show you "Bowling for Columbine". His death though offers a chance to ping this article. & if you don't like it or can't put it in its proper context (reaction to the Vtech shooting by that poor troubled land with the coldsores) then you can have a look at a picture of him here with that other wonderful line "oh no they did it!" when coming across the statue of liberty up to its tits in beach.

The article though was a serious one & was intended to make more than one point (the right to bear arms under the US constitution). It's most important element was the cautionary note that when rights are refused any sections of the community or society they cease to be rights. They become privileges. It goes for guns, it goes for loads of things.

author by William Kilgorepublication date Sun Apr 06, 2008 16:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Linking Charlton Heston to theKu Klux Klan is preposterous and outragious. The lateHeston was one of the few white American actors who during the 1960 participated in civil rights activities..

And for good and valid arguments in favour of 2nd Amendment rights, not just in the U.S., but worldwide, check link below

Related Link:
author by iosafpublication date Mon Apr 07, 2008 13:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The links between the NRA & the KKK have been made a thousand times, were made in the "bowling for columbine" documentary and even by the "south park" animators. The year the KKK was illegalised the NRA began with the same prominent members.

but like Whatever! I'm sure you're right about old Moses. Anyone who could play such a memorable part in "Planet of the Apes" obviously had a well considered agenda on race relations in the USA at the time, or maybe he was merely taking a good part inspired by one of Arthur F. Clarke's miserable failures at futurology that by the 1990's we'd all have monkey servants.

Anyway - for good arguments on not allowing liberals to end the right to bear arms in the USA and a domino effect of that hemisphere & Latin America, I recommend reading my article above.

author by A10publication date Mon Apr 07, 2008 21:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Proves you wrong..The NRA was founded two years before the KKK.And this nonsense is just purpoted by Fat man Moore in his opinionary Blowing hard for Columbine.Not that Fat boy could be botherd doing any research anyway.

author by iosafpublication date Tue Apr 08, 2008 23:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

if you're going to say I'm wrong provide some evidence.

"the National Rifle Association, or NRA, is a non-profit group for the promotion of firearm ownership rights, marksmanship, firearm safety, and the protection of hunting and self-defense in the United States, established in New York in 1871 as the American Rifle Association"

"The Civil Rights Act of 1871, also known as the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, is an important federal statute in force in the United States. Several of its provisions still exist today as codified statutes, but the most important still-existing provision is 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The Act was originally enacted a few years after the American Civil War, along with the 1870 Force Act."

author by A10publication date Wed Apr 09, 2008 00:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The KKK ACT of 1871 is the same year the NRA was founded.

Trouble is dear Isoaf the KKK had been existance since the end of the civil war 1865.1866 to be precise,when it was founded by ex confederate officers intent on keeping white supremercy. The NRA was founded by two Northern Union officers,who were displeased with the inaccurateshooting of their conscripted men.
The fact that the KKK act was in 1871 has nothing factually to do with the NRA.
The act is a suppression act of the KKK.Unless of course you belived the KKK was an offically enacted body by US parliment???????
Proof enough for you or do you just want to keep beliving a fat man liberal bullshitter movie maker,who fits facts to fit his own stupisity and who was even disowned by his own in Hollywood??

author by iosafpublication date Wed Apr 09, 2008 14:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

spitting tobacco I do believe my honourable friend, A10 has misread my comment & thinks instead I believe the KKK and the NRA were founded in the same year - or that the initial laws to end the KKK were binding throughout the union or that this continuing filibustering* accusations of know-nothingism* further clear the good name of Charlton Heston.

[** ]

author by Historianpublication date Wed Apr 09, 2008 14:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Afraid A10 is right on this one. KKK suppression legislation and the founding of the NRA have absolutely nothing to do one another. Indeed I would imagine that the principals in either organisation would have happily used one anothers rifles on the other.

