Saving for a new house.
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politics / elections |
Saturday February 03, 2007 10:22
by John mcDermott -

Throw out the boots and fill the box with cash.!
35 million euros missing from Black Bart Aherns shoebox in St Lukes.! Consumer Protection Bill passed into law.!
its the taxpayers he has bitten though.!
Maura Magahy , twinned with Monica (Lewinsky) Leech.?
Another consultancy contract worth 400,000 euros per annum for the sweet Maura, in "Digital Hub" fiasco.

Berties old boot in the shoebox in St Lukes.
"The lessons to be learned from the 2Digital Hub Fiasco" experience, with the benefit of 20:20 vision, are being carefully considered, including the findings of the PAC," Mr Ahern said in a statement.
The Consumer Protection Bill will formally establish the "National Consumer Agency" quango according to Enterprise minister Michael Martin. Elections will be outlawed, due to the dishonesty which is characteristic of these campaigns, and Mr Ahern will remain in office indefinitely, to protect the rights of the irish consumer.
Under the bill, a wide range of activities will be made illegal, including:
*Making false or misleading claims about any future situation regarding houses, schools, roads railways, toll bridges, hospitals,and so forth, by any government minister or spokesperson, attached to any political party.
*Persistent, unwanted calling of consumers, by telephone, doorstep canvassing, deceptive leaflets circulated by post or personally by political party activists.
*Operating election competitions that require the consumer to cast a vote thereby jeapordising his future financial security and exposing him to a new raft of stealth taxes instead of the prizes promised beforehand.
*Claiming that a politician can cure an illness or malformation, when the public health system is in tatters,people are dying daily for lack of treatment, and he clearly cannot.
The bill will also ban certain types of advertising(such as "National Development Schemes") aimed at low I.Q. voters who could be massaged and deceived by political opportunists and highly paid "spin doctors".
Mr Martin said the NCA would give consumers a very strong voice.He assured them that party loyalists such as Celia Larkin would be there to protect them at all times. he also said there was a need for consumers themselves to become "more assertive" and demand that dodgy and incompetent politicians respect the citizens right to turf them out of office once every 5 years.
The legislation will now go before the Oireachtas, and the minister said he hoped it would be enacted before the Dáil recess at Easter.
You and I, are the people who have the power to run this country.We can change everything.We have the power to vote any party out of government.Even if you feel that going to the polls next June, will change nothing-will simply replace one oppressor with another-you are wrong.! The media now have a duty to persuade every indifferent citizen to exercise his fundamental right-nay, his definite duty- to play his part in the re-birth of the irish nation, come June 2007.

The Soldiers of destiny road show