Film screening & community discussion
Thursday 22 February, 8pm – 10.30 pm
Alcock & Brown Hotel
The GM-free Ireland Network cordially invites you to a screening of the film The Future of Food, which examines the negative impacts of genetically modified (GM) food and farming. The film will be followed by a community discussion about the campaign to declare Co. Galway a GMO-free zone, facilitated by Michael O'Callaghan (Co-ordinator, GM-free Ireland Network).
Patented GM seeds and crops can never be recalled after their release and would contaminate our ecosystem and food chain in perpetuity. Contaminated famers may be sued for patent infringement and lose ownership of their seeds and crops. Our Government is determined to legalise their cultivation this year, even though there is no market for GM food in Europe. This policy would have negative legal and economic impacts on our farm, food and tourist sectors – and on the health of present and future generations – for thousands of years to come. Under EU law, stakeholders who will be affected by such a policy have a legal right to participate in its formulation.
This film screening and discusion present an opportunity for you to inform yourself about this issue, and find out how to stand up for your democratic legal right to protect Co. Galway from the GMO invasion.
Who should attend:
TDs, County and Town Councillors, journalists, landowners, conventional and organic farmers, foresters, food producers, food retailers, restaurateurs, hoteliers, tourism operators, golf course owners, fishermen, anglers, gardeners, health professionals, students and consumers.
Admission free. All are welcome.
Please be on time at 8 pm.
Terry Conroy (in Clifden) • 095 30671 • 086 378 1306
Michael O’Callaghan, GM-free Ireland • (0404) 43 885 • 087 799 4761