They are still a bit too fjordish without the sides for my liking. And in this way I am very Irish, we have never settled much below a certain latitude. There's a bunch of welsh cymru speakers in patagonia who never got a silly flag from London and are for all said respected members of the very diverse Argentinian people.
So the Malvinas aren't your fault (if you're Irish) and they're not the Argentinians fault. But the blame thing won't bring back the dead.
The Argentine state wants the Malvinas back.
Hugo Chavez is all on for it.
Most latin american press are picking up an opinion piece in "The Guardian" which argued the Argentine right to have them back. They're not Irish and they're not Welsh. Trained monitors have watched network tv and downloaded political opinion from the USA "all through the night". The americans are making no claims on another bunch of islands they couldn't draw. (it's the fjordishness)
We're beginning to narrow the whole imperial thing down a bit.
unfortuanately the chap who wrote this comment thing for the engish newspaper tried to dump it (he says) - So...
we're beginning to realise they never really wanted the whole imperial thing - it just happens on them - can't get out of it - even if they try.,,204798....html