Galway - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
International Women's Day Events, Galway
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Saturday March 03, 2007 09:36 by Margaretta D'Arcy - Women in Media & Entertainment margaretta at iol dot ie
Implement UN Resolution 1325
Campaign to lobby Ambassadors on the UN in order to obtain the implementation of UN Resolution 1325, that women must be accorded their rightful share in all conflict-solving negotiations and post-war compensation/restitution issues.
International Women’s Day Events
Galway, Thursday 8th March
organized by Women in Media & Entertainment & Radio Pirate Woman
1 pm – 6pm: top of Shop Street, outside Brown Thomas. Information stall, petition and open speakout to get UN to implement Resolution 1325. This resolution states that women must be accorded their rightful share in all conflict-solving negotiations and post-war compensation/restitution issues.
7 pm – 9 pm: Radio Pirate-Woman Party for women’s phone-in to UN Ambassadors, to call for implementation of Resolution 1325 by the UN Security Council, and a linkup with other women’s radio stations across the globe. At 10 St Bridget’s Place Lower, Woodquay (wheelchair access, children welcome.) French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese speakers needed!
For more info, contact Margaretta D’Arcy, 10 St Bridget’s Place Lower. 091.565430.
John Bruton, Irish Ambassador to the UN, & to Dermot Ahern TD, Minister for Foreign Affairs
"We ask that UN Resolution 1325 be implemented as a matter of urgency. It states that women must be accorded their rightful share in all combat-solving negotiations and post-war compensation – bearing in mind that women and children make up the greatest number of victims of war, and grassroots women carry the greatest burden of rebuilding war-torn society. The NGO women’s groups should deal directly with the Security Council to discuss how the resolution can be implemented.
Let the Women of the World confront the Nations of the World."
Petition sent in by Women in Media & Entertainment
(with consultative status at the UN, ESOC), 10 St Bridget’s Place Lower, Galway, Ireland.
phone: 091 565430 e-mail: [email protected]
Simplified version of UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security prepared by the International Women’s Tribune Centre
1.Increase the number of women at decision-making levels in national, regional and international
institutions involved in preventing, managing, and resolving conflicts.
2.Increase participation of women at decision-making levels in conflict resolution and
peace processes.
3.Provide women candidates from a regular-updated, centralized roster for appointment as special
representatives and envoys to facilitate the appointment of more women in these positions.
4.Expand the numbers and roles of women in UN field operations, such as military observers,
civilian police,human rights and humanitarian personnel.
5.Ensure that a gender component is included in field peacekeeping operations.
6.Provide training guidelines and materials on (1) the protection, rights, and needs of women,
(2) the importance of involving women in peacekeeping and peace-building measures,
and (3) HIV/AIDS awareness in national training programs for military police, civilian police and civilian
peacekeeping personnel.
7.Increase voluntary financial, technical and logistical support for gender-sensitive training.
8.Adopt a gender perspective when negotiating & implementing peace agreements in areas like:
•Special needs of women and girls during repatriation and resettlement and for rehabilitation,
reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction.
•Support local women's peace initiatives and indigenous processes for conflict resolution and
involve women in all of the peace agreement implementation mechanisms.
•Ensure the protection of and respect for human rights of women and girls, particularly relating
to the constitution, electoral system, the police and judiciary.
9.Respect international law regarding the rights and protection of women and girls, especially
as civilians, during armed conflicts.
10.Take special measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, particularly
rape and other forms of sexual abuse and violence in situations of armed conflict.
11.Put an end to impunity and prosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity,
war crimes,including those relating to sexual and other violence against women and girls,
and exclude these crimes from amnesty provisions.
12.Respect the civilian and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements and,
in their design, take into account the particular needs of women and girls.
13.Consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants in the planning for disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration and take into account the needs of their dependants.
14.Give consideration to the potential impact of UN Charter Article 41 on the civilian population,
keeping in mind appropriate humanitarian exemptions and the special needs of women.
15.Ensure the Security Council missions take into account gender considerations
and the rights of women, including through consultations with local and international women's groups.
16.Conduct a study on (1) the impact of armed conflict on women and girls, (2) the role of women
in peace-building and (3) the gender dimensions of peace processes and conflict resolutions.
Submit the results to the Security Council and make the study available to all UN Member States.
17.Report progress to the Security Council on gender main-streaming throughout peacekeeping
missions and all other aspects relating to women and girls.
Adopted by the UN Security Council at its 4213th meeting, on 31 October 2000.
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Comments (4 of 4)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4How many left wing groups and organisations have a women's information
a gender selection requirment?
a gender equity balance in decision-making groups?
Celebrate women's day by recognising that many workers in many
organisations are women but it does not translate into power in accessing
council/td seats.
Solidarity margaretta!
It is time we realised the value of women's contributions to our society
and appointed women officers to all levels of policy on the left in this state.
Personally, I'd prefer that political parties promote women and push towards a 50-50 of both sexes represented in elections.
Gender is a different issue, and frankly, not always relevant to elections.
one would enquire why our democratic systems do not include women.
being enfranchised means that as a democratic society the 'rules', laws
and decisions are made in Ireland by one half of the demographic
for the whole of society.
Women's contribution is of little value to the political theorists.
Yet we are the biggest consumers.
The main carers.
The people manipulated by media in the pre-election vote grab.
and a lot of us who did not vote for many years may just protest vote this time
round, it would be useful if the campaigns across the country selected
women for the franchise.
so we could put our 'X' beside the relevant box- however, otherwise
the estabished parties will get it. and that would be a fuck up.
Back to the childer and making the tae.
Israel has refused travel permission once again to a woman who would've spoken here as part of the International Women's Day. Yet Bertie makes grand speeches today in favour of Women's Day and all the rest of it; but will take no hand, act or part in protesting to Israel about its activities against Palestinians.