Prodi's pro-NATO Government Falls In Italy
The story below explains why a member of the italian Senate. Franco Turigliatto, refused to vote for the Romano Prodi Government.
The leadership of Rifondazione, the Refounded Communist Party, is threatening to expel Franco from the PRC.
You can email solidarity greetings to Franco Turigliatto - details are at the link
The rightwing behaviour of the Rifondazione leadership is a warning to Irish elected representatives positioned on the left who leave the door open to coalition with rightwing parties and implementation of a neoliberal agenda.
The story below explains why a member of the italian Senate. Franco Turigliatto, refused to vote for the Romano Prodi Government.
The leadership of Rifondazione, the Refounded Communist Party, is threatening to expel Franco from the PRC.
You can email solidarity greetings to Franco Turigliatto - details are at the link
The rightwing behaviour of the Rifondazione leadership is a warning to Irish elected representatives positioned on the left who leave the door open to coalition with rightwing parties and implementation of a neoliberal agenda.