Three major political f***-ups
The above photographed men have tried and failed to talk themselves
out of a corner in relation to domestic and foreign political scandal
in the course of the last four years.
Their leader, whom some refer to as the 'Teflon Taoiseach' is still at
large. He is recognisable by his very sensible shoes and the reek
of male cosmetic products.
He is not considered dangerous at the present time.
suspect number 1:- caused a general election by signing a deal with the Catholic
Church by which the church were only indemified to 1/10 of the damages done
to Irish children in the care of that instituion.
The crime of an early general election resulted in him getting a back bench job.
Last seen:- June 2nd 2006 :- chairing the Criminal Law (sexual offences bill)
drafted by
Person Number 2:-
Last seen surrounded by adoring photographers and rabid opposition.
They opposition object to the closure of the Mahon Tribunal as it is too
expensive. [please ask Martin Cullen TD about wasted money]
Person Number three:- Blaming the EU for allowing 'extraordinary rendition flights'
through Irish air space.
[Last seen in the far east having a cup of tea.]
The usual suspects are not charged with any crime [yet] but are considered
both stupid and unfortunate in their imbecility.
If followed closely they may reveal the lair of their leader.
Mr Bertie Ahern, whose teflon is definitely rubbing off in the persistent and
abominable scandals that have seen a generation of Irish kids done out
of their heritage, their rights to freedom, education and health care.
We suspect that they will be taking to soap boxes to fight a general election based
on inequality and mass media- manipulation.
They will not be found in:
Family Planning clinics.
Budget holiday centres.
national schools.
Social Welfare Offices.
Emergency hospital departments
or Morgues.