Irish through travel,cooking, dance,history, sport, film
Cead Cainte sa Chlub - A day long Irish language immersion experience, for everyone from complete beginners to very fluent speakers, events on the day will include sessions on travel, cooking, dancing, history, sport and film shorts
(based on immersion courses which work wonders for daltaí na Gaeilge worldwide)
9 am - 6 p.m. All day Saturday, 17 February
includes Breakfast and Lunch (and dinner if you wish) places in Irish-lang. creche. adults €35, students, OAP €25 kids €15
An Club, downstairs, 6 Harourt St. (and all of house on this day), Dublin 2
more info. 087-2583067
Beidh Cead Cainte ar feadh lae ag Uimh8ir a 6 Sr. Fhearchair, BÁC 2
ar feadh an lae ar an Satharn 17 Feabhra
Beidh deis do gach duine, idir óg agus sean, glan tosaitheoirí agus sár-chainteoirí i dtumadh go huile is go hiomlán i nGaeilge.
Beidh 6 Sráid Fhearchair uilig lán le himeachtaí faoi thaisteal, cócaireacht, damhsa, ceol, stair, spórt, gearrscannáin
17 Feabhra
9 am - 6 pm
Bricfeasta, lón agus bronntanais san áíreamh Costas: Daoine fásta €35, micléinn agus seánóirí €25, páistí €15
Tuilleadh eolais 087-2583067