The NRA makes a perfectly valid case in favour of the right to gunownership and the right to self defence. A factor which has been attributed by leading US criminologists to deterring a significant amount of crime. Indeed, in this country had Padraig Nally not had a legally held weapon he would have been robbed, assaulted and perhaps worse. To be honest I cannot understand the left's objection to people defending themselves against criminals. If they also supported a tough stance by the state against criminals there might be some logic in their argument but of course they do not.

author by iosafpublication date Wed Apr 09, 2008 21:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You obviously haven't read the article. In which I pointed out the tantamount importance of a the right to bear arms to groups such as the black panthers in the USA or the EZLN and Zapatistas in Mexico.

author by Barrypublication date Thu Apr 10, 2008 02:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In the Planet of the Apes the monkeys had guns and humans did not , ergo monkeys kicked human ass whenever they felt like it and there wasnt much humans could do about it but cower and go " urk" . Charlton also snogged a chimpanzee woman who was a pacifist . But even she was more powerful than charlton because all her buddies had guns and charltons buddies just went " urk"

Charlton heston was among the very first notables to rally to Dr Kings side in the 1960s , I cannot accept any KKK link or inference and believe it does the man a great injustice ..
In my opinion a lot of good people with good guns will do a lot of good in the world .

author by iosafpublication date Thu Apr 10, 2008 14:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

was Heston right wing enough to merit the "probably sat down to tea with the KKK" slur?

".......long active in politics, Heston was of rigorously conservative persuasion, though – like his great friend Ronald Reagan – he had begun his involvement in politics as a moderate Democrat who campaigned for Adlai Stevenson, voted for John F Kennedy in 1961 and attended Martin Luther King's march on Washington. In later life, however, he made no bones about his position. “Yep, today I am about as Right-wing as a man can be,” he proudly told The Daily Telegraph's Jan Moir in 1999. “They don't come any more Right-wing than me.” He supported the Gulf War and opposed both a nuclear freeze and any moves to curtail the individual's right to bear firearms. Six times president of the Screen Actors Guild, he fought long and bitter battles with the liberal comedian Ed Asner over what he saw as attempts to politicise the union......."

how gay was Ben Hur?

"......The veteran director William Wyler cast him in Ben-Hur after a successful collaboration the previous year in the Western The Big Country — a pacifist allegory that became a classic of its kind. Ben-Hur was a huge box-office success and a multiple Oscar-winner, including an award for Heston as best actor of the year. In 1996 his performance in this film came back to haunt him in a squabble with the writer Gore Vidal, who worked on the script without screen credit. Vidal insisted that he had written the relationship between Ben-Hur and the Roman centurion Messala to imply that they had once been homosexual lovers. Stephen Boyd, who played Messala, and Wyler were said to be privy to this coded sub-text but Heston, by virtue of his known puritanism, was kept in the dark. Heston rejected the notion but the film is at least ambiguous on this score......."

how aware of his own parodic status was he to become?

".....Most of his later appearances on the big screen were in cameos where he played versions of himself or parodies of the characters he had created; most (such as Wayne's World 2) made much of his lack of humour for comic effect. His final role was as Joseph Mengele in a little-seen picture from 2003. [ My Father, Rua Alguem 5555 ]....... "

& Michael Moore?

" 2002 [Heston] walked out, mid-interview, of an appearance in Michael Moore's documentary Bowling for Columbine, when the NRA was accused of insensitivity in staging its annual conference just after the massacre at a high school. Heston later complained that Moore had ambushed him unfairly......"

I love "Daily Telegraph" obituaries. They rock. Their best one ever was for Nico the singer of Velvet Underground fame. Which I will paraphrase from memory, it's cruel irony had me rolling on the floor in giggles. (...."after being a notorious heroin user for most of her life, Christa Päffgen [Nico] finally abandoned the habit for the healthier option of regular bicycle rides through Ibiza. She fell off her bike three weeks later and thus died"......)

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